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Everything posted by siouxforcefans

  1. Both of these describe him pretty well - his twitter has "bugz" worked into it. He was with the Force in Fargo for two years prior to UMD, and he was the same way here.
  2. Weren't we always told they also had to drop the "Fighting" and just be the "Illini"?
  3. Biggest waste of money the state has come up with in a loooong time! 3 of our new plates arrived today. The one that didn't? That's the one that's expired and was the first ordered. 8+ weeks of waiting for a new plate that wasn't needed! SMH.
  4. Don't misunderstand - Yeo was going to get fired, and I'm not implying he should have been kept. As stated, something had to change. My sarcasm was aimed at the people who believe that was the only problem. This team has other issues (Pominville, the proliferation of Gophers they keep overpaying for, a couple bad contracts, etc), that also contribute to holding them back. If they don't get a late season turn-around and make the playoffs, I think Fletcher could well be fired. If they do make the turnaround and make some playoff noise, I think the "interim" will get removed from the coach, probably with too big of a payday attached.
  5. Soooo, it was all Yeo's fault? I mean, they did win last night with the same players. So that's the only explanation. Right?
  6. [fainedexcitement] And we get a free drink, free program, and early admission! [/fainedexcitement] Actually, remembering pricing, I am pretty excited about the drink and program
  7. Friday Drake Saturday Brock Banking on that CBS line
  8. For all the confusion PWR creates (promotes?), after the football selection show this fall, it's now my favorite system! At least when the season is winding down, you can start to predict a few things -
  9. 3rd goal was off-sides!!! Not that it matters, but I feel better now.
  10. Such a sad day for the city of Fargo and everyone in/around it. Waiting for the officer's name, worried it could be one of our friends on the force, was just terrible and I can't even begin to imagine what the families went through - it had to be infinitely worse. In the aftermath, finding out all the indirect connections you had to someone you never knew, brings it even closer to home. Things like this just leave a person feeling helpless and angry.
  11. Yes, I still have them as of now - just trying to arrange a pickup.
  12. I'm guessing Shaw. Keaton hasn't been at this best, but I doubt he sits.
  13. I provided you a simple resource to understand the legal side. What specific info do you still require? If you have an honest question (not theoretical, vague and open ended in an attempt to make some other undiscernible point) for me, I'll do my best to answer it. I do some work with trademarks, and have a direct connection at the US patent office to use as a resource if you stump me. My original post was simply a summary of the situation leading to the sale of these limited items. It was for the people who were late to the party and had beaten the horse to death yet. The rest of us, whose arms are tired, have since just been trying to figure out your angle.
  14. EDIT: I wrote a reply to you, but then realized you're just working on a point of UND being behind the requirement. Since you're not actually discussing the requirement's existence, or what UND has to do to follow that part of the settlement, I'm just going to step aside and let you continue your endless path.
  15. http://www.uspto.gov/learning-and-resources/trademark-faqs US Patent office should have the info you need. I expect you're trying to knit-pick something else, but regardless of who included the word "maintain", once the agreement is in place, it must be followed.
  16. Maintain the trademark, so no one else can own it. Maintaining it means using it a minimal amount, which is what these limited releases of clothing are about. We've been talking about this for years - this thread was started in 2013 - so this really shouldn't be news to anyone.
  17. Wild deserved better last night, but they have some weird obstacle to getting the puck in the net. Koivu's goal could nearly have been overturned. SMH, I just don't understand how they're not scoring more. Obviously a couple of stops by the goalie were going on his personal highlight reel, but that doesn't account for the other 30 that just didn't get through.
  18. Looks like I misunderstood/believed the wrong rumor... Hopefully they've still done away with the wrist bands some way or another, as that was just a giant cluster ##ck.
  19. Pretty much - you only really have about an hour if you stay for the entire first game and want to be back for puck drop on the second - games at 4:08 and 7:38. At least this year they're ticketing each game, so none of that stupid, painful, ridiculous, (etc.) wristband crap when you head out between games. edit; supposedly separate tickets. Mine haven't arrived yet.
  20. I am selling 3 seats in section 310 that I bought during the Champion's Club presale for Friday, Feb 19, against Duluth. Row F, seats 1, 2, and 3. Asking $45 each = $135 for the 3. My cost with fees was slightly more. Tickets are currently in Fargo.
  21. Yep - but people don't want to realize this. They just want to see the $$$$. Agreed.
  22. Al has had busses each year. I expect he will again, but you'd have to contact JoAnna to be sure. We're staying at the Crowne Northstar. There are Sioux fans pretty much at every hotel in town that weekend. Tickets are bought and we're planning to go regardless, but I do expect the boys to be playing
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