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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. No idea how legit the emails are, but notice the Biden camp hasn't said much about it beyond Joe losing his marbles on a reporter asking about it. That alone makes it worthwhile from a purely entertainment standpoint. And for how much people like to claim he is such an honorable and respectful man, he goes ape on anyone who asks him questions he doesn't like. No doubt he wishes Hunter and Beau switched places right now. Issues rising out of the crackhead could cost him a swing state or two lol
  2. Pretty sad that people are so broken they can't announce a funeral without mentioning the Donald lol
  3. She must not have looked at the form lol it literally says to whom the money is owed.
  4. I think the statement about leaving the country is a dig at all the celebrities doing their typical "if (insert republican presidential candidate here) wins im leaving the country" but perhaps that's not what he is getting at.
  5. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/testing/states-comparison FWIW, this looks like ND is doing a lot of testing? Like a lot more than most?
  6. What does testing data have to do with The Donald? Starting to panic at the idea of him being reelected?
  7. Would you provide your data for New York leading testing?
  8. The lady who went on CNN, said rape is sexy and then proceeded to put the moves on Anderson Cooper on live television?
  9. For how much you seem to focus on leaders who didnt do a good job keeping numbers down at a satisfactory level, one would expect that you would want Cuomo to be Donald's cell mate rather than the attorney General. More dead in New York than Florida and Texas combined despite having 40% of the population.
  10. Biden has dementia though. And the guy supposed to moderate the debate got caught lying about what he was up to. Why are you not acknowledging that?
  11. What does politicians lying have to do with the fact that a moderator got caught lying about being hacked? If your kid got busted for smoking dope, would you yell at the police officer about Trump too? Because that's equally related.
  12. They canceled the debate because they were in damage control after the moderator lied about being hacked. They'll deny it but they canceled the debate rather within a couple days of him screwing up.
  13. Uh oh lol. Oxbow's got "the receipts" as the kids are saying nowadays.
  14. What is this cryptic post lol. Biden will not bring an ounce of unity to the country. We've seen how he handles disagreement in his old age, he calls them "dog-faced", "fat", "liars" and challenges them to pushup contests. He says voters don't deserve to know his plans. Now who does that sound an awful lot like? I suspect you are remembering Joe Biden from 20 years ago and not senile old guy he is today.
  15. I saw a pretty awful meme today but had to laugh. Someone put Hunter Biden's face on Faramir's body from Lord of the Rings when he accuses his dad of wishing that he had died and the non-screwup son had lived.
  16. Joe Biden won't bring respect back lol. Maybe if he was 20-30 years younger. He will probably be the next President but dude is an old senile guy who forgets what office he is running for every other week.
  17. Sort of depressing that people ruin good places, I dont know much about Oregon, my friend who lives in Eugene seems to like it.
  18. I mean... she did sleep her way to the top lol
  19. "Oh no, not the super serious ethics groups!" Bill Barr owns.
  20. It's perfectly normal to refer to places as "going to hell" but I don't expect some folks to be able to understand that... like you for example.
  21. Watch out. You'll have some very stern feedback about being sexist.
  22. I dont know if he is a mental midget or not. I would guess he isn't exactly the brightest bulb though so I think we agree at least there. He certainly inserted himself into a situation he shouldn't have been in, beyond that, I've yet to see anything that indicates his life should be "ruined." I suppose that will be up to s jury though
  23. He could literally pass legislation disbanding the UK basketball program and he'd still win by 10 points. Its Mitch F'ing McConnell.
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