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Eight Bison football players charged


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From Kolpack blog back in February: "Linebacker Don Carter and defensive lineman Joe Horvath will miss spring football for academic reasons"

Appears he didn't make the grade. (insert joke here)

Seriously hope that kid gets his academics in order. No joke.

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I didnt hear the interview so I don't know whether he said they were sought out or not. I also haven't seen the Kolpack/Izzo blog either so I guess I don't know one way or the other. My guess would be there was a job posting at the placement office and they applied but that would be nothing more than a guess. Does it make a difference to you one way or the other?

I heard Brescani say it the other day and it just sounds like another excuse to me. Blame the company for these guy's mistake, easy way to justify sweeping it under the rug. "Company targeted them, didn't explain the rules of forgery and they didn't know any better." So my question is, if someone applies for a position, shouldn't they know what they are applying for? You come on here deflecting everything and I just wanted your opinion on it.

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Having problems with academics is strange for Carter I think. He attended two excellent college prep high schools. Or was he that good of a player they just used him?

Maybe. Or, maybe he just wasn't ready to handle the freedom of being away from a more restrictive environment in the prep school. Either way, I hope he gets it together.

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I heard Brescani say it the other day and it just sounds like another excuse to me. Blame the company for these guy's mistake, easy way to justify sweeping it under the rug. "Company targeted them, didn't explain the rules of forgery and they didn't know any better." So my question is, if someone applies for a position, shouldn't they know what they are applying for? You come on here deflecting everything and I just wanted your opinion on it.

Not sure what I've deflected regarding this incident so please enlighten me. I interview and hire a lot of people and go out of my way to ensure that the person knows what they are getting themselves into and what the expectations for them will be if they get the position. (Whether this happened here I have no idea). This after they have been through a pre screen and formal structured interview. You'd be surprised how many still don't get it or just go through the motions and play the system taking the easy road/money. IMO these guys took the easy way out to make as much money as they could for the least amount of work without any regard or understanding of the consequences or impact it could have had. Unfortunately it happens all the time. Right? No. Reality? Yes. For the record I believe they should have been suspended even though the court didn't hand out much punishment. That being said the decision has been made and people need to move on.

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Even you said the President suggested it. Not sure that means he said it. I have read nothing stating this from either Kolpack or Izzo. Please post for me.

The blame doesn't fall on the player or the school if they were targeted I would imagine. It isn't their fault they are a player for a big school in the region.

Having problems with academics is strange for Carter I think. He attended two excellent college prep high schools. Or was he that good of a player they just used him?

He is a talented football player. Aka, like every good prep high school, they recruit based on athletic ability, not on academic capability. And like someone posted earlier, they are not necessarily prepared to be out on their own where people can't tell them what they can/cannot do.

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The blame doesn't fall on the player or the school if they were targeted I would imagine. It isn't their fault they are a player for a big school in the region.

He is a talented football player. Aka, like every good prep high school, they recruit based on athletic ability, not on academic capability. And like someone posted earlier, they are not necessarily prepared to be out on their own where people can't tell them what they can/cannot do.

Just like universities do also.
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Does this seem strange from someone who "would like to offer an apology"?

Multiple mentions of his masterful ability to control his emotions, and how professional he is.

No mention of the words "regret", "apologize", or "sorry".

A few people have mentioned the fact that he never really apologized. Maybe he was too emotional to remember that part of the statement.
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Does this seem strange from someone who "would like to offer an apology"?

Multiple mentions of his masterful ability to control his emotions, and how professional he is.

No mention of the words "regret", "apologize", or "sorry".

So he apologizes and you are still going after him? Cool.

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So he apologizes and you are still going after him? Cool.

Where exactly did he apologize? He tried to explain what happened by saying that he let his emotions get the better of him. But he never used words like apology or sorry. There is a difference between saying that you may have said something wrong, and apologizing for doing it. That is the most we are going to hear from him on the issue, but it wasn't really an apology.
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Where exactly did he apologize? He tried to explain what happened by saying that he let his emotions get the better of him. But he never used words like apology or sorry. There is a difference between saying that you may have said something wrong, and apologizing for doing it. That is the most we are going to hear from him on the issue, but it wasn't really an apology.

If you want to get technical sure, I generally say that if someone admits to something in a context the way he did that they are apologizing.

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If you want to get technical sure, I generally say that if someone admits to something in a context the way he did that they are apologizing.

There is a big difference between explaining a situatio and actually saying the words "I am sorry". When the president says that Gene would like to apologize for his comments, most expect to hear those words.

