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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. Thome done. Not a good performance. To say the least. Aweful positioning, WAAAAY to much lateral slide. Lazy recovery. Just bad.
  2. Breakdown: UND is legit good. DU is legit good. GREAT passing and pace especially the 1st period. Sheel looked fine maybe is sliding heavy a bit and not super as quick as hed like in recovery. Not really an issue, Im sure it'll tighten up. PP is spectacular. Savoie has a shot that actually gives me a wee chub action, its just damn awesome. DU has a good hockey player there. Budy's hit near textbook 5. Hit on Pinto, absolutely clean, good non call. Officiating was top notch, excellent. UND lost the game in the scorebook but winners are actually Denver, The NCHC, The pod system, and college hockey, and us for getting to watch that game. Bigest winner: This forumn for mostly having good takes on the game and calls.
  3. Ok. This one wins the forum for the day. Hands down. Well played.
  4. Believe I saw a skinned car in pics from ths pod so it wasnt an immediate thing.
  5. I believe the NCAA is waiting to do anything until they can justify canceling a national tournament in hockey and the lesser sports while still profitting off the basketball tourney. This avoids the issue of having to actually come up with a sysyem to select a field.
  6. Little late on the drive-by one liner but.... To actually compare these two things and the symbolism they represent, history and purpose is at best IGNORANCE.
  7. I believe Gage Ausmus has shed some light on this on Twitter. Sounds like he was told to "tone down" his conservative opinions.
  8. I think it falls square on Hockey I mean, it is what it is. Its 100% on the hockey team at this point, as was the MM discussion. Unfortunately.
  9. I know that the Champions Club and Alumni association were well aware before the story "leaked"... They are fielding calls and there has been donations and giving cancelled already. That just goes along with the territory of public vitue signals. People react.
  10. There actually have been multiple suggestions other than kneeling offered in this thread. It seems maybe you read for reaction rather than comprehension.
  11. 1: Pulled the trigger a bit quick on the ol' Dumpster Fire thead eh? Probly go ahead and unseal that tomb and knock out a hundred more pages. 2: Dissapointed in the kids and moreso the program for being dragged into this virtue signalling meaninglessness. 3: After the handling of the MM situation, this stinks of weakness and overt pandering. So if we must be sensitive to the things that are offensive to others, And that is what the kneeling movement was "sold" as, then they are saying this nation is offensive to them. Well I and many many many more are offended by kneeling and the messege. So what is the approved sensitivity response from the manual of butthurtedness to the offenciveness of the act of being offended and thowing it? I wrote my name on a check to the U.S.A. and served with every ounce of my life and soul to back it up. That check can be used as capital for these kids to do whatever they want during the anthem. Thats how it works. But I dont have to like it. In fact I see and feel disrespected and unappreciated when they make the choice to do this. Am I going to swear off hockey, no. Am I going to boycott UND Hockey, no. Am I going to end donations to UND? Well not that it matters anymore, 2020 already took a number there. I won't pay to watch it streamed, Im not interested in it right now, so the nchc.tv subscription gets cancelled. I won't be giving to the summer scholarship program anymore, or as long as this is accepted here, no big loss I guess to them in the grand scheme, but if an action is needed to signal my virtue I guess this will have to be one of them. Just a damn shame we couldnt even have the return of UND hockey without going and getting 2020ed by it. I'm exhausted.
  12. It doesn't suprise me, but it does perplex me that you have made it so far in life and still be so ignorantly naive about this. Biden is complicitly corrupt, just now has the mental deterioration to be affable.
  13. Zero people think Biden will run the country like a dictator. Biden might even still think he is going to be in charge, but thats just what happens with dementia. You are correct he will be a puppet at best if not put to pasture first. Harris will try to be strong but is not capable in any way of leadership so the real batcrap crazies will run her like Willy with a job opening. They need to get him to Jan 7th at the bare minimum.... Zero chance he "fell playing with the dog".... the way the media just flopped all over the cutsie wootsie story is basically confirmation of that.
  14. Real queation is, who believes this "breaks foot while playing with dog story"...
  15. Part of the narrative, testing is down by the thousands, up to 6 or 7 thousand less. now I see more public testing events for the coming week. Testing will ramp back up, case numbers will "skyrocket" again.... Creating yet another level of false paranoia and "need" for additional measures... lockdowns, controls, and the while shabang.
  16. Ohhhhh Sweet mercy from above, I love to hear the tassled loafer crowd speak of this revolutionary riots they threaten. It would be music to my ears to see the a "Real reset" of the country. The affable foolishness of the leftists soy brigades would be crushed nearly Instantaneous, if ever it was viewed as a real threat. The true leftist knows the revolution has been happening for years, in the schools, the media, and in the culture. Thats is where the left is winning, by collectively making the population dumber, more distracted, and more dependent. In fact the only way they can screw up their revolution at this point is to get violent and confrontational...... but we pray every day thats the route they one day choose to take. riots and revolutions.... good lord, and you'll jump in on this how exactly? Boycotting oranges? Attacking with super senior discount by 4pm meal coupons to dennys? .... I mean really of all the impotent rabble going in here that really does take the sugarfree cake.
  17. And yes we absolutely believe that all 91.4 of registered voters actually cast their individual ballots..... said not one sane, rational, objective human being with even an milligram of common sense. Statistical impossibility, but almost impossible to prove a quantity of fraud and culprit... but dont sit back and say its not happening. Anyone who does loses all human credibility.
  18. Never underestimate the diverse and accepting leftsists ability to demonize a woman.
  19. $20.... thats what he wants for digital? What a joke. I suckered for the kickstarter, and didt see crap from that. A few people I know have seen it previously and have said it was poorly done, poorly framed, and they used the word, boring. The rate at which he completes projects, I'd say his new building at Merryweathers landing in Bis will be finished just in time for the 2032 end of season riverboat cruises. $20?... hard pass, thats a ripoff, which is what the entire project has been from the beginning.
  20. Bingo. Somehow they have accomplished their mission. All of it. All of the time. Dont forget how itb loses its contagiousneas after 10PM, and when Democrats gather in any yype of group fundraising function.
  21. Holy moly, take your own misplaced advice. I'm very much at peace, I dont let this social reaponse to this control my life. And there isnt a rational person reading this godforsaken thread that wouldnt describe your postings as doom and gloom or even fear mongering. Go outside, take a walk, people are not falling over dead in the streets. Those that ARE DYING are vastly those that havent and couldnt have left an assisted living home in quite some time. It seems like the magic of the talking box and technology of social media machines carry more of an influence on your life than you're able to admit, or maybe understand. Cleaning up an old farmstead sounds like a good way to spend a fall day, I imagine haveing that outlet was invaluable to you. Any interesting finds buried in the grass?
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