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Everything posted by fightingsioux4life

  1. I suppose you will next tell us that #1 is in no way, shape or form the fault of Hakstol and his staff? And then you will tell us that Hakstol and his staff are not at fault for refusing to make in-game adjustments to deal with #2? Number one has become a major problem in recent years. Number two has been pointed out by others on this forum. But I suppose the standard answer will be the same as it always is..... "In Hak we trust....No Matter What!!!"
  2. Copyright Goon 2014. ALL Rights Reserved.
  3. It was a head coaching job. He needed to beef up that part of his resume.
  4. I also would like to point out that Jerry York and Red Berenson took over programs that were in the toilet and rebuilt them into national powers. So when you hear people talk about how long it took for them to win their first NCAA title and why Hakstol should get pretty much all the time he wants to get it done, just remember that little factoid. Dave Hakstol inherited a Porsche and drives it like a Yugo. He has every single tool you need to win at the highest level of Division I hockey, so it's time to ditch the excuses and the B.S. that is spewed on this forum concerning NCAA titles and the importance (or lack thereof) they hold for this program.
  5. Good point, when parents are writing big checks to have their kids on those ubiquitous traveling teams, they will insist that their kids get playing time in return. I think a return to school and community-based teams would be better all around, but I don't know if we can get the genie back in the bottle.
  6. It's not the media's job to brown nose anybody; I seriously hate that stuff. But Mr. Reality Check's (Tom Miller's) article today was a bit of a cheap shot on a coach and a staff who have been on the job for just a little over a month, are announcing their very first recruiting class today and haven't even coached a single game yet. I am all for constructive criticism, but wait until there is something to actually criticize. And Miller shouldn't insinuate that the new regime will necessarily fail like the old one did; we won't know that for several years.
  7. It's better to have a kid tell the coaches he isn't interested in playing football in college before he signs. Having a disinterested and unambitious player on the roster benefits nobody.
  8. And I am not saying he is wrong. It was arguably the biggest problem with the Mussman regime. But he is telling us something that most of us already know. And the closing comments at the end of the article sounded a little like "Meet the new boss.....same as the old boss". I think Bubba deserves a little more of a honeymoon period than 1+ month. Like I said before, National Signing Day is a Cheerleaders Day for FB programs all across America and it should be used to pump up the excitement and hope for the future in the fan base. And this fan base needs some serious pumping up right now.
  9. No, I don't want duckies and bunnies. If I see things that I don't like in the coming years, I'll be the first one on here talking about it. And I honestly don't think many people on this forum (or in the fan base as a whole) are looking for a quick turn around. If you followed this program in 2013, you know there is a big mess to clean up. But if you don't generate some excitement and hope for the future, people will remain apathetic about the program. National Signing Day is one of the most important days on the calendar for doing that. Bubba and his staff deserve at least a couple of seasons to clean up the mess Muss left behind and rebuild the team how they want it. I just think negative articles like Miller's should wait until there is actually something legitimate to complain about.
  10. On Bubba's first national signing day, Mr. Reality Check (Tom Miller) has thrown his usual dose of cold water on the proceedings. http://www.grandforksherald.com/content/und-football-und-prepares-announce-its-signing-class Gee Tom, tell us something that we don't know! Of course Bubba and his staff have yet to prove themselves, but this bad cop routine from Miller gets a little old sometimes. On national signing day, can't we just allow people to be excited and enthusiastic about the future without the obligatory "reality check" from Miller? I say yes.
  11. Yeah......a real toolbox! Any positive news about UND and here come the trolls. Go back to Bisonville.
  12. Talk about "frozen tundra"!
  13. I apologize, my bad. You own the Copyright to that, just like Goon owns the Copyright for "Anything less than a sweep this weekend is unacceptable!"
  14. The reason I rip the Slummit League is because at any given time half of their members are looking for a better conference home. And a lot of their schools are in places where the local media and sports fans are focused on other things (larger colleges, professional teams, etc). The whole Men's RPI argument is a strawman because both the SL and the BSC are one-bid leagues.
