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Everything posted by gfNDfan

  1. Noel's Cuisine! That was the name of the place.
  2. WWAAYYY too ahead. GF's version of the Dream Cafe for you Seinfeld fans. It was an old downtown line of stools and small table diner (like Darcy's) he took over and made amazing Pakistani food in the shadow of the old City Center mall. Was just starting to get some roll and got sucker punched/knocked out by the flood. Wonder where he is today?
  3. totally agree GF needs an Indian Restaurant and India Palace would be a great place to replicate here. Tandoori Chicken and Gobi Manchurian and I'm a happy camper!
  4. Speaking of Art - great show going on in University Park this weekend - "Art on the Red" Saturday and Sunday! This is the construction relocated version of the Grand Cities Art Fest that used to be downtown (and will be again) but for now it's in a beautiful tree-shaded part of U Park near the spray park. It was very nice to go down, walk around the vendors, grab lunch from the GF Food Truck/aka/Steers Mobile NOW FEATURING some hot and spicy international food. Their line was AMAZINGLY LONG - good to see for Elias Dean! Also nice to see almost no one in a mask, people smiling - having a good time greeting old friends. Oh and there was also art! I bought some. Didn't think too much about it - just appreciated what someone else made and thought it was worth a few bucks. Try it! and if you're one of those "art critics" who think "I could have made that!" why didn't ya Cratter?
  5. Yes but town-fleeing traitors like RT and Hornbachers are dead to me forever!
  6. They have a restaurant in Devils Lake - same name, same owners. Authentic Mexican much like Casa Mexico on the East Side. Good and a good location for them compared to the EGF restaurant. They will be the only mexican on I-29 and 32nd but I went to EGF Hugos tonight at 8pm and Casa Mexico was packed! They are our favorite - try the Diablo Shrimp (SPICY) or Rodeo Fajitas - order to go and you will have food for days. Dining in is great too.
  7. TRY IT! Support a local business downtown and maybe have something different for your taste buds! You might like it!
  8. Like some hack fan blogger I remember from a few years ago that demanded a "press pass" to cover UND hockey despite his lack of journalism training, poor writing and grammar skills? You were lucky they gave you that privilege without judging your credentials. (NONE) Maybe you could give that nod to someone else without judgement Goon. Sid Hartman isn't stirring in his grave quite yet with your "insights" on UND hockey. LOL
  9. No - the exact reverse. I was bullied and understand how it feels when the "BULLY" is supposed to be excused because he was "young" or it was "boys will be boys" because the kid has a greater "POTENTIAL" to help a sports team down the road and that's why YOU'RE EXCUSING HIM? He's still a POS as a human being based on his personal and parents reactions. He has made ZERO amends! My point was NO ONE gives a !@#$ about his victim because he can't come in and be a "BIG" player for your college football team BECAUSE he was a victim - yet many people here want to REWARD/REHAB the violator because he has POTENTIAL to help you college program...how about finding a way to give a hand up to the person he crushed?
  10. Yes - seems like that "YOUNG ADULT" has done nothing but look after his own future job/career prospects since then. SUPER - I'm so happy! I just wish some NHL team would serve him up a sh*t sandwich and laugh while he spewed it out and wiped it off his face as he realized the pro team he "thought" he signed with was really making fun of him at his expense and had no plan to let this POS play for them as no pro team should. Then he (and you) might have an idea how his victim felt. BTW - ever wonder how his victim is doing or if he might have committed suicide? I'm guessing not.
  11. Seems to be wearing a mask - WHAT A PUSSY! Oh little marco... TRUMP IN 24! (3024)
  12. Trump LOST because he's an asshole! PERIOD! Always doubled down until his own arguements left him choking on his own bull$%!#. A real man admits when he's been beaten and moves on. Channeling my interior Nelson Muntz - HAHA! go away you orange turd!
  13. Many Romans CHEERED while Nero fiddled as Rome burned. Many TRUMPERS cheer while Trump tries to burn down democracy - just so he can preserve his own "dignity" or "legacy" - HAH! Trump GOLFS while he destoys and denies the transition - pitifully hiding in the white house carving his initials into white house furniture with a penknife and denying everything everyday at TAXPAYERS expense. GO AWAY LEECH!
  14. Keep smoking your little pipe for a Georgia overturn Johnny! Lindsey Graham was BEGGING for money when he thought he going to get beat then acted like he won the Superbowl when he didn't. He's a Piece Of !@#$ now asking the Georgia Sec. of State to "THROW OUT VOTES" in a valid election. His tongue is so far up Trumps fat ass it's embarassing. Maybe AG Bar should investigate HIM for election interference?? OOPS forgot Bar is also sniffing up trumps alley -sorry. BTW - how many legal "challenges" now that have been thrown out? Countless - baseless - no evidence at all! GIVE IT UP TRUMPERS! Donny is going to jail!
