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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Montana fans have no right to dislike us, we haven't even played them in D-I. UNI fans don't like us because of knuckleheads like Lakes. It probably doesn't help that it looks like NDSU is going to be a major roadblock in their way to winning conference championships. NDSU fans are a fun obnoxious bunch. And I wouldn't expect people in Minneapolis who enjoy Gopher football to be overly fond of the people who cheer for a program who has embarassed them. Once again, you are entitled to your opinion, yet we have received good reviews from dang near anyone who shows up at the Fargodome to tailgate and watch a game. And how would you know who has the worst fanbase in FCS? How many FCS teams have you watched in person and witnessed their fans? Like I already stated, he probably would have suspended them or punished them in some way regardless but the recent issue at NDSU made his job much easier to keep people happy.
  2. I think that the recent attention at NDSU probably made his decision much easier. It doesn't belong on AGS unless you put in the 'Other Sports' area. Hm, I find that odd. For the most part everyone who makes a trip out to Fargo for a game usually has nothing but kind words to say about how they are treated in Fargo, in the tailgating lot, during/after the game. But what do they know I guess. In fact, I believe one Lafayette fan had such a great time and met a lot of people he considers friends in Fargo, that he made the trip down to Frisco. North Dakota State is far from a disgrace to the best state in the Union. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions though I guess. Though yours is based moreso on dislike of a university's athletic program and a small sample size of fans rather than a bigger picture. I don't know any Bison fans who get more excited for a UND loss than one of our victories. Many of us are raised with "My favorite team is the Bison, second favorite is whoever UND has this week." And don't pretend when UND does well, it isn't fun to have some (mostly) good-natured ribbing with people.
  3. Bledsoe. Then Brady got hurt and Bledsoe came back in, then Brady got healthy and got the job back I think?
  4. MVFC has NDSU over CSU ISU-R over EMU YSU over Pitt so one fewer, nice to see FCS winning.
  5. Never said it was up to me. I'd probably just recommend that people go check out AGS and see if other teams fans are posting their stats. It seems very Chattown-ish(anyone who goes on AGS knows who he is, kinda like a Lakes) is all. When it is surrounding several players of a high profile team and could have national title implications...I'd say so.
  6. I guess it depends on what you consider things worth talking about.
  7. I haven't noticed that too much. Granted, during out bad year(s), lotso' Bison fans myself included weren't too pleased with Mr. Bohl. That is unheard of now. Winning, or optomism, have a way of changing things.
  8. NDSU fans will comment about a team within an hour of our school. Hence, why the people who comment are NDSU fans. Other teams fans from across the country are probably not going care about the breakdown of statistics.
  9. UND isn't relevant enough right now. Gothmog is right. Those stats belong on BSC or UND boards. Not the board that everyone shares.
  10. Needs to be obvious. If it had been called incomplete, it'd have been hard to overturn as well.
  11. Brian Kelly is also only 50 years old. He got his first FBS coaching job when he was 42. Bohl is already 54 years old. By the time Bohl would be at a BCS-type school, he would be getting old.
  12. After UND's last two performances defensively, I am going to assume that the defense just isn't any good at this point in time. It'd be hard to imagine a UND defense being that bad for a full season though. Should be interesting to see how they play.
  13. I don't know. I am sure nothing too terrible would happen. I wouldn't expect them to get kicked out of school or anything. We'll see what el Presidente does. I would assume whatever he does is what would happen to a normal student.
  14. You seem like one of those guys that doesn't like Notre Dame very much.
  15. Same guy from App's titles is still there. no guarantee that Bohl would be gone.
  16. I can fit in just fine. If people on here are willing to quit trying to make NDSU out as this horrible place and how all of the fans clearly are worse than UND fans, etc etc. than I am willing to be an objective person as well. See my posts in the football threads. Lets get one thing straight, I was brainwashed from the moment I was conceived in 1991.
  17. Playing against real teams now maybe? I kid I kid. I too figured UND would be able to run the rock pretty well and slow down the running game as well.
  18. -one player said it. -if you were there you'd know it was a small number of people. -it is because we are better than you. -comparing attendence is quite interesting considering the two schools are both growing right now. and I see a lot of UND-to-NDSU comparing on here, don't pretend you are innocent. -just like UND fans are enjoying the NDSU troubles NDSU will enjoy watching while UND looks bad as well. -School had a president who did great things for our school and also some things he probably shouldn't have. I am getting a great education here and so are 14,000 other students. -hockey isn't American and is not a common sport in ND high schools. Irrelevant. -UND followed after they saw how well NDSU was doing. This is true. UND did end the rivalry in a classless way. No history revision there buddy. Did Jan win more titles in essentially every sport? Did Jan average higher attendencees in essentially every sport? Cause NDSU has done both of those things. NDSU= Poster child for successful last 9 years. UND= Poster child for failure and having some Godawful lady reviewing dining establishments.
  19. EWU has three studs. Elon has the best WR. Hardin is no Mellette. Remember, stats are great but that doesn't make you the most talented guy. If it did, QB's from Houston would go #1 in the draft all the time.
  20. If UND can't play defense they won't do anything significant all year. If you are in a tight ballgame every week, you will lose some of them. Miller and Sutton can't run if noone makes them holes.
  21. This is not true. You must be .500 to get invited. UND has to get their defense fixed or bad things are going to continue to happen.
  22. NDSU specializes against the pass. Sorry brah. NDSU runs the ball, plays assignment defense, and completes passes when necessary. If you are incapable of running the ball(as UND has shown this year), you will not beat NDSU with 63 scholarships. Right now UND would have a tough time. Also, with a terrible defense that UND has shown against established D-I competition, I have a feeling NDSU would do whatever we wanted to against UND at this moment in time.
  23. Lakes is a douche. But Star was very smiliar to him and MLPS.
  24. Moral victory? Notre Dame playing a night game against a top 10 team. I can sacrifice a night of partying to watch my team during a year when they appear to be pretty good. WE ARE...ND! GO IRISH!
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