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Everything posted by SWSiouxMN

  1. NAU and Montana tied up with 8 seconds to go. Montana ball
  2. Mamma Maria's if you are in the mood for Italian Sakura isn't too bad The Loft serves food now, heard good things there Brick and Barley
  3. What would like as a criteria, since we do have some newbies and 2nd years folks.
  4. Murray to Philly rumors are heating up. Cue the whole AP to Dallas nonsense to ratchet up if this goes down
  5. I hope not either. That's not real improvement. Only justification would be if they won the conference tourney from the 8 spot. Something tells me the deck will be stacked against us schedule wise.
  6. Too low. Top 3-4. His comments has boxed him in. If he squeaks in be better make a run. Plus if we go neutral next year? Everyone gets in
  7. aw crap, I'm screwed now.
  8. Starting pitching. Im not worried about offense or the pen as much. If the Twins get pitching, they will hang around and win 75-80 games. If not... who gets called up first. Buxton or Sano b/c it will be another lost 90+ loss year
  9. I think they won 8 games a few years ago. Outside of that....no clue
  10. Unless someone starts a email campaign/letter to editor thing.... and even that's a long shot
  11. You are still going. Doesnt matter if you get shelled
  12. Its going to need more than that. It will also hinge on Hooker stepping his game up another level and the development of Shields, Shanks and Cashman. All 3 need to make strides from this year to next
  13. Can you retell that story. I dont remember how it went anymore
  14. Matchups 1. Montana 8. Idaho State 4. Eastern Washington 5. Northern Arizona 3. Northern Colorado 6. North Dakota 2. Sacramento State 7. Montana State Very balanced field, would not be shocked to see 1-2 upsets in the first round. Starts up on Wednesday at high noon with Sac State and Montana State. UND plays at 230
  15. Its March 10th, does the really get done by May? Sundogs can be turned into an innuendo. NEXT! Big Green, The movie was alright.
  16. Its got to drive Idaho fans bonkers that they are virtual afterthought in football, struggling to make headway, while the Junior College down the road is making national headlines as a BCS/CFP buster.
  17. Say Jones stays.... odds on yet another restructuring of the coaching staff?
  18. It was the half I wasnt expecting sadly.
  19. Im taking Eastern to get the job done
  20. Anybody dare check out the new section alignments on the Minnesota side for the next 2 years. Interesting sections to say the least (it was a start from scratch year)
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