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Everything posted by gfNDfan

  1. Gotta love the internet - it's like running into a wall over and over again - JUST LIKE MOST OF YOU DID WHEN YOU WERE KIDS! Oh memories....
  2. Drove by the old Steers restaurant on South Washington tonight and it's been taken over by a restaurant called "Taste of Himalayas" (basically Indian but with some different stuff) and the parking lot was FULL! By full I mean 8-10 cars but way more than I ever saw at Steers. Anyone try it yet? House of Punjab is doing great business - Steers/aka/CHINO LATINO is doing Indian/Asian fusion food that is amazing - GLAD to see GF tastes are changing to more than just another Burger/Grinder joint. PS - That being said we picked up Parrots Cay takeout tonight and it was FANTASTIC! We ordered takeout because we thought we'd never get a table on a friday night but there actually several tables open at 6:30 - suprising
  3. That was a covid thing instituted by the Ralph - no reporters on ice level. She will do a pre-game show and ice level reports during the live game.
  4. Also known as La Casa NorthDakota-stra - Me Familia Sioux Style!
  5. Anchor for Varsity Sports Live and great at that. This was a new position because of new contract stipulations. Welcome aboard Taylor!
  6. Thanks FS4L - for you others blame who you want to blame or troll - so great to such BRAVE internet warriors with perfect 20/20 hindsight! For people who were here and lived through that horrible mess - Lynn (and Pat) were just regular people who stepped up and delivered for us. Perfect? - no but that was totally uncharted territory. I remember him wearing his USA sweatshirt all the time and tolerating every member of the "non local" media calling him "Mayor STRAUSS" He also fostered the relationship with Joan Kroc that helped out a TON of local residents with modest but at the time very timely $2000 grants. We were very grateful. We were renting at the time and lost some stuff but compared to others we were lucky but that money was HUGE in helping us find a new rental place to move into and replace some lost things. Thanks again Lynn! You did the right things at the right time and we'll remember you for it. Rest in Peace.
  7. Sad news that former EGF Mayor Lynn Stauss passed over the weekend. He led EGF after the flood to the Cool restaurant row on the Boardwalk/Mn State Park in a former neighborhood/Major Retailer CABELAS downtown and a lot of other positive adds to EGF after the flood. Not to mention all he did with Joan Kroc to help a LOT of people (including me) after the flood. Thanks for all your hard work Lynn! EGF shines today and we thank you for it. Rest in Peace.
  8. now THAT'S a best kept secret mo-fo's!!! just sayin'
  9. Gam Wong is still cooking up the old Shangra-La Combo plate AND the Phoenix Chicken entree at Ground Round but only a couple days a week - wednesday for sure and even a couple other days at his whim but it's available and EXACTLY as you remember it. Check out their Facebook for updates or their online "Chinese" menu for what's available. It will take you right back!
  10. AWESOME! 3 new strip malls placed close together - that will do the trick! The best thing about GF is when you build a strip mall it just sits empty or mostly empty for years. Seems like we have PLENTY of these around town with no tenants right now. REALLY? South Washington, downtown, 32nd - Fargo fills these things up right away - why can't we?
  11. gfNDfan

