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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. I dont think people will be waiting until spring. This.
  2. Basically the same procedures for the Obama admins ice procedures... Step1: Pretend to address the issue, Step 2:then never hold anyone accountable. Step 3: If you criticize it you are Hitler.
  3. They said no, but possibly family. Which is great because Im now offering services of "uncle" to any NCHC player wanting that little extra family encouragement. Or possibly Godfather, I mean nobody is going to say no to letting in a Godfather, amirite
  4. Upvote for nothing else but bringing Lionel Hutz into this thread. Its perfect.
  5. Just a legend. Huge loss to the North Dakota hockey community.
  6. Yes. It does. Just a rediculous statement. Obtuse. FYP. Until that group realizes they dont need the democrats, they will have enough to take the power themselves without their slavemaster white liberal Dems.... IF the black population realized this now, the Democrat party would be as fringe as the libertarians and Green party.
  7. Andnits foolish to compare points in time with points of virus spiking. Virus gunna virus, eh.
  8. That's a fair criticism, and I'd add not fueding with the MCains. those, and its a blowout.
  9. Every. Time. You. Post. The world will be reminded you advocated for a young man to take his own life. Don't even think of lecturing anyone about the type of people they are. How dare you soil the tribute thread. I hope you get the help you need but damned if it should be here. On behalf of a massive population on this planet that have dealt with suicide, as God as my witness. This will Never be forgotten.
  10. How the hell is this washed up hot tub loser still allowed on this site after screaming about how a young man should commit suicide. This is disgracefull, whatever temporary ban he recieved from the bullying thread was not nearly long enough. Probaby time to make some calls to some advertisers to see if they truly support a site that advocates encouraging kids to kill themselves. Never let this crap be acceptable here or anywhere.
  11. Ken Towers supported me and some of my athletic dreams when others wouldn't. I only have found and warm memories of many a post ball game, birthday party, pre Sioux hockey meal with my friends at the moon. May God bless this good man and his family, Rest in peace good sir, Rest in peace.
  12. Very important distinction, some could argue that the migrant farm laborforce is dramatically cheaper than robots. Farms will always have owners, I mean how would the lake home industry survive? unless your advocating soviet style state farms......
  13. To be fair his prediction was like predicting blackjack in a deck of faces and aces.
  14. This is true but the founders created a United republic that very well integrates the differing values. Had clear lines of differing values been created the fractured regions would long ago been engagerd in violent conflict. However this current state may no longer contain the differences. An election as corrupt as what has happened could be the tipping point, although more likely the over arching actions of an illegitimate government and restricted freedoms will send it over the edge. The sad thing is the foolish who dont even know what they have been advocating for, those are the ones that are truly going to regret what is goingnto be legislated upon them.
  15. I doubt very much he ever has, even the mildly soylent libs on the front range would've slapped the stupid out of him if he spewed this crap in public. Out visiting Western ND..... likely he woulda needing some dental work and some shoe leather removed from the colon if he said something like this to someones face. And it would probably be his own family givn him the lesson.
  16. NO rules???...... Like actually none?...... Like make the real person accountable for the comments no rules? That would be a fun day. Or just swing the ban hammer on his spam account and let him continue with his established account and he can pretend to be normal until the demons get the better of his head to keyboard connection again.
  17. God, can you imagine if his mom found his thread and saw the crap he posts, let alone his vile verbage toward the mentally handicapped.... ooofff. Better his mom than say a coworker or employer i guess, that would be a rough lesson. Hopefully his parents can take some responsibility and set him right before he really gets out of hand.
  18. technically nothing is mathematically impossible but i think i saw the actual mathmetical odds of this happening was 1 in 8 to the 23,000th power. And these assholes expect everyone to believe it just is what it is.
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