End of the day, the opinion of any of us here doesn't matter. If the pres and Gene are happy, thats all that matters. I as a football alum of UND expect the program to teach the kids in it life lessons. They spend more time around the coach and AD than their parents during that time. According to Bison06 and yourself winning games is all that matters at Fargo so to be honest, not hearing an actual apology does not surprise me.

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So he apologizes and you are still going after him? Cool.

I've got no dog in the fight.

I'm just saying that his statement didn't sound consistant with someone that "would like to offer an apology".

You seem a little defensive on the subject. What's up with that?

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For those who don't want to read all the way through, here is the reference from the strib:

Last year, after considerable delay, and amid widespread speculation that Gov. Jack Dalrymple was withholding it, North Dakota game and fish officials released a thorough study of drilling's possible impacts on a wide range of wildlife. But the state's Legislature hasn't yet followed up with a mitigation plan for resident big game or migratory birds. And a proposed constitutional amendment that would have directed millions in state oil revenue to conservation was derailed this summer when 10 North Dakota State University football players were convicted of election fraud for listing fictitious names on a ballot petition.
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If you want to get technical sure, I generally say that if someone admits to something in a context the way he did that they are apologizing.

O.J. Simpson, "I took a knife and murdered Nicole."

JBND7, "See, O.J. just apologized! Duh!"

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Not sure what I've deflected regarding this incident so please enlighten me. I interview and hire a lot of people and go out of my way to ensure that the person knows what they are getting themselves into and what the expectations for them will be if they get the position. (Whether this happened here I have no idea). This after they have been through a pre screen and formal structured interview. You'd be surprised how many still don't get it or just go through the motions and play the system taking the easy road/money. IMO these guys took the easy way out to make as much money as they could for the least amount of work without any regard or understanding of the consequences or impact it could have had. Unfortunately it happens all the time. Right? No. Reality? Yes. For the record I believe they should have been suspended even though the court didn't hand out much punishment. That being said the decision has been made and people need to move on.

I hope you take the time to explain to them simple things like stealing pens from the office is wrong, surfing the web during work hours is frowned upon and you can't sign your co workers signitures on documents or it will result in termination. And if you don't explain these things, its an easy excuse to be used by others and easily accepted by some.

Regarding your deflection, coming on this board and trying to change the subject, cause the thread to get closed or whatever it was you were trying to do is a form of deflection. This is in the community forum, I know your mods at bisonville will lock a thread like this to get it off the mainpages but it is something that had an effect on the entire state. Deal with it. And talk about moving on, Kristo's frostbite happened 2 years ago now, still the go to example everytime a bison football player gets arrested.

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I hope you take the time to explain to them simple things like stealing pens from the office is wrong, surfing the web during work hours is frowned upon and you can't sign your co workers signitures on documents or it will result in termination. And if you don't explain these things, its an easy excuse to be used by others and easily accepted by some.

Regarding your deflection, coming on this board and trying to change the subject, cause the thread to get closed or whatever it was you were trying to do is a form of deflection. This is in the community forum, I know your mods at bisonville will lock a thread like this to get it off the mainpages but it is something that had an effect on the entire state. Deal with it. And talk about moving on, Kristo's frostbite happened 2 years ago now, still the go to example everytime a bison football player gets arrested.

I will bet you right now this thread (or reference To the incident) will carry on with UND fans a lot longer than 2.5 years. Still trying to figure out why there hasn't been one mention of the individual not part of the team. By the way my go to has always been the lawn mower toss not Kristo As for the first part of your retort, you can't cover everything in an interview which is why there is a company handbook which they are responsible for understanding. They just don't take the time to read it.

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I will bet you right now this thread (or reference To the incident) will carry on with UND fans a lot longer than 2.5 years. Still trying to figure out why there hasn't been one mention of the individual not part of the team. By the way my go to has always been the lawn mower toss not Kristo As for the first part of your retort, you can't cover everything in an interview which is why there is a company handbook which they are responsible for understanding. They just don't take the time to read it.

I understand that. That is why I keep asking the question of why people in positions of power at NDSU seem quick to point the finger at the company who did the hiring when it is plain for everyone to see, except some people that the finger should be pointed at the employees and the employees only. Thanks for answering my question and just going off of history I'm guessing that something else will come up on Fargo's football team to make this go away. The past 5 years is a pretty good indicator of that.

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UND fans won't have to bring it back up. It'll be a hot topic when the Legislature goes back into session in a couple months.

More like it is going to be a major topic for Al and Freinds as they try and wrest control of higher education from the SBHE. This is the best ammo they have had up to date. Bresciani can not be too smart for missing the big picture here.
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