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2008-2009 Sioux Hockey Roster

Chuck Schwartz

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These roster entries almost brought a tear to my eye...

4 Fienhage, Corey D 6-3 214

24 Blood, Ben D 6-4 212

I'm hoping these young men can throw some serious smack around

for sure getting a BLOOD jersey :lol: thats a hell of a last name being a hockey player!

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These roster entries almost brought a tear to my eye...

4 Fienhage, Corey D 6-3 214

24 Blood, Ben D 6-4 212

I'm hoping these young men can throw some serious smack around

I don't know about Ben Blood because I didn't see him, but I saw Corey Fienhage at one of the practices and he looks "slightly" bulkier than the previous #4: Taylor Chorney....

And by slightly, I mean massively.

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I don't know about Ben Blood because I didn't see him, but I saw Corey Fienhage at one of the practices and he looks "slightly" bulkier than the previous #4: Taylor Chorney....

And by slightly, I mean massively.

I am excited about this pair of defenders. It like now we are going to have three defenseman 6 feet 200+ pounds.

The front of the net could be a train wreck. Yeah...

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I am excited about this pair of defenders. It like now we are going to have three defenseman 6 feet 200+ pounds.

The front of the net could be a train wreck. Yeah...

Size is fine, but I hope that they can skate. I recall many people on this board complaining about Finley because the BC forwards skated past him like a pylon. Finley is actually a good skater, but not quick. The name of the game is quickness, skating and puck movement. BC ring a bell? How about the Red Wings? I'll bet the Penguins would trade their big but immobile defensemen for the Wings' smaller and much more skilled defenseman. Lidstrom, Kronwall and Rafalski are dwarfs compared to Hal Gill. But, they can skate and use their sticks for something other than to crosscheck and obstruct.

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Size is fine, but I hope that they can skate. I recall many people on this board complaining about Finley because the BC forwards skated past him like a pylon. Finley is actually a good skater, but not quick. The name of the game is quickness, skating and puck movement. BC ring a bell? How about the Red Wings? I'll bet the Penguins would trade their big but immobile defensemen for the Wings' smaller and much more skilled defenseman. Lidstrom, Kronwall and Rafalski are dwarfs compared to Hal Gill. But, they can skate and use their sticks for something other than to crosscheck and obstruct.

I can't see Hak and co recruiting and signing a guy that can't play. You have to have a good mix of speed and SIZE...

Also, every body that played against B.C. last season probably got burned by Gerbe. On B.C.'s top line they had two guys with 50+ points.

Again you need to have size if you don't want to get pushed around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all. Now that the roster has been posted I started thinking of line combinations but then I realized I didn't know which new forwards were centers.

I know this:


Walski (Sr)

Eidsness (Fr)

Harrington (Fr)

Defensemen Possible pairings:

Finley (Sr)/Genoway (Jr)

Jones (Sr)/Marto (So)

Lapoint (So)/Blood (Fr)

Fienhage (Fr) to fill in

Forward possible pairings (with my guesses at centers)

VandeVelde (Jr) centering Duncan (Sr) and Kozek (Sr)

Toews (Fr) centering Watkins (Sr) and Trupp (So)

Gregoire (Fr) centering Frattin (So) and Malone (So)

Martens (Sr) centering Hextall (Fr) and Zajac (Jr)

Miller, Lamoureux, and Davidson filling in

At first glance my concerns are team speed. Defensemen with some speed are Genoway and Marto. Forwards with some speed are Duncan, Frattin, Trupp. I don't know about Toews, Gregoire, Lamoureux, Hextall or even how Kozek and Watkins show for speed.

Of course a concern is in goal but who knows maybe one of our freshman goalies will be another Bachman from CC like last year.

We're going to need Marto and LaPoint to play like veterans and to get immeditate production from the incoming freshmen forwards.

The early schedule looks tough with BU and U Mass then at Mankato, Wisconsin at home then at CC.

If our goaltending can stand up I think we're headed for home ice in the WCHA playoffs and another berth in the NCAAs. Then you never know.


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Hey all. Now that the roster has been posted I started thinking of line combinations but then I realized I didn't know which new forwards were centers.

I know this:


Walski (Sr)

Eidsness (Fr)

Harrington (Fr)

Defensemen Possible pairings:

Finley (Sr)/Genoway (Jr)

Jones (Sr)/Marto (So)

Lapoint (So)/Blood (Fr)

Fienhage (Fr) to fill in

Forward possible pairings (with my guesses at centers)

VandeVelde (Jr) centering Duncan (Sr) and Kozek (Sr)

Toews (Fr) centering Watkins (Sr) and Trupp (So)

Gregoire (Fr) centering Frattin (So) and Malone (So)

Martens (Sr) centering Hextall (Fr) and Zajac (Jr)

Miller, Lamoureux, and Davidson filling in

At first glance my concerns are team speed. Defensemen with some speed are Genoway and Marto. Forwards with some speed are Duncan, Frattin, Trupp. I don't know about Toews, Gregoire, Lamoureux, Hextall or even how Kozek and Watkins show for speed.

