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Everything posted by squirtcoach

  1. As a hockey dad who got to follow my squirt thru Peewee A, a Bantam A State Championship and high school varsity, here in Minnesota, I really think the "homegrown flavor" of the Gopher team is a pretty cool thing. However (y'all knew it was coming), I watched this group of Gopher hockey players since they were Peewees as we played almost all of them, and several times a year. And the crew they have are ones that left their respective High School teams just when they were most needed as Juniors and Seniors for selfish reasons. And I think you notice it on the ice. It seems that the Gophers never really have a team mentality. It is like an earlier poster said it is a capital M with a small e on their jerseys. They only kids I was hoping would go to UND was Miller and Budish. The rest, they fit the Gopher mold. And if those are the kinds of kid you want on your team, well that is the difference between UND and U of M fans. And to that I say "Vive la Difference! Go Sioux!
  2. Forgive me if I missed the update on the status of Forney, but I can't believe with all the "connected Sioux fans" who post on this site, no one has seen neither hide nor hair of him. The young man obviously HAS to be skating and working out somewhere this summer. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
  3. My best guess, the guy (please let it be a guy) googled Jeff and found this posting. Now it is up to all of you to give us your best guess of the motivation behind the googling. I'm all ears!
  4. He deserves criticism from his coaches and girlfriend, only. Which one are you? Otherwise, please see the golden rule above.
  5. Randolph's reputation is rather interesting. You talk to Duluth East hockey people and he is either the second coming or satan incarnate. Nothing in between.
  6. I've never been a Sioux hockey player hater. Any of them. Ever. I have always lived by the golden rule: If you have something bad to say about a hockey player, it had better be a gopher.
  7. I take the loss as hard as any fan here, but like some have implied on this post, we as fans do not have 1/100 of the emotional and physical investment of, say, a Joe Finley or Chay Genoway, in the game played yesterday. Some of these seniors will never play a "meaningful" hockey game again in their life. And that may be hard to live with for quite some time. Those are the guys I feel most for. I've been there , I've coached kids who've been there and I see it all the time. It is like soomething has been taken from your life. We fans are fortunate to have the '09-'10 season to look forward to. And next years team will be better than this year. For the players, this "team" will never be again. Having a good deal of coaching experience, I recognize the behavior of some of these some of the ranters on this site. They are the guys (or gals) who break their hockey sticks in the locker room, refuse to shake hands after the game, get in a fight with a teammate, or trash the locker room. It's all about having class in defeat. Or maybe they never understood the effort and heart required to play a meaningful game in front of thousands. I hope you, who chose to blame a guy all sweated up who put his heart out there for a goal with 0.1 seconds on the clock, never get the opportunity to coach a youth team. For the sake of the kids. That 0.1 second ticks off before the goal and these same ranters would be strutting how the Sioux survived a close one but will be ready for BU this afternoon. This '08-'09 version of the Fighting Sioux has made my winter. Looking forward to the Friday game makes my work week go much faster. And I thank all the players current and former for the efforts they've made for my entertaineemnt and enjoyment. Best of luck in all future endeavors, hockey related or not. Now my rant is done: Go Sioux!
  8. A fine bunch of young men who will be successful wherever their education at UND takes them. Best of luck gentlemen. Thanks for the memories.
  9. With all due respect, I thought it was a legit trip call. He doesn't catch his shins with his stick, and it was a 3 on 2 or 3 on 1 break for the Dogs. Heck of a way to end a season; two goals with less than 40 seconds left in the game. Or as Yogi Berra always said.... Go Sioux!
  10. And the people who elected the morons who sponsored this bill did not vote for Franken. These guys come Bachman country and are a couple of Republicans. Fear not fans of common sense, adults run the House and Senate in this state, This bill won't see the light o' day. And I agree with you this is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard from a politician. Almost as dumb as anything that comes out of the mouth of Michele Bachman. Must be something in the water up there.
  11. Signal is up and a strong 75 quality GO Sioux
  12. Thank you very much. Squirt is playing in a college baseball tourney and Mrs. Squirt coach and I are following the team. Hope to meet a lot of Sioux Fans Saturday. Go Sioux!
  13. I plan to be at the Friday game at the X and in Phoenix for the championship game. Where does the Phoenix contingent of Fighting Sioux fans plan to get together to watch the Sioux hoist the Broadmoor trophy? AZSIOUX? anyone?
  14. The Golden Gophers, Finland's Pride On Ice!
  15. In the case of 25 year old men putting on 30 lbs in a year (Jason Giambi was my favorte example), that is chemistry. But for a lot of 18 and 19 year old kids it happens when they start lifting like they are supposed to lift and eat what they are supposed to eat. And the pituitary gland turns on. Looking forward to seeing Cichy in green and white.
  16. You guys didn't know Barry Bonds when he was a 170 skinny little singles hitter for the Pirates! Actually lots of guys this age suddenly get that "man body", and boom the muscles come. We call them late bloomers.
  17. The UMass situation is an interesting one. If a team is not eligible then they are not under consideration, no? Granted, the PWR before the end of the season is an excercise of fantasy, but if you trying to mimic the end of the season 'today', I would venture the NCAA would not have UMass as a TUC.
  18. Has anyone heard if Joe Sensor's will pick it up at either or both restaurants?
  19. Hill really went past reason with his staement last night. Does anyone have the link. I would post it but I have no computer ability to get it off TIVO and create an MPEG. I just know that Mr. Hill sucks as a coach and owes everything in his meager pathetic hockey life to Mr. Lucia's beneficence. HiS record of 0-2 when coaching #3 ranked teams versus unranked teams says it all.
  20. I'm trying to track down tickets If any are available I am probably coming down.
  21. Wasn't he the kid who verbaled when he was a freshman?
  22. by 2011 Favre's Steakhouse will be a long forgotten memory in Green Bay
  23. In the Fargoan's defense, Charlie Manson couldn't get a weekend pass.
  24. The quote is "Kneel before ZOD!", and if memory serves this old coach, it was a play off the discussion of God coming to UND in the form of Zach Parise. I suspect Handy as well.
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