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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. At this point, I think the best possible move is to try to be a football only affiliate in the Big Sky, and move to the Summit for everything else. Not the ideal situation, but given the budget issues, it is the best option and prevents us from having to cut any more sports (and may actually bringing back baseball).
  2. 3runsingle definitely coming out swinging!!!
  3. So who is to credit/blame for the production value at UND games? It is Alerus production staff who make all the decisions? Does UND have any say? If so how much?
  4. No room for banners. What a great problem to have to deal with!! I actually like the banners on the long side. Was like that in the Old Ralph.
  5. Crowd noise does make a difference. Especially in the Alerus. It was evident on Saturday, and it is evident for anyone who went to games when the Alerus first opened. Fans need to realize this. Yes, the players on the field need to make plays. But when its 3rd down and the players for the other team can't hear the quarterback and it results in false starts, the crowd has a direct impact on the game. Pint being, get to the game and get loud!! Be a fan, not a spectator!
  6. "It's all your fault! It's all your fault. It's all your fault"!!!!
  7. The fans that left had their reasons for leaving. Maybe their 4 year old kid was antsy and couldn't sit still any longer. Maybe they had a night ob that they had to get to. Seeing fans leave during the game sucks whether they are students or not. Everyone had their reasons for leaving, justified or not. The reason the students are getting ripped is it is obvious the reason they stuck around. Once the tuition prize was awarded, they left in masses. So it is not off limits to question your reasons and your motives for being at the game.
  8. Classy move. There is no reason that we can't do the same thing here? I realize the game against Weber is not until October 29th, but the Coyote fans were able to raise over $10,000 in less than a week. ($6,000 alone on GoFundMe). Think how much we could raise?!!
  9. Yes Bison fans. We know that Carson Wentz went to NDSU. We know that he went #2 overall in the draft. We know that he won all those Championships at NDSU. We know that his is the starter of the Philadelphia Eagles. We all agree that he was an elite QB in college. We all agree that he had a good game in his first NFL start. We all agree that while he may have his ups and downs this season being a rookie, he has the potential to be a good QB in the NFL. While true, it is initially hard to cheer for a guy who has played at our rival school for the past 4 years, we all are at some level rooting for the small town North Dakota kid to succeed in the NFL.
  10. Funny you say that. How has it gone for you? Let me tell you because it seems that you have obviously forgotten. In the last 4 years since USD has joined the MVFC, the Yotes are 1-7 against NDSU/SDSU with the lone victory coming last year in Fargo. If that isn't bad enough, here are the results of those 7 loses. 2012 NDSU 54 - USD 0 - SDSU 31 - USD 8 2013 NDSU 42 - USD 0 - SDSU 27 - USD 12 2014 NDSU 47 - USD 7 - SDSU 37 - USD 14 2015 SDSU 30 - USD 23 Thats 57 points for, 268 points against in those 7 games for those scoring at home. And furthermore, you are a combined 12-34 (6-26 conference record) since joining the MVFC. So yeah, I think this is the same USD program I grew up with! You talk a big game cause you are in the MVFC, but you an average to bottom dweller team the last 4 years. You are the Vanderbilt of the MVFC Darn those pesky facts and stats. I hope you don't get angry about them and go trash a locker room over it.
  11. That seems like the logical solution, but unfortunately that may not even work. Look at student attendance at the Ralph the last couple years. We have been a Frozen Four and National Championship team for the past 3 years and they took away an entire section of the students seats in the upper bowl!! Winning should solve attendance issues, but it may be more than that.
  12. Wait, so a Coyote fan comes on to a UND website, makes sarcastic comments and comes off as smug, arrogant and cocky and is expecting to be treated with class and respect when he comes in and acts the same way when he walks into the tailgate lot and stadium of an opposing fanbase? Um...ok!!
  13. Sorry to change topics, but I haven't heard anything about a contract extension for Jones. Is he not in his last year of his contract? Would be odd to have a head coach go into a season on his last year of his contract.
  14. Just build a stadium with the ETFE roof like US Bank Stadium. Outdoor feel with indoor temps!!
  15. Only thing is that the locker room vandalism happened in 2011. None of the coaches or players were around for that. So it is likely none of them would know what the heck you are talking about.
  16. If they are busting out the grey, they are doing all grey. And by that I mean grey helmets as well. You heard it hear here first. UND will run out of the tunnel this Saturday wearing grey pants, grey jerseys, and grey helmets!! (of course I have no factual basis on this prediction, but that's neither here nor there)
  17. I did send an email to the Ralph asking them why there wasn't a Fighting Hawks logo at center ice this year, and they gave me the "we didn't have enough time to get a new stencil created" line. I guess 2 months is not enough time. However, I did follow up by asking them if they planned on putting it on center ice for next season and the response I got was: So I guess the decision on the center ice logo isn't made by Jody Hodgson or anyone else at the Ralph. It is made by Brian Faison.
  18. Fighting Abdominal Snowman would have won in a landslide!
  19. Couldn't agree with you more. Especially on the bolded point. Not a bad first post! Hopefully you didn't set the bar too high!!
  20. Really not that much difference. I say we get over 10,000. But not by much.
  21. I know that it would have cost a whole lot more money and it is unprecedented in cases like this, but the ideal way to pick the new name and logo would be for a company like SME develop a logo for each of the 5 finalists (Fighting Hawks, Roughriders, Nodaks, Sundogs, and North Stars) and have the public vote. That way we know the finished product of what we are voting for. Obviously was not gonna happen that way, but certainly would have been better.
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