Of course a concern is in goal but who knows maybe one of our freshman goalies will be another Bachman from CC like last year.

We're going to need Marto and LaPoint to play like veterans and to get immeditate production from the incoming freshmen forwards.

The early schedule looks tough with BU and U Mass then at Mankato, Wisconsin at home then at CC.

If our goaltending can stand up I think we're headed for home ice in the WCHA playoffs and another berth in the NCAAs. Then you never know.


I'm the most optimistic person EVER. I want to buy my parents a nat'l championship banner but refuse to do so until after this season. Go ahead, laugh at me. HAHAHA.

I like the way our team looks. I think we need to step up the goal production, and I think one of the goalies will get the job done. We shall see in a couple weeks!:D

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Size is fine, but I hope that they can skate. I recall many people on this board complaining about Finley because the BC forwards skated past him like a pylon. Finley is actually a good skater, but not quick.

Actually they skated around Chay Gennoway and Finley wasn't able to turn around and cut the player off on the other side of the ice, almost but not quite.

No Joe's not quick but blame him for his own mistakes.

(PS Gennoway's time off of the ice due to his injury resulted in him being not ready. I don't hold it against him.)

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I sure am glad Kozek decided to smile this year. :D

Someone told him to do his "Dave Hakstol, behind the bench, up by 3, or down by 3" impression. ???:D

Moving on ...

Looking at Gregoire's picture (and I have no idea if he has a French accent) but with that French last name and little smirk it seems it could well be captioned:


" ... and zen I vill tek zee puck and moof to zee left and zee right zen shoot-score on you. Zen I will keez your girlfriend and she weel be mine az well shoot-score ... huhuh!"

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Of additional interest is whether Hextall or Lamoureaux will crack the lineup more consistently and which bench they will spend more time on, the Sioux bench or the penalty box bench. My bet is Hextall will crack the lineup, but then again, I've never seen him play, so that is pure speculation from information and stats from websites and such.

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My bet is Hextall will crack the lineup, but then again, I've never seen him play, so that is pure speculation from information and stats from websites and such.

I am thinking his toughness will be an assest. I can see some Juniors sitting on the pine in favor of freshman if they don't start producing some goals.

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My dark horse pick on the roster is Brent Davidson. Remember he was voted UND's most improved player last year. I think he is going to be a Dustin Penner type. Unrecruited and didn't play much the first year. Look for Davidson is front of the net this year banging in some rebounds.

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My dark horse pick on the roster is Brent Davidson. Remember he was voted UND's most improved player last year. I think he is going to be a Dustin Penner type. Unrecruited and didn't play much the first year. Look for Davidson is front of the net this year banging in some rebounds.

think you are correct on davidson --dont think he will be watching from the stands

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Remember that the coaches themselves said that Davidson was coming in as a 'project' player, meaning that he needed alot of work. I am not trying to be completely negative, but to jump from most improved player to team star is quite a stretch. From the play I witness of him last year, I would say he needed to make some extremely large strides to get consistent ice time this year. That being said, there were several players last year that left something to be desired, so between freshmen and lackluster upper classmen, Davidson may find himself a starting role, but I think comparisons to Penner should wait awhile.

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At the moment i'd be happy if the Mario and Hextall played over Miller and Martens. But we'll see how they do.

I would have to say that these guys have been give a pretty good chance to perform of the two I think Martens ads more to the mix.

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Someone told him to do his "Dave Hakstol, behind the bench, up by 3, or down by 3" impression. ;):silly:

Moving on ...

Looking at Gregoire's picture (and I have no idea if he has a French accent) but with that French last name and little smirk it seems it could well be captioned:


" ... and zen I vill tek zee puck and moof to zee left and zee right zen shoot-score on you. Zen I will keez your girlfriend and she weel be mine az well shoot-score ... huhuh!"

I didn't know Gregoire was a French last name!

But, he doesn't have an accent. I barely notice the Canadian accent. Sorry if I ruined all the fun! Because that's kinda humorous. ;)

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Someone told him to do his "Dave Hakstol, behind the bench, up by 3, or down by 3" impression. ;) ;)

Moving on ...

Looking at Gregoire's picture (and I have no idea if he has a French accent) but with that French last name and little smirk it seems it could well be captioned:


" ... and zen I vill tek zee puck and moof to zee left and zee right zen shoot-score on you. Zen I will keez your girlfriend and she weel be mine az well shoot-score ... huhuh!"

That's funny! :silly:;)

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