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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. I spend more time making fun of ndsu than most folks. I back up farmers though.
  2. The south and west grows most fruit and vegetables. Our part grows the stuff we grow. Surely you understand the idea of efficiency right??
  3. I didn't win anything. The basketball team sure did though!
  4. Students out of town. Surprised you want to bring that game up. When I left I think ndsu was up by 35 or 40.
  5. 250-some schools playing division one football. Diluted big time. Lot more competition. If there were 250-some D1 hockey programs... Something tells me... That just maybe... It may have an effect. Both schools should be pretty happy about those numbers.
  6. Why are people are bickering about number of fans at games hundreds of miles away? Cool to have fans at games but goodness gracious people.
  7. Like he said... No headaches, etc. Look at the amount the football factories in the power 5 spend on football. NFL has a free labor development source. They get to watch these guys for three years before putting any sort of investment into them. Can't imagine they'd ever make enough money to consider it.
  8. I misread your point anyway. Whoops
  9. But does the NHL have the same type of entrenched minor league system that MLB has? And does the 2% number count the guys who do to college before entering the minor leagues or is it that only 2% of MLB players ever went/played in college?
  10. Probably fail if they wanted to compete with FBS. People are attached to the teams not the players. Plus the elite coaches make more than what a minor league can afford. Saban/Meyer make as much or more than many NFL coaches.
  11. I'd guess that the average bison fan has went to more football games the past few years than basketball... Football is not the big cheese at UND.
  12. They do, it's called division 1 basketball and FBS football. Whoops, forgot about NBA D League
  13. Im more likely to believe people complaining about empty seats because I think it requires taking off glasses to comment on that. You getting defensive leads me to think that perhaps there were quite a few empty seats. Some people are so touchy.
  14. Nah. I have the same beef with pretty well all attendance numbers... At all schools.
  15. Tickets sold or butts in seats.
  16. It would require years and years of being awful.
  17. I doubt we'll ever see another day where NDSU only had 4k again. Sports are cyclical though no doubt
  18. I was at the game with my family.... So I'm guessing we watched the same game unless you got confused and flipped on some high school all America game
  19. Some programs demand success. Others hope for it. If Ole Miss goes 8-4 every year their coach will never get fired. They may even build the guy a statue. Can you say the same about Bama, Michigan, or ND?
  20. Comparing Florida to Alabama in terms of national succes/fan expectations is unfair. Very few schools/fan bases are Alabama-like.
  21. That works imply UND has ever had a football dynasty... Which is nonsense.
  22. A big difference is that Alabama fans probably look at that time between titles as this awful stretch of time.. And were willing to do anything to get back to that level of success. Florida fans are probably happy competing for conference titles and beating on Fl St, UGA, and Tennessee.
  23. What I'm seeing here is one school has an expectation to win championships... The other has a goal of trying to be as good as the other. Two very different sets of goals.
  24. Be careful. The Ivy League chooses to be nice. Schools like NDSU/UND etc become a non factor if those schools decided they want to win.
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