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Is it time to Fire Hak?


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The bad thing about the grousing this year was that were competitive in so many of the games that we lost. Most often we'd lose by one goal. During the time the team was generally competing very hard.

How bad was it really?

On the other hand when I look at the Gophers this year I see a team that really wasn't trying (IMO of course). That would upset me. Why would you buy a ticket to go see them?

I guess if you had to look at coaching as a problem, you'd have to look at the blow outs.

1 goal losses or ties aren't indicative of poor coaching.

If we beat Yale and then lose 2-1 vs. BC I'll still think it is just bad luck and not coaching.

If we lose to Yale or BC by 4 or more.... I might wonder.

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Nice job calling me out Rick. I guess I should apologize now. Sorry, not happening.

Please note that I did NOT call for a coaching change, I simply didn't think this team would be able to make a second half run this year. I really did think they were out of time. I figured that this team would be better next year with a bunch of young guys coming back and possibly Genoway getting a medical redshirt. I am very happy I was wrong and I think we have a decent chance to hang our eighth NCAA banner in a few weeks.

If you want "duckies and bunnies", don't look here. You won't find it.

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UND has had success in the past in the form of national championships, and is arguably the North Carolina or Kansas of hockey. When those teams do WELL but don't win national championships, their fans grouse too. Not saying it's ok, just saying that's what happens when a program is successful year in and year out. It's the expectations game...

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Perhaps all of Rick's examples weren't the best, because there is a difference between not being optimistic and actually calling for the coach to go. I would bet even Rick would agree with that.

I think Rick's larger point is spot on.

For those who participated in thrashing Hak and beginning the speculation of who a better coach would be, they're probably feeling pretty foolish right now. They're certainly looking it.

For those who lacked optimism, well, the late season has certainly provided reason for optimism. I, for one, lacked optimism but never gave up hope. I certainly didn't think the season was a sign that it was time for a new coach.

In fact, one reason I had hope was because of our coaching staff.

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And some of my inspirational posts, and my hat, right Dagies?

You are one of the finest fans that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Enjoy the run.

Well, your posts are classics, and always optimistic! And who can be down when they see the hat?

After you, my friend.

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Wow, I really threw Coach Hak and the kids under the bus on that one, didn't I? :p If whistling zippidy-do-dah out of rear-ends is what you want to read here, there's always the ignore list. Feel free to put me on yours, Rick. The people that matter knew where to find me in the arena last weekend.

I matter, where the hell were you? :lol:

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If I hear "We're close" from Hak in post game...

No you are not close, but you are close to being out of time this season!


I guess I really don't have an excuse for my comments. I mean we were a game under .500 in the WCHA heading to St. Cloud in Febuary with 4 series left in the regular season. We lost that series first game and how I didn't see us reeling off 7 straight to finish the regular season and now 13 out of 14 is beyond me. I'm glad Ricki, et al saw that coming! :p

I should of seen that coming based on the team's prior body of work to date. :lol:

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i dont think most people remember getting beat in the frozen four and in the regionals cuz unlinke otherf schools, we dont hang participation banners.

Some of our competitors hang Final Five Participation banners. :p

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What is truly amazing to me is that the University of Minnesota men's hockey program

hangs NCAA Runner-Up banners in Mariucci Arena. I kid you not.

Life is easier if you can count your failures as successes. Potato-patahto for goofer fans. :p

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SOme of those posted by Rick aren't exactly fair.

I don't see Shawn-O's post, for example, to be all that unkind to Hakstol and crew.

It wasn't like ticklethetwine's comment about "fire his @ss"

Many of them were just frustration run amok.

I didn't think we'd see home ice in the playoffs, but again, I didn't question Hakstol over the results.

Sometimes good teams don't get good results.

I understand that this is the college game and not the pros. In the pros, teams can cut/fire/trade/bench players who aren't doing their jobs. In college, all we can do really is bench them. In very rare occasions they're asked to transfer or lose scholarship money.

UND has had two such cases: Chris Fournier and Josh Siembida.

So, it's become the coaches that get the blame. I get frustrated when Hakstol gets blamed for loses when the players go out there and get the looks at the net they want but can't convert.

We could've beaten BC, swept the season series vs. Minnesota, beat Miami, etc. if we had simply converted those plays and recognized their pushes when they happened. But that's a function of the players, not the coaches.

If a coach draws up a bunch of plays and implements them with near perfection only to see the puck hop over the stick, a player fall down, a stick break, an untimely whiff, or a hiccup in timing, how is that the coach's fault?

The fact is, after the Broadmoor Championship game, the team got together and accepted the award AS A TEAM. And that's the key. The Sioux win as a team. They lose as a team. There is no individual to blame. They lost because they, as a team, were outplayed by another team.

Sorry to oversimplify, but that's really, the most basic explanation.

Great so I was wrong at the time. I think it was frustration. I was wrong and Hak was right. There does that make you feel better. Gosh a guy can't vent after some serious frustrating losses. So I suck as a human being as that what you want to hear Rick?

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With this precidence, I suppose in future years when some of us give our "cowboy up, the season isn't over" posts and we do indeed finish poorly, someone will take me to task. :p

I've coached for too long to be anything but positive when my team is down, and I'll not apologize for that.

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I'm Afraid to say but Hak is gonna be here until he gets an offer to move up to an Assistant in the Pro's whether it be Minor League or NHL. And im fine with that Hak has accomplished alot in his short time here....not equilivant to Dean Blais only because of NO NATIONAL TITLES! Hak is a great coach and hope the day never comes when the headline in the Heraldo is Good-Bye Hak! Good Luck in the Pro's!

Long Live The HAK!!

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Man the Gophers must suck if Rick isn't even going to waste his venom on us. :p

The thread is brilliant though. And I certainly would support firing Hak. That or just win the @#$%#@ tourney this year so your guys and staff can let a little complacency set it. This teasing you have been doing since '03-'04 is getting old.

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Fighting Sioux will go out east and exercise the BC demons and give us our 8th National title, however of course it will only be a minor event in North Dakota sports history, since hockey is only a regional sport, and it will never compare to getting beat by Kansas in the first round of the 64 and tossing sandbags, Not. It will be huge and the Fighting Sioux will go to the White House and visit the President again. Hey anyone got any pictures of a Bison team at the White House, didn't think so...

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