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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. McCain lost, life went on. Romney lost, life went on. I'm sure this time could potentially more closely mimic Hillary's defeat, but that'd just be following a path already trailblazed. Right or wrong, that's the new standard that our friends left of center have created, I don't like it and I won't follow it but if others do... well, colleges receiving better be tolerant of some kids wanting a day or two off of school, because that's the standard now.
  2. Joe Biden can't tell the truth about how his wife died, his scholarship to law school, and how he did while he was there. As far as I'm concerned, if you can't tell the truth about those things, you can't tell me the sky is blue without me questioning it. Plus once you add in his penchant for plagiarism...i mean...let's be real. One USED to be much more polished than the other, that is a fact. But you are picking between two deeply and irreparably flawed people. At least I'm willing to admit that Trump is a lying clown. Are you willing to admit that Biden can't tell the truth about simple things one need not even be ashamed of?
  3. I think Joe Biden has been accused of that as well. By a former employee no less. Odd you support a failed attorney and another attorney who never practiced, probably because nobody would hire him.
  4. You probably voted for the lady who called women bimbos and failed the bar exam. And this year you are voting for a guy who got busted for lying about his academic accomplishments in law school lol
  5. Attacks Turkey from behind? What the hell are you talking about?
  6. Frankly being able to vote weeks/months in advance is pretty f'ing dumb regardless of who it benefits.
  7. What are the Dems going to do? If they pack the courts, they just invite the GOP to do the same. One would think they've learned their lesson when it comes to changing rules. Republicans will just beat them over their heads with it like they have ever since Mitch was the Senate majority leader.
  8. hmm let's analyze this. The President nominates judges. The Senate determines if the judges will be confirmed. Thats how it has worked historically and is in the constitution. So the Senate has the right and authority to decline to confirm judges nominated by the President. Mitch McConnell did the same sort of thing that every other Senate majority leader would do. Its not surprising or odd that a Republican Senate will be hostile to Democratic judicial nominations or vice versa. After all, Democrats made it the "thing" to do when they opposed Bork and Clarence Thomas. Further, read up on Miguel Estrada and let me know if that changes how you view the situation.
  9. Its not a new norm. Almost every president/senate similarly situated has done this lol. You can try to claim its a new thing but that makes you wrong and/or a liar.
  10. If you saw my phone right now you'd think America is kaput. Libs all freaking out about losing "their rights."
  11. Yeah lol imagine if we had stayed shut down through the summer like certain states. It would still have gotten here and we'd still be dealing with it just like everybody else
  12. Donald didn't beat Hillary by defaming her. She did that all on her own. For all the "Donald was unqualified to be President" takes we got as a result of 2016, we didn't get nearly enough "Thank God we kept that entitled and borderline retarded woman out of office" takes.
  13. I would guess the Chinese/Russians/etc. benefit from political unrest in the United States regardless of who is president. I hope they keep it up. It keeps things fun and interesting.
  14. Lol nobody is adding seats to the Supreme Court and DC isn't becoming a state, Likely neither is Puerto Rico
  15. Biden got rekt last night. You can tell he got rekt because lib outlets immediately all went to the "wow! Good debate. I'll give it a draw!" card.
  16. FDR was literally crippled and you probably adore that guy lol
  17. Fergus seems logical. The tanks will stop on the southeast edge of town. If the people further east want to join, they'll make it clear I think.
  18. Time for the Dakota's to make a move at annexing land in outstate MN. We will be greeted as liberators.
  19. I'm pretty sure nothing is going to come out of this but I'm not gonna lie... it would be just about the most amusing thing ever if the democrats picked Joe Biden to appear normal and safe and it blows up in their face because Joe Biden ends up being a key figure in a money laundering ring that got uncovered because his absolute embarrassment of a screw up kid was dumb enough to do this. Either way, I get to dunk on libs for Biden for the next four years so thats fun.
  20. In law school this spring they implemented a similar policy. Basically if we showed up for the final, we got a passing grade. One of my classmates got a 2/50 on a core 1L class final and passed the course.
  21. Joe Lockhart is a conspiracy theorist lol
  22. I'd venture to guess that they are about as competent on the dance floor as any other group, provided the musical selection matches their taste.
  23. No lol that really makes no sense. Then the GOP just expands it in return, this is nonsense lol.
  24. I think Puerto Rico has generally resisted statehood and Im pretty sure we can't thrust it upon them, maybe wrong though. Regarding DC, I'd be very interested to see what would happen. The land technically belongs to Maryland I think, so if it's not a part of the Federal District I wonder if it would have to be returned to Maryland. Further, I'd be interested to see if it would result in a SCOTUS challenge. My limited understanding of the creation of DC was to prevent a state from having some sort of undue influence over the Federal government. Because DC is both the de facto and de jure home of the Feds, I would be interested to see how SCOTUS would view that. Again, there is no valid argument that would support a larger SCOTUS. Enlarging it to 11 or 13 or whatever just invites whichever party holds the Senate/Executive to add seats in order to further their political goals. Im not sure you want a Supreme Court that is overruling its determinations every 4-8 years.
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