  15. Yes - LOTS of republicans who voted a total republican down ballet did NOT vote for TRUMP at the top the ticket - they voted for Biden. That's how you account for the difference. Voted for everyone in their party EXCEPT for the orange clown leading the parade. THANKS REPUBLICANS for having some character - it's a start!
  16. I just have to say more than a day into this tribute thread for Ken and 1 GUY (F4S) has replied? REALLY? Very disapointed in true SIOUX fans here. Al Pearson is also fighting like hell to hang on and his daughter needed some help via GOFUNDME but that ALSO turned out a disapointing response. WTF! I get it if you hate me here and want me to go away - I WILL - but i can't believe UND Hockey fans would prefer to joust about the pros and cons of TRUMPISM and national politics and ignore the trials and losses local GF people we all have loved and cherished and the issues they have or are going through. Frankly I'm ashamed the AlPearson go fund me didn't do better. It should have for all this great man did for UND Hockey. (You can look it up on another thread here) Ken Towers was AMAZING and a ROCK SOLID PILLAR of Grand Forks in the personal, business and spiritual way he supported our community. Stop worrying about the orange turtle and START thinking about the people who built and solidified the foundation of the UND community! They are what matters.
  17. No - a reasonable person. A person who can see this election was about the soul of America from the opposite side of the aisle. And I will say I didn't like W while he was in office but I've gained more respect for him since because he realized it's never been about "you're either with US or THEM" until Trump poisoned our country. We have always worked together and it's NEVER been a OUR WAY OR HIGHWAY Proposition. That's what democracy is all about WORKING TOGETHER Continue with Trump and follow the poisonous trail of hate, lies and misinformation at taxpayers expense. Word is the LAME DUCK is about to embark on a "Election Truth/PLEASE TELL ME YOU LOVE ME" pity rally tour and we (US Taxpayers) will be paying for it. TOTALLY LAME and don't go you kool-aid drinking idiots. Biden will be the new President. Consider how you can for a force for good in the UNITED states of America going forward. If you can't - fU - move to mexico or whatever dogwhistle the boogaloo boys are calling out now. BEST THING IS - you'll be on the other side of the unscalable wall your idiot president built. Ironic yet fitting. Don't let the door his you on the way OUT of the USA
  18. What everyone saw explode on the streets today was something Trump has never allowed during his vindictive bullying regime - Joy. Pure JOY! Happy to be free from the shackles of a doom and gloom despot. No one called them to come out - they just showed up! TO CELEBRATE FREEDOM and hope for a FRESH START! . I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest today - so I don't have to worry about every stupid evil tweet or idiot "order" he wanted to issue. Keep fighting everything don - you're DONE! That's all you ever do - depend on lawyers to bail your ass out. GOOD LUCK! We're DONE with you - start packing your sh*t 1 TERM LOSER!!!
  19. Great GF Community supporter - longtime coach and legendary business owner with the Moon - you will be so missed. Great UND supporter too. Rest in Peace Ken
  20. I agree 2 families are devastated. One will be fine because some team somewhere (maybe in Europe) will give him a chance because of his hockey talent. Hooray! He won't make millions from the NHL but most likely a comfortable life in the KHL or another league in Eurpope - HOORAY! One family will just try to find ANY path to ANYTHING for their child who's suffered from something he never asked for or deserved and NEVER deserved to be kicked in the face with by a kid who had everything from the start and now acts like HE'S THE VICTIM! I will continue to make sure MM has NO FUTURE in college hockey or the pros in the USA I don't care about his "talent" or "potential" HE fucked it up by being a psychotic asshole He has NEVER made a path to redemption. I will always advocate for his "VICTIM" - who''s name was....BOO ? do you know?
  21. Then living in ND is just fantastic today and everyday - SUPER! Thanks Dr. Atlas:-)
  22. No - the BULLYING of a classmate was the BULLYING! You forget where this all started - WITH THIS ENTITLED PRIVELEDGED LITTLE ASSHOLE whose chose to BULLY a kid and now - BOO HOO his "future" is being taken away. !@#$ HIM HIS VICTIM IS STILL WALLOWING IN NOT ONLY THE HORROR OF DEALING WITH HIS CONDITION on a DAILY BASIS BUT THE MENTAL ANGUISH of everything this ASSHOLE made him feel. It's BAD and it's WRONG! STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR THIS ASSHOLE! s ?? "what if MM killed himself" over this?? BOO HOO! He made his bed - he has to lay in it! I wouldn't lose 1 night of sleep because I'm sure his victim has had so many more bad nights. I'm ashamed of you yzerman - I thought you were a better person than all this.
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