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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. The sooner the better in order to move on to more modern redevelopments that can be viable moving forward.
  2. Quite frankly this is a direct targeting of more midwestern conservative metro areas to divert funds to larger metro read (urban) read ("diverse") areas. I dont want to discuss politics on here but.... This is the reality of the winds of change in political and soscio-economic diversity agendas
  3. These are the two I see as needing it the most while at the same time probably fighting it the most. I very well could be wrong but... lets face it when it comes down to a numbers game ... the numbers just arent there.
  4. Worth a read and a thought in your own mind, not necessarily a comment, just fyi https://azcoyotesinsider.substack.com/p/mitchell-miller-addresses-his-past
  5. What's the state tourney goals record?
  6. Wasnt there so cant and am not criticizing the stripes on ice. The Goal judge video and moreso audio and background seem to be an issue. That and anything that may or may not have happened post game.
  7. Not a BHS peraon so no dog in this, but.. There is "appearently" documentation of this goal juge having been barred from officiating certain games due to prejudiced actions. IF that is his voice, and then makes that call, I'd say there needs to be some permanent removal from all aspects of On and OFF ice officiating. For perspective... If this would have happenend to....God forbid an eastern team....or OMG a GF team in a state playoff game in Western North Dakota..... (a situation that actually could have happened this year) The East would have seceded.......after burning down HWY 2 like Sherman to the sea.
  8. There appears to be a storyline that the goal judge can be heard bemoaning overtime and pleading for a goal prior to making the call. Also seems that the goal judge in question has been banned from reffing in pevious instances.. That is not confirmed, just alleged, Ugly ugly scene all around accoursing to the rumormill.
  9. Looks like a pretty difficult way to have a season end... https://www.facebook.com/502881298/posts/10157840075156299/?d=n
  10. Legacy is happening, soon. No other way to go about it. The school boundry lines are being redrawn in Bismarck, I believe they were finalized at the last school board meeting Without Legacy the numbers at century are going to be unworkable without dozens and dozens of cuts. The numbers aren't hurt that bad at BHS by Legacy, both teams are bursting at the seems for both varsiry and JV right now. On one hand if Legacy didnt happen, century could legit compete for state title in the next 4 years. But Legacy has to happen and will within 2 seasons.
  11. If you think its just moms you are pushing a fools paradise. Parents and the pursuit of vicariously won glory is #1. Lots of problems, and its tougher to pick out the positives than ever before... Bad coaches are still a major issue. Lat weekend I watched a coach, a grown mature man.... taunt the kids on the other team like a drunken cheeleeder every time his team scored a goal, woooping and hollaring dancing, gesturing. You'd have sworn he just got a tray of feee shots at his favorite blue oyster bar the way he carried on. I may send the video to the twittersphere... It should ruin the mans coaching career but. it wont, cause winning is the most important thing to too many people. Suffice it to say, youth sports are facing a multi-headed demon these days.
  12. Looks like a good low scoring defensive game.
  13. No. Theres not nearly enough ice in Bismarck, not even close. To add a nother high school Varsity, Jv, and a Jr Gold........ All of which the numbers are very much there for...could honestly field 2 Jr Gold teams... Ice will be extreamly short. Add in a 2nd Girls team and it'll be 5ams, 10pms, and outdoor practices for youth hockey, thats not ideal for retention to say the least. Bismarck needs more rinks but unfortunately its an "old man screams at clouds" and "i dont have kids in hockey, I'm not voting for a $20 yearly tax increase" type town. Its basically a mess, great job has been done to get kids in hockey, but to retain them or develop a depth of talent has fallen woefully short.
  14. Again, and I cant believe this is such a difficult concept to understand. Schools and school enrollment..... 5 schools 10 schools 50 schools.... DO. NOT. MATTER. In. Hockey. Boys or Girls. ONLY numbers of players in the youth program. As of now and the past few years the numbers indicate a 2nd Bis Girls team would be mildly viable. The numbers coming up DO NOT, in most peoples opinion. Some are very adement they can pull it off... But it will happen anyway. There will be another girls team in the future.
  15. Yea, exactly. High school hockey level of play, can not be based on school enrollment, only on the youth program enrollment.
  16. Good team last year, and definetly earned that title game win. I agree and things can change quickly, even in bigger towns. The AA concept is destroying PW hockey IMHO, and that opinion is being proved correct again this year. AA for bantams yes, I get it and support it, AA for PW is stupidity, especially for towns that need to develop to feed multiple High schools. Respect how GF does it, they have 2 balanced (usually balanced) teams playing their top level. Call it A call it AA, they just play. Good on them. Hazen Buelah got beat 11-1 tonight and it wasn't that close. 0-15 outscoeed 121-18 on the season... Credit to the coaches and parents for keeping it running but, thats got to be really difficult to keep kids interested in coming back night after night, year after year. The question is... would a more level chance in a tiered system help the program, and others?
  17. Agreed, but due to pride, arrogance, or whatever, its pretty difficult to get the higher divisions to schedule them. The only other concern is the attrition through apathy aspect. Tough to keep kids and parents wallets invested when getting housed all the time. Few people see the long term benefit, unfortunately.
  18. And some good athletes on that team, a few who maybe could or should be playing high school, that team competes with a few of the AA teams, but in reality will it translate to high school or is the lifeling goal nothing more than to maybe possibly crack a 4th seed at state.... Time will tell, teams like that are kind of the example, or bellweather to watch as to what could or should happen as to structure of ND high school hockey... Some good teams and competition for sure.
  19. Ill climb up on the soapbox again. Has to happen. Crazy how many people still resist the thinking here, but every year the proof just gets more and more compelling. Some damn good competition in the the Bantam A league, and those teams would be mildly midpack to low if there wasnt a AA league. It just has to progress to the high school level
  20. K1 "fair" value is just all over the board. I see them going for 50-80 and then some topping 200... it just really matter of: what version it is a replica of, dazzle, reebok, geometric.... Where it is being sold....ebay, thrift store, facebook... But in the end the fair valuenis really only determined by what someone is willing to pay. Personally I would sell K1s for 200 but wouldn't be a buyer at anything over 160. Its crazy as different crowds will pay through the nose for crap, but balk at a decently fair price of a legit replica or authentic.
  21. A replica is not a counterfeit. Licensed replica jerseys from k1, reebok, ccm, Adidas.... nike, are common and quality is usually very good compared to the counterfeit, or knock off crap that floods the facebook, ebay, and amazon sites.
  22. BREAKING YHH has learned that Eden Prairie JR Jackson Blake will return from the USHL (Chicago Steel) to play for the Eagles. The North Dakota verbal commit has attended EP online and will be eligible immediately. https://t.co/TUQ8jgE05i 21GP. 7G 8A 15P 29PIM
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