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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. So I guess the "we don't need an indoor practice facility, we have the Fargodome whenever we want it" argument for NDSU doesn't hold much water now does it!!
  2. I think they would be smart about the timing of the presser and schedule when NDSU is not currently practicing.
  3. Boys, it's Christmas today. Let's try to all get along and be merry and bright.....if just for today!! : )
  4. Can we have a Bubba dogs at the Alerus and serve Schweigert hot dogs?!!
  5. Just ask yourself when the best years of UND football were. One can argue the 90's and early 2000's. And we are supposed to be upset we got a coach that was coaching UND during that time? Doesn't make much sense to me!!
  6. Everyone if course wanted High Profile candidates. but UND is not high profile right now. We don't have the resume right now to attract high end coaches. Not taking anything away from Bubba, but he is a quality option giving the state our football program is in right now. The process is over, UND football has a new coach. Time to look forward.
  7. Ok, now everyone can stop complaining about the process, dragging out, blah blah blah. Let's all be happy and have a Merry Christmas!!!
  8. Now bring Deboer as OC and we are in business!!
  9. If we had hired a new coach December first how many of the players that transferred out would have stayed? Do you really think that having a coach in place would have kept them here? Remember that we were 3-8 last year and are replacing their entire coaching staff. These players left because currently UND is not that good and their is uncertainty at coaching. Seriously people, these players probably decided they were going to transfer back in October. The fact that we are not good right now is the main reason players are transferring.
  10. My point is in the grand scheme if things, does it really matter if we hire a coach it 28 days or 38 days? No. Just think if Faison hired a guy in 10 days. People would be complaining that he should have taken more time to evaluate his options.i trust in the process and that Faison will get the right guy. He has had a pretty good track record if hiring good coaches that have had a lot if success. Football should be no different. What exactly could he have done different? He has followed a pretty normal hiring process. Get a list if candidates, narrow the list down and so phone interviews, then come up with a final 2 for face to face meeting and make his decision. When you are talking about hiring a football coach that you are looking to turn the program around, you are gonna make for sure you get the right guy. And Faison is making sure he does that. If you don't like the process, maybe apply for an HR job in the UND athletic department and make some changes. In the mean time, relax and let the process play out.
  11. Seriously, everyone needs to calm down. We will have a new head coach within the next 2 days. So sick of all the people complain about the process. Get a life. We are getting anew coach and are going to start the next chapter if UND football. Complaining about the process is pretty stupid if you ask me.
  12. Obviously Deboer and Bubba know each other and worked together as top assistants at Southern Illinois. Given the current situation there with Lennon, any chance they chose each other to come with them if selected?!!
  13. One word. Timbits. You won't be disappointed!!
  14. If we hired a coach a week after Muss was fired, some people would have said we didn't take enough time. If we take a month and a half, some people say we are taking too long. Damned if you do, damned if you don't!!
  15. Chuck the pigskin guy needs to be hired as our new PR guy. That guy is great!!
  16. Pflugrad is the guy. He is the best applicant that has applied. Faison needs to get him in his office and talk they all these allegations and so called baggage and get the truth straight from the horses mouth.
  17. If you think the NCAA is going to do us any favors in the near future, than you are kidding yourself.
  18. Well at least the debate has turned to actual games and success on the playing field and away from who has more televised games On big networks. That was my point.
  19. Since when did "we are playing more on a nationally televised network" become legitimate bragging rights material. Whatever happened to head to head results?
  20. This is like the night before Christmas!! We are all sitting in our beds trying to go to sleep but we can't because of the anticipation!! Hopefully Santa Faison brings us a great present!!
  21. Enough already!!! Holy crap!! Both schools are on national television. Accept that and move on !!!
  22. Maybe the next coach IS on the list of candidates that applied!!
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