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Humurous story on Rocco Grimaldi


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He is who he is. I guess when you put it out in public though, these kind of articles will be written. Unfortunately, God is not a "hip" topic right now. If Rocco was talking about gay/lesbian rights; "going green"; or something like that, he would be celebrated as a hero.

Personally, I like that he is willing to take a stand on something that is important to him, I don't believe he will be a "cancer" in the room like some people from opposing fanbases have postulated.

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He is who he is. I guess when you put it out in public though, these kind of articles will be written. Unfortunately, God is not a "hip" topic right now. If Rocco was talking about gay/lesbian rights; "going green"; or something like that, he would be celebrated as a hero.

Personally, I like that he is willing to take a stand on something that is important to him, I don't believe he will be a "cancer" in the room like some people from opposing fanbases have postulated.

Agree 100%. I believe if anything, he will be a good influence, as long as he doesn't force his beliefs on anyone, and become overbearing.

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He is who he is. I guess when you put it out in public though, these kind of articles will be written. Unfortunately, God is not a "hip" topic right now. If Rocco was talking about gay/lesbian rights; "going green"; or something like that, he would be celebrated as a hero.

Personally, I like that he is willing to take a stand on something that is important to him, I don't believe he will be a "cancer" in the room like some people from opposing fanbases have postulated.

People from opposing fanbases will find any excuse in the world to de-value our team. Grimaldi has strong beliefs. Personally, I don't see that as a bad thing. I think it's good to have a guy who has an opinion and sticks by it no matter how unpopular it might be. It's why he is here. He'd been pressured to the WHL for how long and he stuck by his decision unlike most of his peers this summer. And he seems to have been well liked at the ntdp, so I don't see that changing here. If opposing fanbases want to think he'll be a cancer, that's fine. Hopefully we'll send their teams home pissed off later.

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The kid has beliefs and that is that. I cannot necessairly agree with everything he says, but I believe a strong Christian faith is important in anyones life. We may not all be as "to the book" as Rocco, but it is good to see a young man stick up for his beliefs no matter what the popular concensus says to differ. This is a person who plans to become a minister of Christian beliefs in the future, so he is setting a solid foundation/reputation now, and it appears he will continue on his chosen path in life, and his integrity will hold up strong if he does not stray.


#19 FOR ROY!

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I hope that this doesn't turn into a religious debate at any time and no one from other teams comes in to try and trash this kid. He is a devoted Christian and as a fellow Christian its refreshing to have someone like him for my kids to look up to.

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Dear Rocco: You are right. There's no need for teenaged girls to be putting their "wares" out on display continually.

And if anyone thinks Rocco doesn't know he's acting as a lightening rod, well, you've probably never heard of Tim Tebow either. If UND is associated with a lightening rod I'd rather it be Rocco than these imfamous lightening "rods". ;)

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With all the stories about Sioux hockey players underage drinking at Judy's bar, urinating in an elevator, getting drunk and throwing your roomates stuff in the street, etc., it good to finally see us talking about a UND hockey player about his good morals and strong faith. People in this town, especailly kids, look up to these guys they see on the ice. Glad to see that they have a real stand up guy to look up to.

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Grimaldi administers Last Rites to <team>

... by the way he injured his leg genuflecting at church

Genuflecting and last rites are Catholic acts.

But I don't believe Rocco is Catholic.

It's OK though, you can fire all the Catholic jokes my way. I'm tough. ;)

PS - I like what Rocco carries with him: "But the LORD said to Samuel: Do not judge from his appearance or from his lofty stature, because I have rejected him. God does not see as a mortal, who sees the appearance. The LORD looks into the heart." - 1 Samuel 16:7

PPS - Closed circuit to Rocco: The world is just waiting for opportunity to call you a hypocrit.

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It's America, he can say what he wants, but as a woman I don't need someone policing my clothing choices. I don't find men who try to dictate to women to be a good role models. However, some things come first, my level of irritation will be in direct correlation to the number of goals he scores. It is what it is.

