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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. One would expect the state to want to form its own university/team
  2. I think he's just bitter because all the big dreams he had for a Biden administration have likely went out the window.
  3. Sorry that my parents are descended from different countries entirely. I suppose that rules out being inbred. As for going away, I suspect you'll find one of us to be more welcome here than the other. Shall we take a quick vote?
  4. no one is afraid of you giving them no quarter lol. You remind me of the kid I pinned in high school wrestling without using my hands lol.
  5. The Obama worship was >= to Trump. There are plenty of people that are "ride or die" with The Don, but what made the Obama stuff worse is any criticism was deemed racist and the mainstream media was full-on invested in him being portrayed positively. The "Trump Train" folks tend to be working class people from rural areas or small cities. Their voice is generally heard once every two to four years. The Obama stans(word the kids use nowadays) occupy the media, academia, government in general. Their voice is heard constantly and any criticism of Obama was largely dismissed as "racist." Obama Admin built cages for kids at the border. I personally don't care because I think its a good idea, but it was not a bad thing until 2018 when Don used those facilities. Obama IRS targeted conservative groups, yet his administration didn't face much criticism for that. His administration sued f'ing nuns of all people. He went after whistle-blowers and journalists in a way that would make Donald Trump blush. Dude got caught on a hot mic asking Putin to quit acting up until after his reelection. But yet there was limited accountability there because his loyal followers occupied the positions that would hypothetically hold him and his folks accountable. Remember the dumpster fire of media coverage after RBG kicked the bucket? "We can't replace this icon of the Supreme Court with someone like Barrett!" Yet when Antonin Scalia, a conservative judicial icon died, Barack was just doing his job and the seat doesn't need to go to a conservative jurist. TL:DR version: the difference between Trump Train folks and the Obama crowd isn't their devotion or necessarily their numbers, it is their positions in society.
  6. Lol he wants to send the North Dakota National Guard into communities to see if people are wearing masks? "Why don't we win elections in ND anymore?" - libs lol
  7. Tough to institute a mandate when it ain't enforceable lol
  8. Boot Edge Edge is a political idiot despite being a bright person.. I believe his quote was "our opponents call us socialists so maybe we should be" or something along those lines. That alone likely sinks you in a general election I would think.
  9. I like him too. He'd scare the heck out of America's enemies lol. No idea what his long term goals are.
  10. Yeah I hope the Trump family mostly stays clear of things other than maybe picking specific causes they advocate for (See Junior with hunting/fishing stuff). Scott rules. Big fan of his. Very likable dude. Will be fun to see how we screw it all up lol
  11. She shouldn't be anywhere near public office lol. I'm as Republican as it gets but if you want the GOP to be healthy, you don't want her running for any office above the PTO. Every time my mother brings her up I cringe a bit more. If the theory is "we need our own Obama" type then you tap Tim Scott. If you want a woman you go with Haley. I'm sure some other names will pop up (Noem, maybe Hawley or Cotton). Maybe Rubio or Ted give it another shot. I absolutely hate the idea of picking people based on race or sex but the GOP may end up doing that, thankfully it's convenient that the Party has some good options that aren't typical WASP men from Connecticut or New York or whatever. Watch some person few if anyone know about come out of nowhere and get the nomination in 24 lol.
  12. You can't do it to anyone, you aren't a star. "When you are a star, they'll let you do anything" Unless Hayduke1 is secretly TJ Oshie or Jonathan Toews or Zach Parise....in that case....nice.
  13. I presume these states will all work to be more like Florida. Whether it was Republican/ Democrats at fault, they should get this process cleaned up like Florida appears to have done.
  14. There would be rioting lol but im not sure it'd be more/less correct. Hopefully the recounts show a lot of flawed ballots that can be tossed. Its very possible though that people liked Republican house and senate figures more than Donald. Hopefully the crossover appeal continues with the minority groups, Hispanics in particular. With what appears to be substantial GOP gains in the house and avoiding a Senate Wipeout, pretty much all the progressive dreams are dead on arrival. Dem house members will have to be careful in what they even support, because midterms will likely be very favorable to the GOP.
  15. Some journalists have received a wake-up call. Others like those at NYT and MSNBC have simply expanded the meaning of whiteness now to include Cubans and right-leaning Hispanics. These people need help.
  16. As long as the GOP has the Senate, I don't think he'll be able to do much. No potential statehood for DC or PR. No adjustment to the courts. No big changes. The likelihood of a Red house in '22 and a likely Kamala Harris candidacy in '24 is very appealing.
  17. See, optics alone here aren't good. I understand turnout was up throughout the US, but people are going to try to tell me that turnout in Milwaukee was that high? I'm not gonna go conspiracy theorist yet because that is pretty silly to do, but if those numbers are right, things start looking bad.
  18. the funny thing was...none of them were even close.
  19. Hayduke has got to be beyond devastated. His party spent hundreds of millions to take the senate back, and all they got was a corrupt astronaut and a dude who watches porn with his mom. McConnell wins by 20+, Graham won by the same amount he did last time, Susan Collins won pretty easily, Cornyn, Daines, Ernst, etc lol. Dems dumped money into those places and got nothing. If Biden wins, as looks likely, he gets the privilege of spinning his chair in circles in the oval office while McConnell shuts everything down. House may flip in 2022, and if the Dems run Harris in 24 like they'll be pressures to, I expect the GOP to be favored there as long as they run a fairly normal GOP type. For the progressive wing of the Democrat Party, this outcome is bad. (Assuming things generally hold here)
  20. No. Watching Minnesota burn is pretty fun at this point.
  21. No. Relish in the chaos. It keeps things fun. No. The only thing the Feds do that is worth a damn is kill people who hate us. As a former government contract guy, we definitely waste obscene amounts there, but at least the end goal is baller AF. So far, this election is looking lit. If Trump hits 270 and GOP holds the Senate....the United States is in a solid spot for another 2-4 years.
  22. Not familiar with PA statute or case law but I would think curing a ballot should be no Bueno from my admittedly biased perspective.
  23. Dems lit a !@#$ ton of money on fire there.
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