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Everything posted by squirtcoach

  1. What's not to love about Canadians, Happy? I love Canadians. I was at the game in St. Cloud Saturday with a Canadian. Great guy. However, giving Austrians scholarships when they could go to Minnesotans, I have a "Happy-sized" problem with that.
  2. If I produced a list of places or things i pissed on while attending UND, many here would throw the book at me. Ya know that balcony on the Alumni Center.......
  3. You don't have to 'hope' anymore. Friday's game on CSTV looks like a 'sure thing' http://www.cstv.com/cgi-bin/tvsched.cgi?mo...amp;chosenCal=0 Does anyone know if I can be confident to get tickets at the door (or from private sales around the NHC) Saturday, or if I should try to buy in advance?
  4. Get out and carefully sweep the snow of the satellite dish! we finally have hockey again! GO SIOUX
  5. Yeah, that booze and drugs comment was way outta bounds.
  6. Unless the custodian calls his closet an office.....
  7. He was still a bantam when I was in college.....
  8. Please put Watkins and VV back together
  9. Timing is everything. If I remember right these two let the UND staff know quite early that they were not coming back. If I remember also correctly there have been several gophers who announced very late in the summer that they were going pro. Yes, if you recruit NHL talent you will only get a cople of years out of them. UND has been doing that since I went to school there. T. Murray, M. Volcan, M. Chorney.... I guess the goal is to recruit NHL-talented players who don't leave you in a lurch, declaring pro in September, or worse December.
  10. I have seen many kids get "opportunities' to play for better teams who decided to stay with their community team. I'd rather have them on 'my' team. They really do have an investment in the 'team'. I'm not hating, I don't hate any of those kids who jump. I love watching them play Usually they have greater individual skills that attracted the attention in the first place. I just think they are showing a little more character when they stay in a mediocre program to play for the 'team', rather than of jumping ship to play with a bunch of strangers to further their career. Oshie and Bostrom are two that come really stick out in my mind, but I can give you plenty of examples both ways.
  11. 22??? I thought they were all at least 25!!!
  12. Fine. Late last summer, didn't someone talk about Lucia recruitiung the mercenary type hockey players, that tend to leave teams in a lurch much like KO, Mueller, Kessel, Johnson.... Having been involved in youth hockey in Minnesota for the last 15 years, and seeing all these same kids I mentioned above play, I saw them as mercenary types who were all about the name on the back of the jersey, not the team logo on the front. They all jumped their community teams as soon as they were offered something better. But Happy, please don't worry your little head about the Fighting Sioux. I think we'll do just fine even without those WJC stars this year. And thanks for stopping by to let us know you're worried about the future of Fighting Sioux Hockey all the same.
  13. I was at UND in 81-82. The talk on campus back then was The Sioux were losing Saturdays because of the Friday night parties after the games. Not saying I was at any......
  14. There are differen types of physical play. Some skaters are very good at making checks to take opponents off the puck, other are able to take a beating and continue to stay in the play. While Flynn and Wheeler are effective at the former, Stoa was the most effective gopher in the latter. They are missing Stoa more than anyone imagined, as I have been saying since he was injured. They have lost their most effective forward in front of the net in the power play.
  15. If Hank Steinbrenner was indeed talking publically about acquiring another player (Santana) under contract to another team (Twins), that may be considered tampering by the league. That team (Twins) may get compensation from the Yankees for that.
  16. It is finally going to happen. I am making my inaugural pilgrimage to watch the Sioux game at the REA this weekend for both games (Thanks to nephew Chartreuse Muskie Killer). I've seen youth games and the International Juniors Tourney there, but this is my first opportunity to watch the Fighting Sioux LIVE in Grand Forks since they skated at the Rusty Brown Building. After checking 12 motels, I finally found a room. I am pumped!!! It is a shame there are no "Dollar Pitchers at the Spud" to prepare Friday. One question I must ponder on my trip north. Do I treat Gopher fans as I am treated in Minneapolis or St. Paul, or as I would like to be treated? GO SIOUX
  17. Brother discussion from this summer: http://forum.siouxsports.com/index.php?sho...amp;hl=brothers Someone came up with 26 sets
  18. Can't let it pass. You mean the regs written by Gingrich's 104th Congress http://aspe.hhs.gov/admnsimp/pl104191.htm Or Bush's modifications of 2002 and 2006.
  19. Congratulations, young man. Wear that uniform with Pride. You earned it. What a great opportunity.
  20. I'd like to look at the positives of last weekend. Game 1, 8 goals 8 different scorers. Can you ask for more balanced scoring? Game 2. The team was completely absent of the second period, and still would have tied or won the game minus the 80 ft embarassment. Players: Is there a better field general (pond admiral?)on the ice than Bina? He will be a coach somewhere in the near future. And I think Watkins is the most exciting skater on the ice. He seems to be on the puck and getting it in scoring position almost every shift. And our two freshmen defensemen match up with any two freshmen in the country. Both are better than expected (and a lot was expected out of LaPointe). Someone said Finley is our worst defenseman. If that is true we have a ton of talent at defense. Give Hakstol another month to figure out the lines, and watch the team go. If he wants advice, he knows he can come to me for putting lines together, but as my advice is free, it is worth the same. I know the "sky is falling" is supposed to be sarcasm, but it seems every year at this time, people are finding fault with skaters and coaches. This team will only get better. Trust me.
  21. I wonder if that is hostile and abusive to norwegians?
  22. I got a twist in my stomach when I read about Forney's injury and lack of progress. Reminds me of a kid a couple of years back who was leading Sioux freshmen in scoring (if I remember right)until he hurt his shoulder against Mankato. He never had another regular shift for the Sioux. How good could he have been? Well, he was in Bochenski's class. I hope Forney can get it back. Those shoulder injuries in hockey can be career threatening.
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