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He is who he is. I guess when you put it out in public though, these kind of articles will be written. Unfortunately, God is not a "hip" topic right now. If Rocco was talking about gay/lesbian rights; "going green"; or something like that, he would be celebrated as a hero. Personally, I like that he is willing to take a stand on something that is important to him, I don't believe he will be a "cancer" in the room like some people from opposing fanbases have postulated.

I agree I applaud his views, it great that he speaks his mind, I don't think he will be a locker room cancer either.

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Misogyny. Plain and simple.

Misogyny? Hating on girls? (That's the definition.) From the sample you selected sure; but in full disclosure ...

Rocco to the males of the species: "And don't blame the women for how they dress. ... Women are not an object for playing with. We blame the women for what they're wearing, ... WE are the men and WE are to blame."

Seems he's "hating on" the boys too.

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Misogyny? Hating on girls? (That's the definition.) From the sample you selected sure; but in full disclosure ...

Rocco to the males of the species: "And don't blame the women for how they dress. ... Women are not an object for playing with. We blame the women for what they're wearing, ... WE are the men and WE are to blame."

Seems he's "hating on" the boys too.

What about the next part? What about the God put US in charge part? For me, that's the worst part of what he says.

Again, if people want to engage in consensual sex, then who exactly needs blame?

Of course I have a problem with men seeing women solely as sex objects, and women only finding value in themselves if men find them attractive. However, there is nothing wrong with sexual attraction, and there's nothing wrong with trying to appear appealing to the opposite (or same) sex.

As for how women are treated in strict Islamic communities (as well as MANY MANY other cultures throughout the world), it makes me feel ill.

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What about the next part? What about the God put US in charge part? For me, that's the worst part of what he says.

Would you disagree with what he said if I removed two words ... "God put US in charge of this earth so WE are the ones who need to man up and lay down our lust."

Again, if people want to engage in consensual sex, then who exactly needs blame?

Are they taking full responsibility for their actions and outcomes? If only the answer were always "yes".

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What about the next part? What about the God put US in charge part? For me, that's the worst part of what he says.

Again, if people want to engage in consensual sex, then who exactly needs blame?

Of course I have a problem with men seeing women solely as sex objects, and women only finding value in themselves if men find them attractive. However, there is nothing wrong with sexual attraction, and there's nothing wrong with trying to appear appealing to the opposite (or same) sex.

As for how women are treated in strict Islamic communities (as well as MANY MANY other cultures throughout the world), it makes me feel ill.

God DID put US in charge. Genesis, Chapter 9: God's Covenant With Noah.

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I don't agree with everything Rocco says, but I just ignore his "preaching" and it doesn't offend me. Maybe others should try it.

As far as I'm concerned, he's at UND to get an education and to grow as a hockey player. That's what I will judge him by.

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Would you disagree with what he said if I removed two words ... "God put US in charge of this earth so WE are the ones who need to man up and lay down our lust." Are they taking full responsibility for their actions and outcomes? If only the answer were always "yes".

I still disagree, because he was speaking specifically to men. Also, I see nothing inherently wrong with lust, so I'd still disagree even if he was addressing both genders. Rape, incest, sexual assault, sexual harrassment, pedophilia, all those things I do see a problem with.

God DID put US in charge. Genesis, Chapter 9: God's Covenant With Noah.

No one put men in charge of the earth. Evolution created sexual reproduction and two distinct sexes in species that reproduce in that way. Let's stick to facts.

I don't agree with everything Rocco says, but I just ignore his "preaching" and it doesn't offend me. Maybe others should try it. As far as I'm concerned, he's at UND to get an education and to grow as a hockey player. That's what I will judge him by.

This is the first time I've seen anything he's said as offensive. It's a pretty sharp turn from the tone of his previous tweets, which were silly little things about school and roommates mixed in with motivational quotations and devotional messages. No problem there. I felt it necessary to speak up (directly to him, in fact) about my objection to his chauvinistic world view.

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