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Everything posted by bang

  1. Big plays. Not give up any and create some for ourselves.
  2. I’d agree with that. I grew up in GF but attended NDSU. I never changed my shade of green though. Where you grew up really does effect your alliances as an adult. That being said someone who never went to either school or grew up in either city may have an identity crisis. Atleast when it comes to which school they root for. I misread your original post. My bad.
  3. Unless a donor steps up in a huge way this won't happen. Volley has some validity to the "build it and they will come" theory. It worked for hockey. In my eyes I don't see in the nicest of facilities and the greatest of UND football teams ever reaching more than 17,000 per game. In my opinion we took a step down when UND football moved from Memorial to the Alerus. I also don't ever see a UND FBS team getting ever being ranked in the top 20 (FBS). It's too tough to compete with those budgets of the power 5 conferences. Once in a blue moon I could see UND being like the Central Michigan, Central Florida or Northern Illinois from the past several years. I think NDSU has had some fleeting thoughts of going FBS. I really think that it would ruin their fanbase. Right now they're winning big and people love winners. A smaller percentage of their fanbase believes they can beat the likes of Alabama. That small percentage is the same people that would bail out of following the Bison and jump on the bandwagon of a UND team thats winning at the FCS level. I'd love it if NDSU made the jump, but not in any shape of form would I be optimistic if UND made the jump.
  4. Lack of college attendance creates a sports mind to follow multiple teams? I'm intrigued on your research data to come up with this hypothesis. Or is this already scientific law?
  5. 42-6 at half. Our kicker gets out of his funk. 59-16 final. Leach nails 3 field goals from over 35 yards out. Misses another from 52. Offense will look fairly good. D backs will get killed but improve. I have a feeling our special teams besides our field goal unit will look like a bad high school team.
  6. McConaughey
  7. What’s the reason for that?
  8. UC Davis doesn’t get a lot of love for an FBS win. Northern Arizona at least got ranked but had to blew out their FBS foe.
  9. It’s also Donnell Rodgers not Smith.
  10. Jade?
  11. That was probably my favorite non NDSU regular season wins of all time.
  12. Northern Arizona killed UTEP 30-10 South Dakota pissed away a win against K state. Gave up 15 4th quarter points and missed a field goal with no time remaining to tie the game. Lost 24-27.
  13. Definitely off tonight. Hopefully just cobwebs.
  14. Funny. The thing about the shitheads is that they win. Arrogance to a certain extent can be earned. Not sure how arrogant the current coaching staff is? The fan base yes, coaches aren’t that bad. In my opinion.
  15. I think that’s more of a god given talent than coaching a guy to boot it thru the end zone. Not the same as teaching a QB to sniff out coverages.
  16. Kostich I was impressed with the guy when first hired. I thought it to be a tough sale to convince Bubba to give him a chance at such a young age. I think he fails to connect with the players for one. I also think (I don’t know) that he’s a little arrogant and is not learning from his mistakes. He’s not eating his humble pie. Just keeps banging his head against the wall. In my opinion.
  17. QB play?
  18. I know, it was a joke on how bad the d backs played tonight.
  19. To play D back?
  20. Agreed, special teams and d back play was awful tonight.
  21. bang


    Well every time I smell crap I think of crap. Every time geaux sees something stupid he thinks of you. If you’re living rent free in his head it’s in a certain part of his head that is not flattering. Albeit rent free so enjoy your 3 hots and a cot.
  22. bang

    2018 Season

    That would be fun to sneak up on a FBS team like that.
  23. bang

    Starting QB

    That is funny. I got you now.
  24. bang

    Starting QB

    Not sure what you mean, but what I was saying is he’s tearing apart the 3rd and 4th string defensive units. Not sure that warrants being two on the depth chart. Like I said earlier I haven’t seen anything myself. I’m just going by what I’ve read. I’m not questioning Gundy’s info, I guess I’m just pointing out what I’ve read and heard about Grover.
  25. bang

    Starting QB

    I assume Grover does have a red shirt left. He graduated from high school spring of 2017. Everything I’ve read so far has him playing fourth string against the 2-4th stringers. Although he’s tearing those 2-4th stringers apart.
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