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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Member when the democrats pleaded with electors to flip? I member.
  2. I think it's very difficult for an incumbant to overcome getting that hand. I don't think anyone else would have done noticeably better other than messaging.
  3. Have the Europeans handed Europe over to covid?
  4. The AG of PA should be keeping a low profile right now.
  5. No different than the Democrat theories on Murdoch and Koch. My favorite thing about both parties is how they turn otherwise reasonable people into loons.
  6. I feel like your reading comprehension skills are not very good. You said we'd have to rebuild the country because Trump has turned it over to a virus. This implies you think we did not do enough. Most other countries seemed to do some form of national program involving lockdowns and mandates. I suspect that is what you would like to happen or what you would have liked to happen previously. What have we not done that you wanted or want done? Please answer, and be truthful. Not sure what being sore has to do with anything. I think I've been pretty level-headed relative to most folks left and right. What are you talking about soap now? Did I miss an msn article about soap?
  7. Wait til you hear about the countries that did literally all the things you wanted our Federal government to do...
  8. That's really too bad. Not a huge fan of people bailing on Fox to go to some network I've never heard of, probably just so they can hear what they want to hear.
  9. You have a point to make or are you just gonna post another random msn article?
  10. Hence why we better get the ball rolling domestically before those guys are in any position to mess it up. I'm still baffled by the whole "lockdowns will save us" attitude. We already saw this summer that people will ignore them whenever they want. There were marches and riots all summer in places that are all "believe science" places. Something tells me the nerds have yet to figure out that enforcing the measures they want doesn't work.
  11. She "conceded" but her, along with many prominent dems, and media types, spent 4 years spreading Russia conspiracy theories and calling the dude's presidency "illegitimate" and asserting he somehow stole the election. They have no leg to stand on here. Zero. He should concede but its not like it changes much of anything.
  12. My sister works at the VA in Fargo and if I recall our last conversation correctly they were told to be ready in November.
  13. I've never understood the whining from people about paying off student loans.
  14. Curious how he had a decent job. He was directly involved in the IRS scandal during the previous administration. From a regular Joe looking at it, it's not surprising that a Democrat-appointed guy doesn't want to be investigating.
  15. Looks pretty geographic to me. Fortunately, NY and maybe some others don't want the vaccine so perhaps the Feds should make sure we get them first.
  16. His lead is down to ~15K in AZ and is around 10K i think in GA. It'll end up being pretty thin margins just like Trump's win in 2016.
  17. Donald seems like a very vain man and I would not be all that surprised if he skipped inauguration. I didn't need a Michael Cohen to tell me that though and I'm not sure why anyone would give him much thought. It's in his best interest financially to continue trying to give these sorts of takes because his career is over.
  18. One of the idiots at vox tweeted a video of the celebrations in DC with no negative comment about being dangerous but was very upset when Notre Dame rushed the field. Some people are too dumb to insult lol
  19. I hate it but such is life. This year is weird
  20. I'm alive. Won't say how I'm feeling or what my BAC is.
  21. Defining givers and takers is not really going to be easy. North Dakota has a sizeable Indian population. They get a fair bit of federal money. North Dakota has a two Air Force Bases, is the money the government spends on those two counted? We have two interstates that go through the state. I imagine those cost a lot of federal dollars to maintain. Is that money counted? Is the energy independence North Dakota contributes to accounted for? We have an awful lot of oil, gas, and coal if you haven't heard. The whole givers/takers stuff is generally dumb.
  22. Lol I look forward to using the power of the purse in the future to compel proper voting from family members.
  23. We'll get the Senate. Mitch will get boots on the ground. Wish we had better candidates down there but thank God the Dem candidates are the types who also ride the short bus. Will probably be the two hottest contested Senate seats in recent memory.
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