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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. It would be interesting to see how many college hockey coaches have been fored in the past 9 years solely based on team performance. Also would be interesting to see how many coaches with a winning record were let go as well. This is the nature of this sport at this level. Unless you are awful as a coach or comit some other university infraction, College hockey coaches don't usually get fired and hired too often. Sotty. Just the way it is.
  2. Unless both schools are #1 seeds, Can't you pretty much expect UND and Minnesota get put in the same region year after year??!
  3. I wonder how long the "Fire Red Berenson" thread is on Michigans fan forum!!!
  4. Stop replying to all the Bison trolls who make every thread on this site an NDSU vs UND argument. If we ignore them enough, maybe they will go away. If you are a bison fan, talk about the topic being discussed. If you want to talk about NDSU, Bisonville is just a click away. Thanks. Signed every member of Siouxsports.com.
  5. Coaches do all the behind the scenes work that fans seldom get to see. They scout a guy when he is somethimes as young as 14. He goes to their house convinces these top recruits (that are being recruited by several other schools mind you) that it is in their best interest to play at UND. The coaches work with these guys every day at practive teaching their schemes and plays and how they plan on playing their next opponents. That is what they get paid to do. Good coaches year after year put their teams in a position to win. But after that, it is in the players hands. Not once has a player made a great defensive play in a game. Never has a coach set up a power play. Not once has a coach ever had an assist or scored a goal in a game they are coaching in. The responsibility of the coach is to teach these guys how to play and how to win. But the responsibility of the players is to use what they have learned and execute it on the ice. Hakstols teams have shown time and time again that they have learned the schemes put forth by the coaches and have been successful executing that on the ice. 12 straight years finishing in the top half of the league? Next closest after this year will have 6!! Now has UND faltered in the Frozen Four and other playoff games? Yes. Can some of the blame be put on the coaches? Sure. But don't let the players off the hook. The coaches can only take you so far. The players must step up and perform when its playoff time.
  6. I wish that there could be a thread where we can all talk about the topic at hand without a Bison fan coming in and start talking about how NDSU relates to the topic. It happens all the time. Then when a Bison poster says something contraversial or rips on UND, they get mad that people are attacking them!! This is a UND sports message board. We are going to talk about UND sports. I am welcome to discussion form fans from other schools coming to this site.....but it gets super annoying when NDSU gets brought up in threads on topics that don't involve them. Then it just becomes a "who is better, UND or NDSU" debate and the thread gets derailed.
  7. Funny how Bison fans love to rip on UND fans and their "hockey only" crowd. Granted it will not be for a National Championship, but how many NDSU fans traveled to Sioux Falls last year to watch their team play SDSU for a berth in the NCAA tournament?!!! Lots of "Football only" fans down in Fargo!!!
  8. So if we end up tying St Coud in points, we are not co-champs? The tiebreaker determines the NCHC Champion so we would win the Penrose and St Cloud would be second?
  9. So NDSU wanted to join the Big Sky in 2005 but had no desire to join if asked in 2009. What changed in those 4 years? Just because NDSU settled for the Summit/MVFC, doesn't mean that they need to rip on UND and oither schools for taking advantage of the situation in 2009. The FACT is that NDSU wanted to be in the Big SKy in 2005, obviously. HAd they still been looking for a conference in 2009, they would have deffinitely wante dto join the Big Sky. YOu are telling me that NDSU has ZERO desire to join the Big SKy if given the chance? I suppose you will come back with all the successes in the Summit/MVFC to prove your point that you are doing just fine where you are at. But face it, NDSU , GT, and most of the fanbase wanted to be in the Big SKy in the past and a part of them would still like to be a part of it now.
  10. He will be sharing a room with the Western Michigan fan!!
  11. The Ralph has done that plenty of times when two opposing players are in the penalty box.
  12. Yeah, not sure how he missed the words "Regular Season Champion" on the front of it!!
  13. It is a month away from the inagural "Frozen Faceoff" and I have yet to see or hear about the NCHC tournament trophy. Anyone else have any info? Just curious.
  14. That hit that Oshie had was one of the best live hockey hits I have seen live!! Absolutely destroyed that guy!!!
  15. But I thought Montana State hated NDSU??? Oh wait...they are scared of them. My mistake.
  16. Too many men penalty called in a Championship game.....who does Canada think they are...Grafton Spoilers?!!!
  17. NOt to bring up Bison fans on this site (which I hate to do) but isn't their midset on this issue a little ironic? Now I will go on record saying that UND going FBS is a long shot. But isn't it funny how they ripped on RT, and UND fans that siad moving up to D1 for all sports was a mistake. And now that the conversation is started about football oving up, they are doing the same thing?!! Just seems kind of funny!
  18. I think that if this game is announced (hopefully) that it will hit everyone by surprise. No one really knows what negotiations are going on except for Faison and Taylor. I mean, how mean how many people knew that NDSU and Weber were in talks for a home and home? It just happened.
  19. Canada will not win the gold based on their play in their first 4 games. Right now, Sweeden, USA, and Finland are all playing better. Of course anything can happen in a US/Canada game, but right now I see them as the 4th best team left in the tournament.
  20. In all 3 games Central bear Red River this year, they were all 1 goal games. And the last one was in OT!! TOugh to beat a team 4 times in year...expecially a team that has played you tough every time!
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