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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. NDSU v UNI is a much more intriguing matchup nationally!! If I had to predict for that week, I would say that the GameDay crew will be in Lincoln that week.
  2. I get that it would be tough to do. Especially considering the demand for tailgating. I had mentioned before about having a local establishment near the dome host UND fans for tailgating and the game, similar to what places like the Pourhouse in Minneapolis does for the Frozen Faceoff. As much as Bison fans scoff at the idea, a local establishment would be wise to do something like that. There are plenty of UND fans in Fargo, and surrounding areas including GF) that don't have tickets to the game but would like to be down there to watch it with other UND football fans.
  3. Getting back on topic...... I am wondering if NDSU and the Fargodome is even going to consider giving UND a designated area for their fans to tailgate. I know that The Alerus has done this for schools that play us. Not sure what they have done for other schools. But you would think for a game of this magnitude involving thier biggest rival (sorry Bison fans, it's true) that they would accomodate. I know that the Alerus more than accomodated Bison fans back in 2003. Probably wishful thinking.
  4. Flames - can't be that, Native Americans used fire in their day to day life. Roughriders - can't be that, Native Americans used to "ride" horses on "rough" terrain. SunDogs - can't use that, the sun is a sacred symbol to Native Americans. Badlanders - can't use that, Native American tribes used to live in the part of the Dakota's known as the Badlands Etc, etc, etc........ Sadly enough, this is probably the reasoning that some of those Profs probably have!!
  5. Totally worth it to get the new Big Sky logos on the court!!
  6. UND is so irrelevant right now. Blah, blah, blah. SO TIRED of hearing this from Bison fans. Yes we realize that the program has ad some rough years. COmpared to the success down the road, it makes it look even worse. UND is so irrelevant that Bison fans can't stop trolling on this board and obsessing over talking about UND on that other board!! Bison fans hate to hear from other fans how "you are not going to be at the top forever". Well you know what, it goes both ways. UND fans are just as tired of hearing "YOu are going to suck and be irrelevant forever". We all can agree that both are simply not true.
  7. You talke about truth....here is the TRUTH!! The Fighting Sioux name is retired. It is never coming back. UND will adopt a new name and logo. Now, questions for you and the "Sioux forever" crowd: What are you a fan of, the Fighting Sioux name and logo, or the University of North Dakota? Because if you are a fan of the University of North Dakota and it's athletic teams, you will cheer them on no mater what name they go buy. Does it suck that we had to retire the name? Of course!! But its time to accept reality. There will be a new name and a new identity for UND and its athletic teams. You can either choose to be stubborn and refuse to accept change, or embrace it support the teams that you love and have cheered for. So what's it gonna be? You ready to be a big boy? Or are you going to throw a temper tantrum in the concourse at the Ralph because your team has a new name?
  8. My 3 year old son many times throws a tantrum when he does not want to eat his diner. He says "no, no, no" and sits there pushing his plate away. But I tell him that he has to eat his food, even though he doesn't want to. In many many ways, you and the other "sioux forever" crowd members remind me alot of him. Stubborn and set in your ways so much that nothing anyone says to you will ever change your mind. And you just sit their with your arms cross and a frown on your face saying "no, no, no." All Sioux fans agree with you in that the Fighting Sioux name should have never been retired. We all agree that the NCAA overstepped their bounds in creating such rediculous new rule. We all agree that the Fighting Sioux was a great name. A name that was more than just a logo. It actually stood for something. We are all proud of the Fighting Sioux name and the rich heritage it has for the Sioux people and for the school. What people don't agree on is what is best for UND. ?We had to retire a great nickname. It sucks. But that is reality. Do I wish it never happened, of course!! We all do. But welcome to the real world. Things happen that you may not lke and agree with. I am not asking you and the rest of the "Sioux forever" crowd to forget completely about the past and what the Sioux name has meant to this University. I am not asking you to fall head over heals in love with the new nickname. All I am asking is for those people that can't let go of the old name and refuse to recognize any new name the University selects to just think of what is best fo the University and its athletic teams and student atheletes. We can't let sefish pride and anger get in the way of doing what needs to be done and what is going to be done. Funny thing about my 3 year old, once he realized that the food on his plate was good, and by eating it he would be hungry anymore, he was happy!
