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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. ......d'ohkay then. I'll remember that in the future. Don't need to win titles to be a powerhouse.
  2. Winning in Division 1 basketball is a very different deal and to compare it to division 2 football is just silly
  3. I already said UND was much more successful than NDSU during that time. Why do you continue to bring NDSU into it? Shouldn't you be bragging up the many national titles UND won against the cream of the crop? The overwhelming idea I'm getting is you are content with beating NDSU, and anything else that is gravy.
  4. You continue to prove my point. Thank you.
  5. So from what I'm gathering, you seem to just be comparing yourself with what NDSU was doing during that span of time. Was UND more successful than NDSU during that time? No question. Can't be debated. Would I or most people refer to that as some rise to power? I don't think so. It yielded one national championship.
  6. So.... One national championship? Glad we got that cleared up. UND football in the 90's/early 00's truly is power personified.
  7. Tell me more about this rise to power.... I'd love to hear about the nattys in particular.
  8. Rocky recorded a playoff victory against UND his second to last season at NDSU....
  9. Care to let us know when NDSU last had a failure of a football coach like Muss? I'm not going to claim 19,000 forever, I'm saying they've had back to back mediocre/bad seasons and attendance was okay.
  10. Are you upset that my favorite college football team sells out every game and plays on national television even though they haven't been declared a national champion since '88?
  11. That was a long time ago. Im hardly a bison fan anymore if at all, still take an interest obviously. I don't think we'll see the Bison at 11K again. The move to D1 has really done well for NDSU. Some other posters could probably expand on specifics.
  12. Where are all them at on Saturdays?
  13. If it was a hockey game I'm sure you'd be right. The reality that is North Dakota is we have a lot of und hockey/bison football fans.
  14. Awesome. Hope they are nice and help you out.
  15. Are you really cool and do you know a guy?
  16. Bubba's last experience against NDSU ended with I believe over 200 yards rushing in just over quarter. I don't think ndsu will be anything special next year though. Should be neat to check the box score.
  17. 150 won't be enough likely
  18. I think ndsu will move the ball pretty well. I think und still has trouble moving the ball. I'll take ndsu by 3-5 touchdowns.
  19. Biggest regular season home game probably ever.
  20. Whether you support the game or don't, you'll want to go. So will many ndsu fans. People selling tickets will be charging a premium because of the emotions that go with this game. Both sets of fans are going to get hammered purchasing on Craig's list. Not because UND fans want to go, but because this is an enormously popular game in general.
  21. The NDSU fans willingness to pay will spike for this game. Where NDSU fans will probably not pay a certain amount for the SDSU or UNI game, they would be willing to pay for this one. Guaranteed. Take off the goggles and be honest with yourself.
  22. Absolutely. If I can get my hands on any, I'll be color blind when it comes to selling.
  23. Resale value would be sky high on the tickets even if you said no UND fans allowed in the building.
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