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UND vs. UW


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Use the side door and know somebody who is working. I threw one on the ice at the Ralph a while back. Nothing like a frozen badger carcass sliding across the ice.

I wish o coulda come across a few small ones id have gotten thwn up there but no luck this year........

I remember being a young kid with frozen gophers in the pockets but never remember dad or I bringing a big badger

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I wish o coulda come across a few small ones id have gotten thwn up there but no luck this year........

I remember being a young kid with frozen gophers in the pockets but never remember dad or I bringing a big badger

It's a two man job for sure to get it over the glass and sliding out far enough so everyone can see

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It's a two man job for sure to get it over the glass and sliding out far enough so everyone can see

Gotta use the two hand two back leg hammer toss style fling but almost impossible to not be sen and ejected after that .

Would have been great to see a furry dead pile sliding acros the ice after the scrum at the end of the second.

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Gotta use the two hand two back leg hammer toss style fling but almost impossible to not be sen and ejected after that .

Would have been great to see a furry dead pile sliding acros the ice after the scrum at the end of the second.

The key to not getting caught is to do it during the visiting team intro when the lights are low

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I told a friend yesterday that this doesn't feel like much of a rivalry series anymore. In recent years there hasn't been much to keep the flame burning like there has been with Minnesota and Denver (big matchups at the Final Five and/or NCAA regionals, hard fought series in the regular season).

Maybe things will pick up again with the Sioux-Gopher rivalry going on hiatus.

Do you want to rescind that statement now? :)

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I understand that a coach is upset after a loss, but man, Eaves seems like a total jerkoff to, who I imagine, are his own reporters.

Interesting...you can hear Katie interviewing Hak in the background (loud and clear, by the way!). You'd think they wouldn't be in the same place for these interviews in case anything got heated during the game.

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I've run into the guy at the golf course after an event and found him to be very engaging. He was on his way out after what was probably a long day and was very gracious--introduced his wife by name and seemed very willing to talk to a self disclosed Sioux fan. He may be a jerk, but he sure wasn't at that time. (no, not drunk) Of course, he wasn't coming off an arse kicking at the hands of his worst enemy either. :)

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This is a little late but thought everyone would get a kick out of it. I was a few rows up from the benches on Saturday, and when things got heated, one of the bucky players (didn't catch who) grabbed a water bottle and squirted the crowd, or probably was aiming at someone that may have been heckling the bench. Security got there real quick. I called Cary Eades but he said he couldn't get there :lol:

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I barely considered this a rivalry anymore it has been so quiet, almost boring the last few years. Not saying it's better for the game when you have guys coming off the bench to fight and arguing with the crowd among other things, but after watching these two games it brings Bucky right back towards the top, just a hair below Denver and Minnesota, on the most-hated list.

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