  9. IF "North Dakota" makes the final cut for a public vote, it will win in a landslide. (I still don't think that UND can legally go by that, but that's a whole other discussion). If "North Dakota" is not on the list and "Roughriders" is, I think that we will be called the University of North Dakota Roughriders. There aren't many other names that have as much name recognition and public support than Roughriders.
  10. Nokota was the name I submitted, so obviously I am a big fan of it. So whether it's Nokota, Charging Nokota, or whatever. Any variation of it I am a fan of. Someone on here doesn't want animals as our new nickname. Well I would take an animal over Force, Blizzard, Flame, etc any day. Nokota fits what I think is the most importaant criteria the commitee laid out. It's unique. I want UND to be the only one with the nickname it chooses. We had that with Fighting Sioux. We can have that with Nokota. Compared to all the other ones out there so far, this one has to be one of the best options. Like I said, I am a little biased!
  11. Charging Nokotas made it, but not just the name "Nokota". I think it is smart to throw in an adjective before the name to break up a potential North Dakota Nokota name. We were once "fighting" so why not "Charging". Even then the Charging Nokota could be shortened to just Nokota, or just Nokes. So when you really think about it, from a marketing standpoint, This option actually gives you potentiall 3 names to market. Might play a factor.
  12. Now that Ermines is out of the running, can we please stop hearing about ermines?!!
  13. Yep. That's what the article said. They will go thru the rest at the next meeting. They have to sift thru a lot of crap!!
  14. So Blakhawks is still in the running. I am curious to what a Bennet Brien design modified Sioux logo would look like using this same idea!! The name may be different, but if the logo is similar, then I think it would be more accepting!!
  15. The George Constanza theory!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKUvKE3bQlY
  16. Alumni, Champions Club members, season ticket holders, faculty, current students, Grand Forks residents. Those groups are the most invested stakeholders to UND. They should be the only ones allowed to vote in deciding a nickname. Anyone have Goehring's email?
  17. How is that ironic? When I started posting on Siouxsports, UND was still the Sioux. Just because UND retired the name, doesn't mean everyone that has Sioux in their screen name has to do the same. Reading just a couple posts regarding the subject and you can obviously see my stance on the issue.
  18. The obvious answer is National Championship. Unfortunately, there are way to many people that would vote for Fighting Sioux Forever!!
  19. OK, so I might have been using a little sarcasm when I said a day. Just trying to make the point that it would not be long lengthy process. How long did it take when they redid the floor when they replaced the old center court logo with the interlocking ND logo? My guess is they are most likely waiting until the new name and logo are selected to redo the floor. Just unfortunate the Big Sky logo wanst replaced when they redid the floor a couple years ago.
  20. So who should be allowed to vote when the list is narrowed down? I think it should be UND alumni, Champions Club members, season ticket holders, UND students/staff/faculty, and Grand Forks residents. While this is who I think should be allowed to vote, it will most likely cover a borader scope of people. One thing that I hope they do is make voting for the name a little bit more of a process so it turns away people that voted for the name and submitted dumb/ignorant/racist suggestions and lets the people that actually care about the name to make their vote. I don't think having a special election and physically having people come to the polls is an option. There are many alumni out of state that make significant contributions to the University that deffinitley would want a say in the process. My suggestion is to still make it available online, but make the process of submitting the vote easy but at the same time make it so the voter has to fill out a form with their name, email, address, etc. I think this will turn away people that don't really have the time to fill out the online form because they don't really care and ensure that the people voting actully want to make their voice heard and take the time and effort to do so. Not sure wha tthe best option is going to be, but this one makes the most sense, I think.
  21. I completely agree that the Betty needs new video boards. My point was that they could so easily fix the logos on the floor, that it would take a day to do it for next to nothing in cost. So yes, I totally agree video boards are the #1 need. The logos are just something that needs to be done and can be done right now.
  22. There are some that they could remove even before it going to the commitee. 2's, 2%ers, 4 x 4's, Blue Unicorns, Dirt, Cube, Flat, Ice Augers, Rocks, Seminoles, Trees, etx....I mean come one. Are those even worth bringing to the commitee? . Take out horrible names like the ones I mentioned and remove the duplicates, and the list looks a little less daunting.
  23. I really find that odd too that it didn't make the "under consideration" list. What is odd is "Nokes" and "Charging Nokota" were on the "under consideration" list.
  24. "Other" is technically the most popular....so, I guess any other name is still under consideration!!
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