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Everything posted by siouxforcefans

  1. Popping champagne that this fiasco is finally over! I had moved through the stages of grief and reached acceptance a while ago, however. Some may not be ready to celebrate the end of the process with me...
  2. My question as well, but the Twins definitely needed help at catcher. Hopefully this is the guy. LOL - Made my afternoon!
  3. You guys (not just the poster I'm quoting) do realize it's not just students, right? Many people think Roughriders sucks as a name (like a certain someone in my house). Hawks is boring, but the lesser of two evils argument can go the other way, too. Jussayin... I'll be so happy when this is over. Fatigue has beyond set in.
  4. Might as well be - he'd be just as relevant today. :/
  5. I missed the last half of the 3rd last night. What happened on the 2 he gave up that period? Just good plays? Or sloppy? I've been a huge critic of Vanek, but that play he made on his second goal last night... wow!
  6. It'll be an event - a "once in a lifetime opportunity" and I expect it to be a tough ticket to get. I hope I'm wrong, as I'd like to have it be easy for the wife and I to go, but I'm expecting it to be a tough one.
  7. Thanks - I usually lose out early, so here's to hoping I do better this round! Friday: Bryn Saturday: Wolanin
  8. Looks like Bent Paddle Brewing has a tasting room. I really like a couple of their beers - the Cold Press is just awesome Edit: No idea how far it is from the arena, as I don't know Duluth very well at all.
  9. I tried through the DVR and online in West Fargo, too, and just got told to call a customer service number. Some of the games have been working without purchasing it, so I don't know what's going on with them right now.
  10. Willing to vote for anything except Nodaks, so this final 2 could be ugly for me
  11. Nope, wasn't me. We were in the corner where the Wild shot twice, but in row 3 with an excellent view Wife and I wore Wild gear, but did have some people in Sioux gear just off to our left.
  12. You mean that symbol UND has to license from a different college? Sorry, that's not going to cut it. IMHO, if Nodaks wins, there needs to be a new logo.
  13. Nasty weekend for injuries! Steve Smith deserved a better end to his career than to go out with a torn Achilles.
  14. We went to the game on Friday - that was a lot of fun! Only had 1 Blackhawk fan that got tossed, otherwise it was just a fun crowd. The first and third starting with those quick-hit goals right in front of us set a great tone.
  15. It looks like my Saturday pick got missed when the lists were made, and I didn't notice as I was traveling Friday and Saturday. Tough way to lose after finally getting out of round two!
  16. That 68.7% number is entirely possible if those groups were voting for "the safest option" and all vote again. My hunch is that someone is much more likely to go from Sundogs to Hawks, than from Sundogs to Rough Riders. But since I don't fall in that group, it's just a hunch.
  17. Assuming only the same people, and all the same people, vote again in the 2nd round. With a third vote looming, I doubt this round gets as many votes, esp from those two groups.
  18. Exactly! Situation is completely different. Sioux had a tradition and built in love . What's being picked now is severely hated by many, regardless of which outcome we get. All the conversation on here not withstanding, a small peak into my world: I will not vote Nodak. My wife is vehemently opposed to Rough Riders (GFC grad). Where does that leave us? Yep, we're now down to "which is the least hated" in the house. Fortunately for my being able to return to this board, she and I each have a vote and don't have to compromise
  19. Probably not, but to an earlier point of yours, the one explanation I would understand would be medical - him or a family member. If your parent were gravely sick, I would totally understand leaving school for the semester to be home. Then again, he may just be a jerk :shrug:
  20. Good comeback win last night!
  21. Going to miss Mr. Hunter, but glad I got to see him play as a Twin again before he left the game!
  22. Disclaimer: Not picking on the post I'm quoting, it's just the most recent to say the same thing. Can we stop with the X% don't want? Just because it may be their second choice, doesn't mean they don't want it, it just means they like something else (maybe even as slightly as 51-49%) better. I've said before I dislike Nodak. Simply will not vote for it. I'm not fond of RR, but with limited choices left, am considering it. I may also vote FH. I guess I probably don't want any of them, but have to pick something...
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