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Sioux vs. Seawolves


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One thing I noticed was that Oshie seemed to have different body language in the 3rd period on Saturday than any other Sioux player. Almost like he was trying to pull the team along by himself. I give him a lot of credit for that.

Oshie played incredibly hard on Saturday night. The one sequence I remember the most is when he and Duncan were in on a two on one, the shot missed and UAA had a breakout and TJ was the first one back breaking up the play - outskating the all the rest of the Sioux on the ice.

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Oshie played incredibly hard on Saturday night. The one sequence I remember the most is when he and Duncan were in on a two on one, the shot missed and UAA had a breakout and TJ was the first one back breaking up the play - outskating the all the rest of the Sioux on the ice.

I remember that on the PK he went up ice shot the puck, shot was blocked and he bet everyone back up the ice.

Everyone needs to play like that. If the Sioux play like that UMN won't be in either game. If the Sioux loaf up and the ice it will be an fugly weekend.

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I remember that on the PK he went up ice shot the puck, shot was blocked and he bet everyone back up the ice.

Everyone needs to play like that. If the Sioux play like that UMN won't be in either game. If the Sioux loaf up and the ice it will be an fugly weekend.

two players we can always count on giving 100% are Oshie and Watkins.

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I asked during the game if the flu bug had perhaps struck the team and being a good coach Hak didn't want to reveal it was a problem. If Miller has got it chances are that some of the others do as well. The lack of energy and effort from some players suggested that it might be the case.
You know, I thought the same thing - not to make excuses for a really bad team performance, but I remember also wondering after Hak's comments on Miller earlier in the week if this week we'd see others on the team come down with the flu bug. Hak usually plays it pretty close to the vest, but I was surprised that even he didn't rip into the boys at least a little bit after the game. If the flu was making its way through the team, that might explain why. If it is indeed the case, I hope they recover more quickly than Miller - sounds like he had a really tough go with it. They'll need to have everyone available, feeling well and playing well this weekend against UMN. UMN is a really frustrated team that is looking to take it out on somebody. Hopefully they have at least one more week of frustration.
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You know, I thought the same thing - not to make excuses for a really bad team performance, but I remember also wondering after Hak's comments on Miller earlier in the week if this week we'd see others on the team come down with the flu bug. Hak usually plays it pretty close to the vest, but I was surprised that even he didn't rip into the boys at least a little bit after the game. If the flu was making its way through the team, that might explain why. If it is indeed the case, I hope they recover more quickly than Miller - sounds like he had a really tough go with it. They'll need to have everyone available, feeling well and playing well this weekend against UMN. UMN is a really frustrated team that is looking to take it out on somebody. Hopefully they have at least one more week of frustration.

Sometimes the flu can be pretty rough, my wife actually had to go to the emergency room and get an IV, maybe that is what happened to Miller, ussually if one is sick many can get sick.

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You people are pricelessly ignorant. OMG. You win a game in which you got grossly outplayed and you complain that the team who was skating circles around your players was holding and hooking? Too !@#$% funny.

YOUR team was hooking and holding!!! They did EVERYTHING they could to slow down the Seawolves! Talk about crappy winners. OMG the depth of the complete and utter rubeness is nearly unending in North Dakato. None of you actually deserve to have a team to cheer for. Gopher fans > Sioux fans by a HUGE margin.


Boring? You my friend should stick to looking down the barrel of your various guns for sporting enjoyment. Because you know NOTHING about hockey. Absolutely NOTHING. Trapfest on Saturday? LOL. When was UAA trapping? When they had the puck deep in the UND zone ALL NIGHT? When they stole the puck off your defensemen's sticks behind the net? Do you even know what a trap is? Give it up pard ... switch you blog over to hunting and join the Remington fan forum. Your observations in both places are worthless.

Dear Administator:

Is there anyway you can remove my registration from this bogus site so that I can never again feel tempted to post here? Thank you in advance for any proactive measure you can take. I will try to do so as soon as I finish this last post here but in case I can't please ban me or whatever so I can't type here again. Because if I'm able to none of your members will probably be happy with what I have to say.

Thanks again.

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You people are pricelessly ignorant. OMG. You win a game in which you got grossly outplayed and you complain that the team who was skating circles around your players was holding and hooking? Too !@#$% funny.

YOUR team was hooking and holding!!! They did EVERYTHING they could to slow down the Seawolves! Talk about crappy winners. OMG the depth of the complete and utter rubeness is nearly unending in North Dakato. None of you actually deserve to have a team to cheer for. Gopher fans > Sioux fans by a HUGE margin.


Boring? You my friend should stick to looking down the barrel of your various guns for sporting enjoyment. Because you know NOTHING about hockey. Absolutely NOTHING. Trapfest on Saturday? LOL. When was UAA trapping? When they had the puck deep in the UND zone ALL NIGHT? When they stole the puck off your defensemen's sticks behind the net? Do you even know what a trap is? Give it up pard ... switch you blog over to hunting and join the Remington fan forum. Your observations in both places are worthless.

Dear Administator:

Is there anyway you can remove my registration from this bogus site so that I can never again feel tempted to post here? Thank you in advance for any proactive measure you can take. I will try to do so as soon as I finish this last post here but in case I can't please ban me or whatever so I can't type here again. Because if I'm able to none of your members will probably be happy with what I have to say.

Thanks again.

Is this TDon???

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You people are pricelessly ignorant. OMG. You win a game in which you got grossly outplayed and you complain that the team who was skating circles around your players was holding and hooking? Too !@#$% funny.

YOUR team was hooking and holding!!! They did EVERYTHING they could to slow down the Seawolves!

