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Sioux vs. Seawolves


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I guess I am going to go against popular opinion and say that the game was horrible last night. AA is not a good team. They fall down, don't have a lot of stick handling, and can't convert odd man rushes. That being said, we made them look almost as good as us with our play last night. The boys must have figured that if AA could screw around with the puck that it might be fine for us to do too. AA's goalie also might have kept the score closer but he did not impress me. After I found out it was his first start I understood why he couldn't play the puck off the boards and I was less critical, but we should have put 3 more in if we would have been playing at anything over 50%. I am just worried that we seem to play down to the level of competition we play.

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That happened right in front of me. The puck, at no time, was even close to being in the goal. Watkins' theatrics were an ultimately futile attempt to get Todd Anderson to give him a penalty shot. Watkins never really had either of the UAA guys cleanly beaten.


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This post reeks of elitism. The "skilled teams"? News flash...EVERY team hooks and holds...even YOURS. So your solution to the problem is to tell your goons to "get even" by cheap shotting someone just because they're getting grabbed a bit in the corner?

The solution is simple, get the refs to start calling an NHL-style game, no matter how many penalties stack up. The players will adjust. And it won't be just the "unskilled teams" you didn't mention in your post that will be parading to the box either.

I wish players from the "unskilled" ranks you just disrespected read this forum (maybe they do?), cause you just provided some grade AA bulletin board material.

Sorry to stir the pot here...but comments like this that seperate the league into an upper and lower class really get to me. The WCHA is the best league in the country, top-to-bottom.

Your $0.02? Keep the change!

Your exactly right dogz, and unfortunately thats how many people on here think. I have to disagree with you on one thing however. If the league went immediately into a NHL style of officiating there would literally be fifty penalties a game. Bring a note pad to a game sometime and watch all the subtle hooks and interferences after loose pucks or scrums in the corner where the defender lets go of his stick and grabs with one arm. Those are all penalties in the NHL and it would be absolutely insane if they called the college game like that in terms of penalties.

SIDE NOTE: Chay Genoway's backhand area saucer pass to Evan Trupp was the nicest i have ever seen. Ever

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Your exactly right dogz, and unfortunately thats how many people on here think. I have to disagree with you on one thing however. If the league went immediately into a NHL style of officiating there would literally be fifty penalties a game. Bring a note pad to a game sometime and watch all the subtle hooks and interferences after loose pucks or scrums in the corner where the defender lets go of his stick and grabs with one arm. Those are all penalties in the NHL and it would be absolutely insane if they called the college game like that in terms of penalties.

SIDE NOTE: Chay Genoway's backhand area saucer pass to Evan Trupp was the nicest i have ever seen. Ever

They made the change in the NHL. League officials informed the teams of what would be called penalties and what wouldn't be. When the games started, a lot of penalties were called and teams eventually changed their play. It could be done.

However, it's been going on for over a decade now. Coaches meet every summer, and if enough of them were absolutely fed up with it, wouldn't they have been pushing for tighter calls on this kind of play? You can put all the blame you want on the refs, but my take on it is if the coaches truly wanted it to change, they could get it changed, by continually bringing it up every summer until it changes. I would love to see a clean game in college. The NHL has become so much more exciting since making the change, and I'm sure the WCHA would too if they would ever make the change.

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On the replay of the Watkins chance, he was striding away (flat-out out skating the two Seawolves) THe reason he didn't get in the clear was that he was hooked. I do agree with the call, however, you can't give him a penalty shot unless he's pulled down from behind.

As for the overall performance. AA played a trap from the beginning and worked hard to be aggressive on the forecheck, and clog up the front of the net in their defensive zone. They are going to get chances off bounces and hustle playing this style, but they were never in any way shape or form in control of the game. In fact, I can only think of one time when they had sustained pressure. The rest of the opportunities were generated off turnovers, blocked shots and their aggressive attacking on the forecheck.

Regarding Bucky and Goldy: I've never seen a Gopher start a fight that the ref didn't finish. And oh, Mr psycho Eaves, scrapping again? I don't see any kelly green in the Kohl center.

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Does anyone know how many player the home team can dress? Is it 20 plus a goalie or 20 plus an extra player? I was just wondering because I saw Marto warming up even though he didn't play. I didn't remember seeing that at the Tech series but maybe I missed it.

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Does anyone know how many player the home team can dress? Is it 20 plus a goalie or 20 plus an extra player? I was just wondering because I saw Marto warming up even though he didn't play. I didn't remember seeing that at the Tech series but maybe I missed it.

I don't have that answer. But I noticed that UND had only 2 goalies dressed for the game. Normally, doesn't the home team have 3 dressed?

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They made the change in the NHL. League officials informed the teams of what would be called penalties and what wouldn't be. When the games started, a lot of penalties were called and teams eventually changed their play. It could be done.

However, it's been going on for over a decade now. Coaches meet every summer, and if enough of them were absolutely fed up with it, wouldn't they have been pushing for tighter calls on this kind of play? You can put all the blame you want on the refs, but my take on it is if the coaches truly wanted it to change, they could get it changed, by continually bringing it up every summer until it changes. I would love to see a clean game in college. The NHL has become so much more exciting since making the change, and I'm sure the WCHA would too if they would ever make the change.