  15. You said it better than I did. Well done.
  16. Why do some posters on this forum think the head coach shouldn't be held responsible for recruiting the right kids? If the kids on the team are selfish, don't hustle and don't listen, some of that is on the head coach and his staff for recruiting them and giving them a roster spot in the first place. Talent is important, but so is character, work ethic and selfless play. Gene Roebuck was good at evaluating whether a kid would fit into his system and his way of doing things. I am not sure Jones and company have that same talent. I think he should get another season, but no contract extensions until this team starts performing well on a consistent basis. He took over when we were still a Division 2/NCC program, so he's been here long enough to be held responsible for the results or lack thereof. One more season; if there isn't some improvement, make a change.
  17. I never said this, you did. Don't put words into my mouth. And if there are "so many holes in this rant", why are you afraid to list them? This is a Discussion Forum, we discuss things here. Otherwise, there is no point in having a Discussion Forum. But it's also not the "Everything is fine the way it is, have some more green Kool-Aid" Forum either. Everything I do is aimed at making UND better. I care deeply about this institution and when I see problems, I want to draw some attention to them and fix them. And if somebody has a solution the rest of us haven't thought of, I would like to hear it. But you wanted to keep Mussman in charge of UND Football, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised at your response.
  18. I am not saying it wasn't a business decision. I am saying UND should have played hardball and outmaneuvered FU. They wouldn't hesitate to stab us in the back; why are we always the fair-haired boy in this state? It's time to drop the gloves and fight for once. The reason nobody calls the UND coaches show is because UND has done a mediocre job of marketing their programs over the years. I am sure a lot of people don't even know that program even exists. If they don't know it even exists, they won't listen to it. Your closing comment "I don't like it, but that is just how it is I'm afraid." is sad commentary on how far we have fallen. We are becoming the University of Grand Forks, while FU is taking over the state of North Dakota (thus, living up to the first two words in their name: NORTH DAKOTA State University). We just cannot accept playing second-fiddle to FU as "how it is". We need to think outside the box on this or we'll be left behind for the foreseeable future. I do not want that to happen. And I am open to suggestions from people much smarter than me on this topic. Any takers?
  19. I am sick and tired of hearing all this "Fargo market, Fargo station" crap. We have a lot of alums that live in the Imperial Cass-Clay County Megalopolis (a fact that drives FU fans crazy) that have ZERO interest in the almighty Bison and are still 1000% loyal to UND athletics (and everything else for that matter). I guess those consumers somehow don't count and don't buy goods and services. Yeah, and the Vikings will win the Super Bowl next year. We have been outmaneuvered by FU for 5 years in getting our product on the air in places that affect recruiting, fan interest, sponsorships and so on. When KFGO was talking with NDSU about a contract, I would have went behind FU's back and offered whatever it took to lock up KFGO for as long as possible. Then FU would have had to go crawling back to WDAY; whom they had just finished having a major falling out with. But no, we just sat on our hands and did nothing. Then, I had to listen to all the talking heads on KFGO blather on and on about "This is where the BISON play". FU gets continuous media coverage and hype, while we are an afterthought (a.k.a. "That OTHER school in North Dakota). And if you think that doesn't negatively effect recruiting to a certain extent, then you are kidding yourselves. If it's going to be all about FU being in a bigger media market, then God help us in the future when we do win championships at a national level (I am confident we will get back to that level again....and soon). We'll get a brief mention on KFGO, a little more time on WDAY.....and then it will be back to talking about Saul Phillips and his "Slummit League" Men's Basketball team and their latest "big-time" match-up with IUPUIFW or whatever other two-bit schools they have in that hodge-podge, way-station conference of theirs. Of course, I'll be told that I don't know what I am talking about (again), but to paraphrase Jack Nicholson from "A Few Good Men": "Some people can't handle the truth". End rant. Have a great Friday.
  20. There was a Jeff Panzer bobble head released back in 2001. Does anybody have one of those they could spare?
  21. This list is even worse than the one that prompted this thread!!!
  22. IALTO!!!
  23. Taking a vacation? Good. Maybe you'll calm down.
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