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Everything posted by gfNDfan

  1. NOPE - there's 1 winner. The poor kid who was the VICTIM to start. He was a vulnerable human being just looking to have a "cool" kid as a friend. MM reached out...as the cruelest joke one human being can pull on another...claiming "I'll be your friend - just do this" while the evil asshole laughs as a mentally challenged kid tries to comply with his wishes and licks candy out of a toilet (no doubt freshly pissed on this asshole) just trying to be somebody. MM not only made him feel like nothing - he was NOTHING in MM eyes! Now MM DESERVES TO LOSE everything that's been gifted to him because of his supposed "talents". He's an ASSHOLE! That's not "kids being kids" - that's not "excusable behavior" - that's psychotic and probably mentally deranged. MM needs professional help and I hope he gets it. At least he could have apologized to the VICTIM and his family instead of trying to protect his "potential". President Armacost was totally right.
  2. This is his chance and UND can give him a hand up. He's made mistakes and his future is in flux. This is his opportunity to show what kind of a man he can be instead of what a douche he was as a teenager. He can make more amends later but the hard work back to being a human being can begin here at UND - I trust Bubs can help him. I say give him that chance.
  3. Tucker Carlson would wrap his lips around a tailpipe and inhale if he thought it would make 2 people watch his "YOU WILL BE OUTRAGED BY ????" shitshow. He's a carny calling all you Fox News rubes off the midway into his stupid booth where you can pretend to win a "big prize" - MORONS! Every one of you! Even the intern that was made to write the original story in the NYPost (a tabloid btw - like Weekly World NEWS!) would't sign his name to this bull$%!#. That's embarrasing
  4. Let me guess President D-bags reply... He didn't attend my inauguration I didn't know him but no one did MORE for people named Nagy during my presidency He was fat while I've been pronouced very smart on a cognitive test designed to find out if I was mentally ill - SCORE! Karma WILL find DT! It has to... PS - you're still morbidly obese idiot
  5. This THING hasn't even hit ND yet - but it's coming. We're lucky in ND to have small cities (sorry METRO FARGO) and a rural population but what you don't realize is community spread of this disease in ND hasn't even started yet. IT WILL when college students return from all over the country to ND's Schools like NDSU and UND in the fall - despite the "best preparations'. It will evelate to virulent community spread when the local elementary and high schools "OPEN" like it's a good thing. Then ND will experience how this disease spreads like wildfire and god knows how that will go. Most of you "never maskers" will realize the mistake you made when someone in your family gets it and has a bad outcome. Hopefully you will have the character to admit the error of your ways. But again to quote our dear leader - CoVId deaths? "It is what is is?" FU
  6. All this political BS is so STUPID - Al Pearson and his daughter need a hand - SERIOUSLY - regardless of politics we all love AL and he's going through the fight of his life right now. Tammi Hagness started this GoFundMe and I've been trying to spread the word in other threads but a lot of you a-holes won't respond or read it because "I" - the evil liberal posted it. Well to that f you but I'm so not Trump and only worried about myself so here it is again. It's a legit request and if more of you "republican' aholes would spread it around to your "rich" friends they would smash this goal into the ground and get the resources Johanna needs....click it and donate - those bus trips were legendary! Never a more true UND Hockey fan through and through. https://www.gofundme.com/f/dewwdu-caring-for-a-caregiver?viewupdates=1&rcid=r01-159586314187-f7aaaafa9ff242ef&utm_medium=email&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_email%2B1137-update-supporters-v5b
  7. no one gets this at all. i'm pretty sure Mayor Bochenski will bring back the FIghting SIoux nickname though - thanks of asking
  8. I can guarantee you I'm WAY funnier than you have ever been in your life. I just make it a point to call out racism wherever I see it - in the real world wherever I go or in a good ol' white boys hockey thread. Not cool - not before - not now - not ever! BUT since you asked.... Trump Voter #1: Hey I heard KING TIMMY consulted a Syrian about his latest mask policy Trump Voter #2 What's a SYRIAN? One of those characters from the Star Wars? Reasonable 2020 Voter: I saw this on facebook - they're saying the policy came from DUMB_MASK_US (wow) That's why I've voting for Biden. Trump Voter #3: what's the Star Wars????? and scene. FU colorado
  9. Heard he was thinking of calling it "Harry's" in honor of his dad but not surprised he's waiting out the covid crisis to determine seating inside. When it opens it will be first class like Hal does everything.
  10. Hey where's the next Klan rally racist - NO ONE thinks that sh*t is funny anymore. Go find a new home
  11. https://www.gofundme.com/f/dewwdu-caring-for-a-caregiver?utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link-tip REPOST
  12. f*ck you for judging me and pretending you cared about a someone most of UND hated and couldn't wait to get rid of. If you care about someone who REALLY gave to UND go here... https://www.gofundme.com/f/dewwdu-caring-for-a-caregiver?utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link-tip and F*CK you again judgy aholeQ
  13. Posting it here too....for ANY fans of Al Pearson https://www.gofundme.com/f/dewwdu-caring-for-a-caregiver?utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link-tip spread it - lets KICK this one for Al and Johanna!
  14. https://www.gofundme.com/f/dewwdu-caring-for-a-caregiver?utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link-tip click it - kick in! I'm posting this link everywhere humanely possible. Al is a legend! Johanna deserves it! PEACE!
  15. Thanks for quoting a known white supremicist with a gay porn star name on Twitter in defense of....WAIT! I"m going to roll a shiny quarter down the hall and distract all you red neck a-holes to a cause that could actually HELP some people instead of fueling an ever-burning dumpster fire of politics....click it https://www.gofundme.com/f/dewwdu-caring-for-a-caregiver?utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link-tip a worthy cause instead of a futile arguement for a change - have at it and SPREAD it on your socials. Regardless of politics we need to knock this one out of the park for Al and Johanna
  16. Moved this from the community thread to where it belongs. Al and Joanna Pearson could use some help - after everything they've done for UND fans we can smash this goal into dust and beyond in a few days. Have at it! https://www.gofundme.com/f/dewwdu-caring-for-a-caregiver?utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link-tip
  17. REALLY? so you're happy to wear a mask everywhere during the covid pandemic because it's the "RIGHT" thing to do as a human being and not an infringement on your liberty? (guessing NOT)
  18. This thread needs to get moved to the Hockey thread and it will take off like a rocket!! Mods?
  19. This is the problem. ANYTIME a cop presses his body weighted knee into someone's neck while he's screaming out "I can't breathe" for 8 MINUTES it's wrong. PERIOD! This wasn't a situation where a guy was shooting people in the street and had to be detained by any means - that's fine. Find some weirdo white guy who shoots up a school and kills people. PRESS YOUR KNEE ON HIS NECK ALL DAY! I don't care. Floyd was ACCUSED of passing a fake $20 bill...not even verified if it actually was fake and Chauvin did that to him. Do think he would have done that to stupid white kid accused of the same? Hell NO! He's a f*cking racist. There's no evidence the kids that shot DiLorenzo did so because he was white - that's the difference. And that's not to excuse them because street criminals who murder should go to jail for a long time too. I'm just saying a lot of people who are "pretending" to share condolences here where calling for DiLorenzo's head before he resigned. You know who you are...
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