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Like I have said from the beginning, this was a serious issue and it took people on this board a long time to realize it. I'm not here to gloat that I was right or anything like that, I am here to remind people that our great hockey program isn't as clean as everyone thinks it is. This situation was far from "boys being boys", this was about saving kids lives. I have to commend the RA who had the balls to call the police and I have to commend Faison and Hak for doing the right thing. I hope these players know that messing around with booze is not a joking matter and that they learned from their mistake.

  • Upvote 3
  On 9/25/2012 at 10:27 PM, gfhockey said:

and sounds like what we have herd all along, some nerd RA had to get involved to get his name in the paper....

I love forborts line about calling faison. Commodore has been saying the same thing on twitter and FOrbort said it drunk lol.

I am glad you think this whole debacle is funny. Because I don't. :angry:

Somebody could have died and all you can come up with is a bunch of "boys will be boys/this is what college kids do/rite of passage" garbage. And I am willing to bet if the RA hadn't done his job and one of them had died of alcohol poisoning, you would be on here screaming for charges to be brought against the RA for "negligence" and "irresponsibility". So, which is it Mr. gfhockey. You can't have it both ways. The adults did their jobs, the young adults need to grow up and you need a lesson in common sense. I think that about covers it.

  • Upvote 4
  On 9/25/2012 at 8:48 PM, 82SiouxGuy said:

Normally Hak would handle the minors with internal punishment. But if he is trying to really make a point with this team, especially with this situation, he may give additional punishment this time. That is even more true if he gave them a warning before the party. But only time will tell whether he will do more or not.

That is the thought that I was working with.
  On 9/25/2012 at 10:24 PM, gfhockey said:

Call me dumb but i throught there was a law out there that if a person needed medical assistant, no charges would be assesed. Like if a person needed their stomach pumped and everyone was under 21, they bring them in to the er with out any punishment....

I think there is but they did not to anything to help anyone.
  On 9/25/2012 at 10:37 PM, choyt3 said:

I am not condoning the actions here at all but why would Brian Faison be the first call the officer on the scene would make?

what if the students in question were non athletes? Would they call their academic advisor?

I guess that my first call may have been to the paramedics , or a parent or something . just curious as to why the athletic director .

and holy crap I guess things did get out of hand. all of this at 830 p m ???

The RA called 911. When 911 is called they send the police, paramedics and fire department for every call. Even for less serious emergencies they send all 3 departments. The first emergency responder appears to be the UND police officer. She knew that paramedics were on the way, so my guess is that she called a responsible UND official. For a UND athlete that would probably be a coach or the athletic director. For a non-athlete in the dorm they probably have another staff person designated. If this had happened off campus, and a city police officer had responded, their first call would have probably gone to whatever emergency contact the individual had listed.

I guess this is what I imagined so I am not any more horrified.

I don't have any problem with punishment being meted out. I have no problem with what the RA did. It's a judgement call and better to come down on the side of caution. But in all honesty I've been to parties that ended the same way. A fair amount of college parties end the same way. Passed out people don't generally talk to you.

So like I said I have no problem with them getting their pee pees smacked, but to I think acting like this is "THE WORST THING EVER" and "THE SIGN OF THE END OF DECENT YOUTH FOREVER" is over kill. I saw similar things after bucks in the 80's. As far as being transported; people get sent to the ED all the time for things that don't end up to be life threatening. It's where they evaluate you. Just being there does not put you on deaths door.


RA was doing his/her job. You can't fault them for being cautious.

Were those guys in serious trouble or were they just drunk? No way to tell without more facts. Clearly they were very drunk.

Glad no serious harm done. Time to move on and drop the puck.

  On 9/26/2012 at 12:39 AM, 802Sioux said:

I guess this is what I imagined so I am not any more horrified.

I don't have any problem with punishment being meted out. I have no problem with what the RA did. It's a judgement call and better to come down on the side of caution. But in all honesty I've been to parties that ended the same way. A fair amount of college parties end the same way. Passed out people don't generally talk to you.

So like I said I have no problem with them getting their pee pees smacked, but to I think acting like this is "THE WORST THING EVER" and "THE SIGN OF THE END OF DECENT YOUTH FOREVER" is over kill. I saw similar things after bucks in the 80's. As far as being transported; people get sent to the ED all the time for things that don't end up to be life threatening. It's where they evaluate you. Just being there does not put you on deaths door.

The difference between a situation like this where an individual is passed out, and an injury where the person is awake and alert, is that the person that is passed out can't tell you where or how much it hurts. It is almost impossible to know whether the problem is actually life threatening without medical personnel. Alcohol poisoning can be life threatening. Just because you saw similar things doesn't mean that the people you saw weren't in danger. I haven't really seen people saying that this is "the worst thing ever" or "the sign of the end of decent youth forever". Those seem to be hyperbole that you've thrown in. But binge drinking and alcohol are problems for many college students and it is important that the hockey program address this issue.
  On 9/26/2012 at 1:02 AM, Sodbuster said:

You know, if these guys actually learn something from this, it all might be worth it.