I would say that last weekend was a tale of two opposite games.

On Friday night, the Sioux were the hungrier team, winning all the races to the loose pucks and the Seawolves couldn't keep up, so they resorted to hooking/holding/slashing the Sioux to try and slow them down somehow.

On Saturday night, the Seawolves were the hungrier team, winning all the races to the loose pucks and the Sioux couldn't keep up, so they resorted to hooking/holding/slashing the Seawolves to try and slow them down somehow.

In the end, regardless of which team outworked the other, the Sioux managed to luckily get two wins out of it, because they certainly only deserved one.

I'm glad that the Sioux found a way to win on Saturday, because too many times this season they have outplayed an opponent and somehow lost, so it was good to see them finally win one like that with the shoe on the other foot.

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You people are pricelessly ignorant. OMG. You win a game in which you got grossly outplayed and you complain that the team who was skating circles around your players was holding and hooking? Too !@#$% funny.

YOUR team was hooking and holding!!! They did EVERYTHING they could to slow down the Seawolves! Talk about crappy winners. OMG the depth of the complete and utter rubeness is nearly unending in North Dakato. None of you actually deserve to have a team to cheer for. Gopher fans > Sioux fans by a HUGE margin.


Boring? You my friend should stick to looking down the barrel of your various guns for sporting enjoyment. Because you know NOTHING about hockey. Absolutely NOTHING. Trapfest on Saturday? LOL. When was UAA trapping? When they had the puck deep in the UND zone ALL NIGHT? When they stole the puck off your defensemen's sticks behind the net? Do you even know what a trap is? Give it up pard ... switch you blog over to hunting and join the Remington fan forum. Your observations in both places are worthless.

Dear Administator:

Is there anyway you can remove my registration from this bogus site so that I can never again feel tempted to post here? Thank you in advance for any proactive measure you can take. I will try to do so as soon as I finish this last post here but in case I can't please ban me or whatever so I can't type here again. Because if I'm able to none of your members will probably be happy with what I have to say.

Thanks again.

Oh, Donald....please don't go!

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Boring? You my friend should stick to looking down the barrel of your various guns for sporting enjoyment. Because you know NOTHING about hockey. Absolutely NOTHING. Trapfest on Saturday? LOL. When was UAA trapping? When they had the puck deep in the UND zone ALL NIGHT? When they stole the puck off your defensemen's sticks behind the net? Do you even know what a trap is? Give it up pard ... switch you blog over to hunting and join the Remington fan forum. Your observations in both places are worthless.

I should probably not respond to this but I am going to. First off what the hell are you talking about? Talk about a classic snap. I said the game was boring, please do tell me how to think. If I said it was a boring game, then in my opinion the game was a boring. At least from my perspective. Each of us are entitled to our perspective. The whole series was rather dry, but a win is a win... The Sioux played a trap in the third period, that was a horriably boring to watch. I don't pay good money to watch defenisve hockey. I don't know if UAA knows how to do anything but clutch and grab. Yes your team out played the Sioux. It was evident, however, that being said was BORING.

I know my hockey and I don't need to explain my self to you Donald. Secondly you want to attack me hockey knowledge or blog, fine what ever floats your boat, it is a free counrty, howerver, last time I looked I have about double the hits your getting.

I also don't use a Remington, nor would I buy another one, I own a Winchester super x2, a benelli Nova and an American Arms over and under, the later is a sweet gun just got it. Dude you have some anger issues or small man syndrome or something. Chill dude your making a huge ass out of yourself today.

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This series was horrible to watch, one word boring, yawn... It almost looked as bad as watching some of the other trap feast teams. For the UAA coach to say that is a complete joke, especially when his players got away with just as many slashes as our team. I admit our team was doing the same crap. College hockey in the WCHA is becoming a joke and I blame it on the officating. I can't believe that have to watch a player try to skate up the ice with an opposing player hanging all over him, that is not hockey. Sticking the goalie with your stick is a penalty. The reason this stuff is happening is because the refs are not calling it, Anderson needs to be fired along with Schmidt. McCloud thinks if there is parity in the league it will help everyone. How, we will just lose more top players because they are tired of getting hack, slashed, tackled and obstructed. The staus quo is this league is no longer working and to think it is utter bs. Call the __________ing penalties. I know our team will get called as well but after having 30+ penalties a few nights in a row the players will adjust.

This is my perspective on this weekend's series that set him off.

Edited by Goon
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No. Donald, the chubby kid with the runny nose and glasses who always wears the bike helmet and rides the "special" bus. That Donald!!

I received a reprimand for insulting Donald. So to Donald, sorry about the runny nose comment. It is the cold and flu season and my comment was taken out of context and was in no way made to poke fun at you. It won't happen again...especially since you won't be around anymore. XOXO :lol:

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Trupp made a play Friday worth mentioning. He knocked a puck out of the air in the offensive corner, hit it again in the air before it hit the ice, then hit it a third time in the air toward the point, all without the puck ever reaching the ice and all while on the move. It admittedly gave the defenseman a tough bouncing puck to handle (although he did handle it, and I didn't catch who it was), but it was quite a display of hand-eye coordination.

Sorry to quote myself, but let's just say I wasn't surprised to see Trupp's OT goal tonight.

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Sorry to quote myself, but let's just say I wasn't surprised to see Trupp's OT goal tonight.

At the arena it seemed as though no one in the stands saw it go in. Admittedly we were on the far end and so had less of a view, but we were able to react only from seeing the players react, the crowd just seemed like they missed it too. Pretty weird.

Good powers of observation here.

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