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Everything posted by siouxfaninseattle

  1. You might want to get clarification of SiouxFan100's pick. Pretty bold to pick a goalie.
  2. I thought the PSU goalie looked good in the first game I saw but tonight I couldn't understand why he didn't get pulled.
  3. Yay! I was able to get help from Sidearm Sports and got a refund as I had requested and my password reset and I can log in. For anyone that wants to change your password, don't use # in it. Apparently their system doesn't like #.
  4. Gotta agree. I watched Mich-Az State and I thought Mich looked good, although I thought Az State looked pretty weak. I watched most of the minny game last night. They looked pretty good too. Big 7 could have a decent year.
  5. Anyone try logging in to NCHC.tv? I tried and was not successful. There is a message on the login page that says something like "before logging in for the 2019-2020 season you must retrieve your password." Yeah.
  6. Well I got one of the double charges eliminated. Now I will see if I can get my price down to original subscriber price. Oops, forgot to mention that I also got a message that said my subscription has been cancelled. I guess I will try to log in and see what happens.
  7. And I just sent them an email asking to delete one of the double charges and credit me enough so that I get the original subscriber price.
  8. Anyone remember what the original price for NCHC.tv was? IIRC, as long as you remain a subscriber every year you are supposed to get the original price. Is my memory correct? I had trouble with Sidearm last year. They used an expired date so my credit card was rejected. I gave them the correct date and then they charged me the current amount - $112.95 or whatever it is. After a couple of emails I get a little money back. But now I see that they have charged me the full amount - twice. Arggghhh.
  9. So given that the game scheduled for tonight (BGU-NDTP) has been cancelled due to an "overabundance of caution", what are the chances of a college hockey season this year?
  10. That this has happened tells me that Brad Berry didn't do his due diligence before he offered the kid a scholarship, or that some of the stuff that has come out recently is questionable, or that it is simply mob mentality in control. I wonder if the kid simply lied to BB or was loose with the truth. What a crappy situation. And it is not even close to over yet.
  11. Really a bull**** statement by Arizona. Why didn't they just say the truth - "we caved to pressure on social media". They make it sound like they didn't know what happened before they drafted him.
  12. I really don't understand Brad Miller's take on this. He says MM should be able to get a job but not in the NHL. Since when have pro sports teams cared about their player's past behavior, especially when that behavior was when the kid was 13? Since May 25th?
  13. I couldn''t stand it anymore! I needed to watch Sioux hockey so I watched the 1982 championship game. Guess who won
  14. I was thinking more about OOC games after the 1st of next year - you know, when things get back to....oops, just about said the "n" word. And as much as I think Bucci is not a very good announcer, he is a tremendous advocate for college hockey. We need as many people like him around the game as we can get.
  15. I wonder if UND will try to schedule any OOC games during a bye week? There are several bussable openents. My guess is that it would depend on the, yeah, usual issue these days.
  16. St. Paul in April doesn't really appeal to me as a "destination city". It was very cold when the FF was there a couple years ago. I really like Tampa and Vegas as choices. St. Louis? I would like to get some feedback from some people that attended in 2007.
  17. I've probably said this before but it bears repeating - you have to be trying real hard to be offended by DU's nickname.
  18. I hope Brock is OK. Haven't seen him back out on the ice.
  19. Not a good effort by Vancouver. PP was horrible (0 for 5 I think) and passing was just as bad.
  20. Makes me think that UAH can't be far behind in spite of their fundraising efforts. Hate to see it.
  21. Gotta think the season is looking unlikely. I can see a player or two in the NHL playoffs coming down with the virus and what then? End of playoffs.
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