This is not the way to learn these lessons. Look, a student at NDSU was just killed because of lack of judgement induced by the alcohol. This is not skipping class and getting a "D" on a test. This has life altering consequences.

  On 9/26/2012 at 1:08 AM, 802Sioux said:

I remain unhorrified. YMMV

Maybe if you or someone in your family, like maybe your teenage son, ended up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning you might be a little more concerned. Or maybe you wouldn't.
  On 9/26/2012 at 1:11 AM, andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!! said:

A person ended up in the hospital. How is this not horrifying?

Because the act of transporting someone to the ED merely says this person should be looked at. IF they admitted him(for something beyond observation) , or pumped his stomach, or he seized etc (facts that are not in evidence anywhere I've seen) then I'd be more on the horrified end of things. A trip to the ED is no evidence of life threatening.

In your entire life you've never passed out or had a friend do so? I'm not saying it's good. I have no problem with the punishment. But I'm not going to act like college kids don't pass out all the time. I live in a college town. If I were to be horrified by the thought of a kid passing out after being drunk I'd never sleep again. Further, I have in my misspent youth passed out. I'm not enough of a hypocrite to start wringing my hands because someone else did so too.

  On 9/26/2012 at 12:39 AM, 802Sioux said:

I guess this is what I imagined so I am not any more horrified.

I don't have any problem with punishment being meted out. I have no problem with what the RA did. It's a judgement call and better to come down on the side of caution. But in all honesty I've been to parties that ended the same way. A fair amount of college parties end the same way. Passed out people don't generally talk to you.

So like I said I have no problem with them getting their pee pees smacked, but to I think acting like this is "THE WORST THING EVER" and "THE SIGN OF THE END OF DECENT YOUTH FOREVER" is over kill. I saw similar things after bucks in the 80's. As far as being transported; people get sent to the ED all the time for things that don't end up to be life threatening. It's where they evaluate you. Just being there does not put you on deaths door.

But at the time we did not know what alcohol poisoning was. Thinking back after this I can think of times when maybe somebody should have been taken to the ER.
  On 9/26/2012 at 1:14 AM, sioux rube said:

Apparently he has no pulse.

  On 9/26/2012 at 1:17 AM, 82SiouxGuy said:

Maybe if you or someone in your family, like maybe your teenage son, ended up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning you might be a little more concerned. Or maybe you wouldn't.

And this is what I meant by "THE WORST THING EVER". If you don't agree you are clearly bloodless and horrible.

  On 9/26/2012 at 1:34 AM, watchmaker49 said:

But at the time we did not know what alcohol poisoning was. Thinking back after this I can think of times when maybe somebody should have been taken to the ER.

They had the same alcohol awareness programs in the halls that they have now. (I guess I shouldn't say that. I have no idea what they do now. But the info was presented on the floors.)

  On 9/25/2012 at 10:32 PM, LetsGoSioux! said:

I disagree. The "nerd" RA could have saved the kids life, we don't know.

Those are my sentiments exactly. No one wants to see this stuff, but it has to be cleaned up now. Suspend, and suspend again until everyone learns. You might say it's Tough Love time.

I think one of the big differences is, when someone you were with (or you, yourself) were puking and passing out drunk- so was everyone else you were around. I have to think that if I had come across myself or some of my friends after an extraordinary drunk evening while I was stone sober, I would've probably been concerned too. Generally we put a bucket by them and tossed a coat or some blankets on them and passed out ourselves.

I stand by some of my earlier comments in that you can't always protect people from themselves, but I think the RA did the right thing. I also think that the message has been sent and received.

If the kids are doing some of the things I've been enlightened about- eye shots, tampons soaked in booze- that needs to be corrected. If they are doing 20 shots- that needs to be corrected. If at the freshmen party they encourage them to shotgun a six pack of beer- well, can't condone it, but that is where I was with the boys will be boys thinking.

  • Upvote 1
  On 9/26/2012 at 1:36 AM, Emerald joker said:

Im glad everyone is ok and im not trying to sound insensitive but is there going to be enough players for the Alaska games?

yes, we'll field a team- should result in some good early season conditioning for the boys that aren't sitting.


And I have no problem with them reaping the consequences of their actions.I don't think the punishments seem out of line. I don't think they made good sound choices for sure. I just think they were not extraordinary in their wrongness. And I don't think it means they are a bankrupt group of young men who are teetering on the edge of failed lives. Do dumb risky stuff and pay the price it happens.

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