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Everything posted by squirtcoach

  1. Hi Pete, Thanks, but that didn't work for me. I need to fix this before the Michigan State game. I have that BEC DBS 2000 you sold me. Would have a guess as to what kind of signal quality should I be getting from the CBS Newspath? Thanks Squirtcoach
  2. North suburbs. You stopped by on your way to Duluth last time. The LNB is straight as can be.
  3. It's been rather humid and or with heavy rain all weekend, and my Vizsla (a breed of upland pointer) needs to run. A lot. So when it cooled off this evening, I took him out to a cattail laiden swamp to tire him out Pheasant season is right around the corner out here.
  4. I just got in from working the gundog, Has anyone posted the lines so far? Thanks
  5. I can't any better than 53 quality on my CBS Newspath. But nothing on the FSSN. I may have to wait for some leaves to fall, or fire up the chainsaw. Iceberg, are you heading north to Duluth sometime soon? Maybe I need your services again.
  6. squirtcoach


    Jet Propulsion Laboratories?
  7. Hush now, you'll only embarass the Goph's by reaching back into ancient history. In fact, Minnesota's Pride has a "garage shopper" joining the team in the near future. I know the Larson kid, too. Great hockey player. I hope he doesn't make any decisions that he regrets a couple of years from now. But I do understand burnout. It takes a special kid to play in the WCHA
  8. Same in the Pioneer press http://www.twincities.com/allheadlines/ci_...?nclick_check=1 Secretive court, over a nickname dispute? Must have national security implications.
  9. General Petraeus has just testified that it wasn't the surge that has reduced ethnic violence in Iraq, but the mere rumor that Rylan Kaip is considering enlisting after his college eligibility is over.
  10. Can we make the facemask optional???
  11. Undistinguished Alumnus of both UND and UMTC. But I bleed Green. Mrs. Squirtcoach is a Satan (and I mean that in the nicest way possible)
  12. The only way it reflects badly on Lucia is if you judge him by the caliber of kid he recruits. He was left to hang out and dry by an 18 year old. You recruit mecenaries and you get merc loyalty.
  13. And I am agreeing with you. I remember being quite surprised when Hrkac came back to UND after playing with Team Canada. Just as I was surprised when Oshie (and Chorney and Finley, and maybe even Duncan) decided to come back. This is a once-in-a-generation talent pool. Guys who were penciled in as second line in April are now fighting for a regular shift. That is depth no one else in the nation (except maybe the Goph's at forward) have. I normally don't get so excited about teams; you can check my history.
  14. Yes, we have the depth, I agree whole heartedly. I'm just looking to see who may be able to break out of that logjam of "decent" forwards we have, and Miller has shown moments (like the hattrick in Mankato) where he could be that breakout forward. I keep hearing a lot about Forney on this forum, but I've never seen him make the step up. And some have mentioned two unproven rookies (Malone and Trupp) as having the skills to skate wth the two best forwards in the WCHA. I've never seen them skate live. Miller, at times, has shown the hockey skills necessary to make that second line a scoring line, but not the consistency. And at D1, it's all about consistency. As far as whom Hakstol has skating on the first line with Duncan and Oshie, I'd put my money on VandeVelde.
  15. I agree with USA, Miller may be a big part of this team this year. He has shown flashes of high intensity, goal scoring prowess, in addition to inexplicable weak back checking. If we see more of the former and less of the later, the Sioux could have more scoring firepower than we've had since 1987.
  16. Thanks USA. I saw good ice presence, better than average back checking, and one burst of speed. Didn't see anything in that video that would convince me he can keep up with Oshie and Duncan. I think Trupp has a better chance than Malone, based on what I've seen. After the February and March that VV and Watkins gave us, I'd hate to break them up. Hakstol has multitude of forwards to pick from this fall. If I were trying for a regular shift, I would be working REAL hard this summer.
  17. Interesting possibilities and the first questions on your lines; Is Malone fast enough to skate with these guys? Anyone seen him play?
  18. A pair of brothers from my era: Dave and Eddie Christian. Welcome David Toews!
  19. A wise man once told me it has to do with extra bandwidth. Essentially it would double the amount of bandwidth necessary to bring the feed. And that costs $. I believed him. You just have to pay more attention during the game.
  20. Guess you missed "Animal House".
  21. Goon, I think you're right. I never knew anybody from Rugby that I liked, except my West Hall RA Bill. Ryan Duncan is what is right with college sports, and if you impugn his character, then are you not saying that the American higher education system is at fault? I put it to you, RC, is this not an indictment of the entire United States. Gentlemen, I'm not going to stand around and let this troll badmouth my country!
  22. Iceberg is the resident free to air (FTA) expert. PSB used to install the systems (he installed mine in the Twin Cities), but I haven't seen him post lately. Essentially the minimum FTA system will get you the FSSN, which carrys the Sioux hockey home games and the football and basketball games that get televised. The minimum installation and equipment may cost you $200-300, but once you have it, the FSSN signal is FTA. I also carry the DirecTV dish and the Sportspack during the hockey season. You will pick up games in Denver, Wisconsin and against teams out east with the Sportspack. Sportspack is invaluable during the NCAA regional. Hope that helps. You can email me directly if you need more info. Squirtcoach
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