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Everything posted by Dustin

  1. First off, I do believe UND will win, but what will be interesting is to see how they do it. 34-31 is a win, but I would have serious trepidation about the direction of the defense. The offense can win shootouts, but I feel you shouldn't have to against NAU. But it is a win. Learn (if possible) and move on. 41-24 (or even something like 34-17) is my bar for UND winning this game and doing so they way they should. 17 points is sort of my breakeven point for how I will perceive the win. Winning by 21+ is my "great expectations" point differential. Defense holding NAU to 14 would be a welcome sign and give us a lot to be excited for as we head into the crucial month mid-Sept. to mid-Oct.
  2. Wow, what a huge early-season OOC matchup.
  3. Interesting that UND is not charging for volleyball admission at their upcoming home tournament. Hoping to entice some people back into the seats and gain some fans??
  4. Lot of 2 score predictions, but I hope we win by 3-4 scores. Would like to put this these guys away without giving them a sniff at all.
  5. I am trying not to read too much into our start with back to back road tournaments. Hopefully getting home this weekend, along with lessons learned from the road, will get us more notches in the win column.
  6. At what point does a win become big? I mean, we could win the FCS championship and people would start saying, “well, it’s not like it was when James Madison and Sam Houston State were around.” Just need wins, period, regardless of how big they are perceived. That said, there are 3 opportunities to get “big wins “ this year, and everyone knows which ones they are.
  7. I did find one. https://youtu.be/IXQV2MnceJ4?si=6iiYYZDzIv1-gES0
  8. Is there a game highlights video out yet?
  9. Yeah, I was under the impression that our D-line was a strength.
  10. hopefully some of the bad and ugly things are a one game deal.
  11. Can’t see the video. Can you describe what it is?
  12. Wasn’t overly impressed during several times, but like you said, the score is solid. Would have liked to see a more dominating defense and better special teams. I couldn’t really tell this was a different team from 2022. Hope that changes next week.
  13. Even with many mistakes/miscues, still the drubbing most of us thought it would be. Need to be better next week, though. I’d like the same score against NAU
  14. No reason to have Belquist on the punt return. Not this game, anyway.
  15. And there’s a kickoff out of bounds.
  16. Is the backup kicker a freshman? Not sure if you want use one of the 4 games in this one, but I would be very interested in seeing what he can do.
  17. What a lucky play. No way that is working against a quality team.
  18. Schuster improvising a lot. Not poorly, mind you, but called plays seem to not be materializing.
  19. Yep, I’ve been waiting all game, too. Passing game a little vanilla so far. My favorite play was that one where the guy was down at the 2. Can’t remember the receiver.
  20. Wow, almost gave up a 1st down on 4th & 10. Defense is not noticeably improved yet.
  21. First couple kickoffs were good, but now they’ve really dropped off.
  22. Didn’t Shannon S call a Q TD reception on the game preview??!!
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