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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. So what is really going on? Is the University forcing the name and logo on people or are some people just being stubborn and resistance to change? The University is moving forward and marketing and displaying their new identity. And that is the Fighting Hawks. Both name and logo are officially representing the University of North Dakota and specifically its athletic department. Promoting the official name and logo of the University is not ramming it down peoples throats. UND should not cater to those that want to resist change. hockey fans at UND are not the only fans at UND. You are not any more special because you don't support the Fighting Hawks name and proudly identify as a "Sioux Forever" fan. While you may think its cool to be negative towards the Fighting Hawks name and logo, you are not helping. Now I am not going to come on here and tell people that they have to go head over heels and be in love with the Fighting Hawks name and logo right now. I get it. Some people are slow to accept change. My point is to not be negative and resistant just because UND is trying to market the school and its athletic teams via the Fighting Hawks logo. You don't support the Fighting Hawks name and logo? Fine. But don't accuse UND of "ramming it down your throats" when all they are doing is marketing their product.
  2. From the article: "The music department raised 88 thousand dollars in donations to pay for the new outfits, which are black instead of green, so that the musicians will stand out more when performing on the green football field."
  3. Just follow @siouxfootballinsider on twitter. They are there and that's where I am getting the info. (including this pic).
  4. Exactly. If the schools intentions are to focus on re branding and promoting the new logo out there to link it to the identity at UND, you'd think that the most visible and highly attended venue at UND (and the state of North Dakota for that matter) would support that by displaying the logo at the most visible location at center ice.
  5. Embarrassing. It's one thing for fans to be ashamed of their schools name and logo. But for the the building that the schools most popular sport plays in to exhibit that same behavior? That's beyond pathetic. Like it or hate it, the fact that the schools logo is not at center ice is indefensible.
  6. Could you imagine having Chad Mustard play four years of football at UND instead of just the one?!! I guess he could maybe be on the list as well.
  7. Is it unfortunate Grady isn't on the team this year? Yes. Did we win last year without him? Yes. Can we win without him again this year? I don't see why not!!
  8. 2017 Camp Roster http://www.undsports.com/pdf9/5450918.pdf (Grady is listed on there. Speculate on that I guuss!!)
  9. I'm ok with having our full team for the entire season!! Especially Mismash!
  10. Wait a second....you married a Bison fan? She must be extremely hot, extremely rich, or both!! Only way it can be justified!!
  11. Sidenote, been discussed here before, but I am wondering if they are going to change the sticker opn the helmet to the black and white logo instead of the green and white logo with the outline. They probably aren't, But I just think it looks better on a green helmet. Maybe the official twitter picture of @UNDfootball is telling us something?!!
  12. That's what happens when you go from having a University President that is a west coast liberal to a midwest conservative!! (Alright calm down. Not meaning to start a political debate. Relax. It's a joke)
  13. Wishful thinking or does Tom know more than we think?!! http://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/4305552-5-storylines-watch-und-football-opens-fall-camp "Bryce Blair, Elijah Grady, Ryan Tobin, Nathan Nguon and Noah Mortel will challenge for spots, especially on the right side of the line."
  14. Bubble screen to #22....ALL DAY LONG!!!!
  15. Don't even get me started on those "Flickertails Forever" fans!!
  16. Maybe a committee can be formed to narrow the list down 3 to 4 times before we have 3 votes to decide the nickname?
  17. http://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/our-opinion/4304262-opinion-environment-und-games-needs-boost
  18. Seriously. People get over deaths in their family quicker than some people have gotten over the loss of a nickname. Time to put things in perspective.
  19. Just keep doing it over and over until a name gets 100% of the vote. That shouldn't take long!!
  20. I never said that my feeling get hurt when people make comments on social media or chant "Sioux Forever" at games. I just think it is embarrassing to have people in our fanbase that act like that. The difference is I am on the right side of the argument. While there are people that claim "Sioux forever" that simply is not the case. There are those that claim that "that's not my nickname" that is wrong as well. My point is that while I accept the fact that there are some people who may never accept the Fighting Hawks name, that doesn't mean that I think its the right thing to do. This isn't an AA 12 step process. The University and the rest of the fans who have moved on don't need to cater to your beliefs and feelings and your inability to do so as well.
  21. I guess the biggest thing that bugs me about the "Siouxforever" fans is their absolute refusal to accept anything Fighting Hawks related and their disdain for those that do. From comments made on social media ripping on the name and logo and remarks like "Don't you mean Sioux", to booing when Fighting Hawks is said at hockey games and chanting "Sioux Forever". I think every UND fan has the right to accept the name in their own time frame, if at all. But to vocally reject it in the way some do and call out fans who have accepted the Fighting Hawks name and logo is beyond embarrassing. I get it. There are fans that are never going to accept the new name and logo in any way. But don't disparage those of us that have.
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