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North Dakota vs Manitoba - gameday


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Quick observations:

~Fluky goals. I thought the goalies looked pretty good.

~Rowney-Parks (hope he's not hurt too badly)-MacMillan looked pretty good. Rowney is a beast.

~Kristo the number one star....pretty easy to see.

~Lots of promise from the Freshman. I liked Drake on the top line. Looked like he belonged there.

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I think our D looked shaky but that is too be expected I bet that will change with Berry coaching them during practices.. I thought Saunders and Gothberg did alright in their own right though. Too bad Tate couldn't get some icetime though.

Definitely think MacWilliam's presence on the blueline is being missed right now. His return after serving his suspension will be greatly appreciated.

As for Parks, didn't look good but I hope he doesn't miss too much time.

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Good lord,

with all due respect....and I mean all due respect,..

Dan hammer is the worst most boring worthless waste of Fargo trash tv announcer I've ever heard.

Terrible just terrible, creates the atmosphere of a dental waiting room for the viewer....coudnt tell if it was a sioux game or a class A girls basketball game.

He has as much business being involved in a hockey game as a volleyball.

Just a thought.

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Good lord,

with all due respect....and I mean all due respect,..

Dan hammer is the worst most boring worthless waste of Fargo trash tv announcer I've ever heard.

Terrible just terrible, creates the atmosphere of a dental waiting room for the viewer....coudnt tell if it was a sioux game or a class A girls basketball game.

He has as much business being involved in a hockey game as a volleyball.

Just a thought.

Agree 100%- that broadcast was bush league all the way...bring back Sweeney and "Oh Baby" Howard

It was actually embarrassing. The hoakiness of the old crew was endearing. This new crew acts like they are first class, and really they are just minor league.

Note to UND and NCHC- DO NOT GO WITH THIS "B-SQUAD" TV CREW. I am just embarrassed and really disappointed in them

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Super impressed with: Danny, Knight, Rocco, MacMillan, Rowney, Forbert, Saunders

impressed with: St Clair, Parks (please be minor injury), Pattyn, Caggiula (was quietly where he needed to be all night)

Saunders and Gothberg both looked like they'd been there before....minus Zane's assist on the third goal. :lol:

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My thoughts:

Dan Hammer was pretty boring to listen to on "Midco Sports Network." I had the webcast on and coming back from commercial breaks he and Kober along with production were off every time when the game would resume. As a broadcast, they have to do a better job overall. I hope Dan Hammer, Kober, and Katie O' Keefe(sp) (she was fine) took some notes and regroup for next week. The production of the broadcast needs to get much better! One positive, obviously the power-play and penalty kill game clock (a nice change, we knew midco sports network was going to provide that). ;)

On the Sioux, I mean UND team:

Drake looked good on the top line. He looks like a great skater and has flashes of being a really good player. I was impressed by his play. The RPM (Rowney, Parks, and McMillian) is a force of a line and should be dominate this year. Let's hope Parks injury isn't that bad and he makes a healthy quick return.

Kristo was one of the best player on the ice. No surprise there.

Rocco, is very dynamic with the puck as advertised. I was very impressed by him.

O'Donnell and Rodwell looked rusty, that's expected being out so long with injuries last year. I really wish Derek would have scored, he had a few chances. A goal would have been nice for his confidence.

Our d-corps was god awful tonight. Too many turnovers, sloppy play in the defensive end and not physical enough. It showed that we really need Mac in the lineup for D with his physicality that he brings to the table.

Goalies - Saunders looks real good! I like him. I liked what I saw in Zane, he has a lot of potential, but clearly made some mistakes. I say start with Saunders when the games count at the start of the season.

Bottom line. First game of the year, rusty play was expected, but boy, does Brad Berry have some work to do in the next few weeks with a suppose to be "veteran" d-corps.

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Good lord,

with all due respect....and I mean all due respect,..

Dan hammer is the worst most boring worthless waste of Fargo trash tv announcer I've ever heard.

Terrible just terrible, creates the atmosphere of a dental waiting room for the viewer....coudnt tell if it was a sioux game or a class A girls basketball game.

He has as much business being involved in a hockey game as a volleyball.

Just a thought.

I have to agree. Also, the video quality was horrendous. Bring back the old broadcast!

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Saunders and Gothberg both looked like they'd been there before....minus Zane's assist on the third goal. :lol:

What I saw was Gothberg look like Eddie Belfour- aggressive- which made him make some incredible saves, but also contribute to a goal the other way. he was excellent moving out to challenge shooters and cut angles.

I saw Saunders look very quick laterally- less challenging to shooters, but used his athleticism instead to cover laterally.

I think Saunders looked like the more mature goalie

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Koberisnki is just not a good color guy. He knows the game, but he just doesn't do a great job of getting what he sees across the air waves.

Someone made a great comment about it being like a high school game.....yes.....very true.

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I'm going to reserve my judgment on Hammer until he's got a couple more games under his belt. Same goes for the rest of the Midco broadcast. Give some slack folks, WDAZ didn't learn the ropes of broadcasting the games over night. It took them some time as well to work out the kinks.

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