The NHL has found a way to run the trap without all the hooking and holding it can be done.

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Was a good win last night, and although they pretty much controlled most of the play, I really didn't feel like the Sioux were all that sharp. Just didn't seem to have the initial jump. They did eventually settle into the game, but it was not smooth by any stretch of the imagination.

Lots of telegraphed passes that got picked off and a lot of attempted poke checks (even in the offensive zone) that for the most part didn't work and when they were able to poke check there was no control afterwards. Those were wierd to watch because I've never seem them rely on that so much. They are usually checking hard to the boards and digging pucks out that way. It may be that UAA just wasn't playing that type of hockey that allowed them to "fight it out" on the boards. It was also somewhat disconcerting that Bina and Chorney had such a hard time keeping the puck in the offensive zone. Not used to watching the puck jump over their sticks. Vandy's line was OK and he was great on face-offs (10-5), and they did get a few chances, but they didn't seem to dominate like they have and can.

On a positive note, Genoway, Trupp and Frattin are coming into their own big time. The second power play unit looked great. Lots of control, hustle and shots towards the net. These guys are definately going to give other teams fits and maybe by demanding more attention from other teams it might loosen things up a little for Oshie and Duncan.

There is so much hooking, holding, clutching grabbing etc. that goes on it's pathetic. It is so frustrating to watch and I am sure it is much more frustrating to try to play through it. I really wish they would officiate like the NHL. The way it's done now, it's no more than a big wrestling match. I know that the Sioux would have their own adjustments to make, but through my green colored homer glasses I just have to believe that with the consistant talent that we have, we would be able to move through that phase rather quickly and with our style of play and the recruits we tend to bring in we would excell very quickly.

There were a few things last night that made me chuckle. The first was when Hennessey was interviewing Trupp before the game and Evan's dad had played for Fairbanks and Tim asked him if he had played for Lucia and in all inocence and sincerity Evan replied "I think so - He's at Minnesota now isn't he"

The second one was in the third period after UAA had pulled their goalie and then had to put him back in for a face-off and he was looking toward the bench whether to come off again or not and these two guys in my section started yelling at him. One was yelling "GO" and the other was yelling "STAY" back and forth and it was almost like Christianson could hear them, because when the one would yell "GO" he would skate towards the bench and when the other would yell "STAY" he would back up a little. I'm sure he didn't hear them, but it was funny to watch because his movements matched what these guys were yelling so perfectly.

The third chuckle came during TJ's interview after the game when he was describing his goal and he said "I was really surprised I didn't have to do more to get open." (This is actually a really sad statement and comment on the state of officiating.)

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The third chuckle came during TJ's interview after the game when he was describing his goal and he said "I was really surprised I didn't have to do more to get open." (This is actually a really sad statement and comment on the state of officiating.)

There in a nut shell is the answer ???

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My random thoughts on the game:

1. 2nd period to start was all UAA.

2. Thank god for the last two powerplays because the first two looked so horribly pathetic that half of the great UAA scoring chances that Phil faced were because we were too busy trying to look good rather than play hockey on the powerplay. Embarrassing. And, yes, we did get lucky. We deserved to get scored on during those two first powerplays. Folks, I don't care about flashy goals or highlight reel moves on the ice. What I care about is that, after the PP, we have at least 2 SOG and we've kept the opposition from a single SOG shorthanded. That's not, by definition a great mentality for a powerplay I know, but it is absolutely unacceptable to have 4 players outplaying 5. And if there are more players on the ice than the opponent, then there HAS to be a way we can find to get the puck to the net. The number one puck handler, or at least the #1 player that will see the puck near him the most during a penalty kill should be the goaltender. Christianson should have seen 4 shots per powerplay. We figured that out the last few powerplays and we either dominated them or scored on them because of it.

3. This is the first game that I thought Genoway shot the puck too much. On the other hand, I think Finley needs to shoot the puck more. I like his shot. He's not much more inaccurate than Chorney.

4. Our D played very well last night. I thought LaPoint played responsibly, but not flashy. Bina made some dumb mistakes but it didn't cost the Sioux at all. Genoway was amazing defensively. His sliding to prevent the pass on the 3 on 1 saved our bacon.

5. It's odd for me to say this, but JPL was sharp, but Christianson played better. I know it's odd for a guy to gave up 3 goals to get the nod over the guy who only gave up 1, but Christianson was the difference maker. This game would NOT have been close without Bryce's stellar play. Sure, JPL made 4 incredible saves, but Bryce made just as many if not more. That doesn't mean that Bryce is better than JPL, but he certainly earned my respect last night.

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I don't have that answer. But I noticed that UND had only 2 goalies dressed for the game. Normally, doesn't the home team have 3 dressed?

Snider hasn't been dressing in games. As for Marto...I noticed that too and in a different game when Radke dressed for warm-ups,but didn't play. I don't have an answer for either of those.

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