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Everything posted by Dustin

  1. It seems like most (everyone??) here are pretty satisfied with the QB room. The only reason Tommy is here is because our former recruit bailed on us, so I actually don’t consider the Tommy situation a product of our “coaches own doing.” We’ve been able to make the best of that situation, but it appears to be coming to an end.
  2. Give Feeney the Western Illinois game. See how he does. Give him some experience. I’m guessing all of our QBs can win that one, so it seems like little to no risk. Will it be a great assessment? Probably not, but the experience would deepen the room soooo much. Keep NDSU guessing which QB we start on the 14th. QB is not our only problem…but it’s a place to start with a solution.
  3. I agree. We had a crack at SDSU’s first loss and failed. No longer do we have the first crack at NDSU’s first loss because we were upstaged by our SD counterpart. Of the teams that really matter in our league, we are the last one to get over the NDSU hump. I’m sure that loss put NDSU on notice now, too.
  4. 8-3 feels like the absolute ceiling of this program right now. If one of the 8 wins is against NDSU, that would have a different feeling (to me) than if it isn’t. Still a couple of tough road tests on the schedule (UNI, USD), so can’t assume we’d get to 8 wins without getting NDSU. Even if we did go 8-3, but can’t beat SDSU or NDSU, is that what we want perpetually? I would hope everyone would say “No.”
  5. I know he said that. Even if he on is on the team, doesn’t mean he plays. Or could serve as a backup in case something happens.
  6. Maybe it was so obvious no one could have missed it??
  7. Think of the possibilities for joy if we had come through as well. At some point, there has to something more than your biggest rival losing to make a good day.
  8. So, here's what we know so far: We are much better than some FCS teams at home. We are long ways off from a household name FBS team on the road. We are also a long ways off from the best FCS team on the road. I think pretty much everyone figured we'd be 2-2 at this point, but I know all were hoping for better. I'm sure we'll beat up W. Ill. at home next week, and then onto NDSU at home. That game is a must win to have any sort of good feeling for the future. Even at 8-3 (which is looking less and less likely as we see the product on the field) means little to no progress is being made. I hope Bubba retires at the end of the season, regardless of final record. Even if we go farther than we've ever gotten before, he can hang his hat on that. Also, I've been a pretty big Tommy cheerleader, but this should be his last season. Maybe he doesn't even complete it. Who knows. Thank him for coming to campus last minute and helping build a program, celebrate his vast record book, but say it's time to take the next step for the program. As for HC, I don't know. Had been thinking Danny was pretty much the shoe-in, but he seems to have the same yips as Bubba. A complete gut job seems harsh, but do we have the best we can get at this level? At some point, somebody's gotta recruit the guys who are going to take down the big guns. We need to be the big guns that opponents want a shot at.
  9. Doesn’t seem like I am missing much…ready for some kind of shake up. Whether it be QB, coaches, defensive strategy, something. It’s time.
  10. Will not be able to listen or watch until later, so updates appreciated!
  11. If you are referring to me, I definitely was not complaining about trick plays. (For the record, you thinking I was was not my take, either.) I hope to God you don't consider me one of the "usual suspects" though. Ouch.
  12. I also kept wondering, how good of a team is Omaha? They look a lot like us.
  13. Finally got to see them play. Small sample size (for me, anyway), but jury is still out. At times, their hitting and blocking look really good, and at others their receiving and passing is suspect. I know it's still a work in progress for the Tupacs, so there will be good and bad. Finally got a chance to familiarize myself with the roster, too. Our team is very young - only 7 players are not freshmen or sophomores.
  14. So did they get lucky that the ball didn't just bounce weirdly, or can you actually control how it's going to bounce off the turf?
  15. No. I mean, it depends on what your team is made of. If you are the superior team, then, no, you probably don't need trick plays. Just come at them with your superior stuff. If you are equals, but your trick play(s) is/are superior to the opponent's, then you deserve to win. If you are not the superior team, then, yes, you probably need a few trick plays to win the game. That doesn't mean that you didn't deserve it, though. Make plays to win the game.
  16. While I loathe the Forum's (and all of Fargo media's) homer coverage of Bison FB, think about this for a bit: Tom Miller and his Forum counterparts (McFeely, Izzo) work for the same company. Any good employee is going to be careful what s/he says about co-workers, especially when the employer is in the business of reporting news stories and what people say about said stories.
  17. Obviously. Any coach with a brain would be starting Jerry Kaminski instead of having him #4 on the depth chart.
  18. Haven’t we been told the WR room was as deep as it’s ever been? Is that not the case?
  19. Forecast for Saturday is for a warm (and somewhat humid) day (80-85°F) with strong south wind (20-30 mph).
  20. Seems crazy. Seems like our passing game is perfectly set up for short yard gains, plus our O-line has shown it can get a push for a couple yards at will, plus we have Quincy who always seems to get 2-3 yards when you only need 1. Haven't seen many of the attempts, but I am guessing we are getting too cute in the play calling??
  21. For those who watched, did we look better than Thursday night?
  22. Would be nice if NAU goes on to win.
  23. https://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/letters/letter-unds-play-calling-against-boise-could-have-been-better Get this guy a Sioux sports account.
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