    Potato Bowl 2022

    Get the run game rolling and the pass game will open up - like with Isaiah "Get outta my WAY-a" Smith!! He's fast!
  12. Funny how that little pussy LakesBison posted in a sig tagline that "Jail and ElChapo don't mix" OMG how FUNNY would that have been?? That little-dick moron piping off to cops and whoever until he ACTUALLY GOT ARRESTED and got booked into jail and had to bail his sad little drunk ass out. SUCH A BIG TALKER FOR SO MANY YEARS then we he actually got arrested and taken to jail now he's a little whiny bitch about it. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLL!!!! ONCE a pussy - ALWAYS a PUSSY! F*CK YOU LAKES!! Sincerely, All your local friends as SS.com:-) loser
  13. They're working on it - contract signing was so late it has all broadcast entities scrambling to provide the best product available so give them a break early. Midco has always provided a solid product for UND. They will for this too.
  14. Mods YOU KNOW it's time when GFHockey is the voice of reason! Will agree it's funny how "THE SCHOOL that's too good to allow UND threads in their forum JAM INTO A CLOWN CAR OF MORONS AND IDIOTS to run over here and sh*t on UND when they give a big time program a run for their money...so sad guys? really? You're THAT threatened? wow - total "little man" syndrome but thanks for stopping by! I'm sure your dad can beat up our dad:-/
  15. Nope - pretty sure it was a bunch of old-timey professors who thought old indian bones and artifacts were interesting things to display and point to as "curiousities" When they finally did some remodeling and took them down they stuffed them in a box and put them away only to be discovered all these years later... disrespectful? YES Ignorant? YES A "liberal" conspiracy? NO but YES the name has been retired for many good reasons. Get over it. The "liberal academics" and administration are now trying to make this situation right - they will do it but it will take time. Stop acting like you would have done something different or better. People like you only bitch
  16. Beats the hell out of the last "OFFICIAL" grocery store of UND Athletics that was....wait for it....HORNBACHERS that lasted a year and a half in GF and then BAILED - but - Learfield signed them to a multi-year deal so they had the embarrassing situation of being the "official grocer" of UND while NOT having a store here while Hugo's has been a long-time TOP RATE supporter of UND. Horbachers showed their loyalty to Fargo - Hugo's has ALWAYS been about Grand Forks. VERY GLAD those douchebags from Learfield are OUT of the picture. and also ABOUT DAMN TIME Hugo's is the "official grocer" and yeah GO TO THE 506 and thank Hugo's for all their support for UND over the years. The downtown store is a great new asset and Hugo's has been a rock solid sponsor of UND athletics from the start.
  17. Sounds like that's what President Armacost is doing and will do - he'll do the right thing although it's a couple decades late and not his fault. Repatriation is the right thing to do and worrying about how this might affect the old nickname coming back is a trivial and frankly pathetic waste of time.
  18. There's NO WAY Hornbachers* is paying you $38,500 a year nd1sufan!!! NO WAY! * - BREAKING NEWS - those bail-out douchebags are NO LONGER the "Official Grocer" of UND Athletics - it's back to being Hugo's where it belongs. Thankfully Learfield Sports is DEAD at UND! They brought nothing to the table...but they did teach the Ralph people to double or triple their prices and have pissed off a LOT of long time clients - so they still live on somehow!
  19. The BOWTIE kills it for me - like Tucker Carlson had to have a night job to make it in local radio. SAD
  20. Never worked for Ingstad but 20+ years in local GF media - also last 10 VERY CLOSE with UND productions. What are your local media credentials and expertise beyond pretending to be an internet board "expert" about everything?? QUOTING: PPS - Bass (pronounced: base) is a male voice. Yeah HELLO! That's an industry joke that further tells me you don't know anything about how all this works. Thanks for explaining how a BASS (PRONOUCED BASE-lol) is a male voice - pretty FISHY!:-) Stick to your lane and your day job.
  21. WOW! you are an EXPERT of all things! AMAZING! What a gift for this website someone SO wise in ALL aspects of the broadcast world! I have some too. Paul is a good guy - true to UND through and through. Not a perfect "broadcast voice" He worked his way up to his position and does just fine. BTW - a bass is a fish - not a voice. Magical "Jack Michaels" has to have an embarrassing stack of candy and snacks in front of him to get through a broadcast (no kidding - it's weird - I've seen it in person in the Al Pressbox) plus let's face facts. He's a Fargo guy who only does UND sports because he gets paid to do it. Great voice but he'd abandon UND in a heartbeat and never look back. Also a nice guy but...I'm going to use a bad word here - a HO! Happy to just get paid! Finally - hate to say it but Hennessy is still solid but getting a little scratchy and dull...time to think of an heir-apparent? Would be great if he could help find someone to hand the torch too. Sid H. hung around WWAYYY too long in MN - let's not do that please.
  22. AND midco used to be known as MIDCONTINENT!?! wtf? AND Josh Fenton's initials are 2/3rds of JF...k? K is close to Q - hmmm??? I'm going to do some "research" on the internet and see what I can come up with on that. I'm sure it's just a coincedence
  23. There's this new thing called the internet - the previous poster has the link. Check it out!
  24. First EP of Day by Day for the season is up and running....(actually on Friday - i'm slow)
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