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Everything posted by siouxfaninseattle

  1. I don't have a mug but I have a Frenchys beer glass. Of course, it has a place of honor in my man cave.
  2. I don't know if one win for each team helps or hurts them in the Pairwise. Probably neutral. I was thinking that two ties doesn't help in the Pairwise as much as a win and a loss. I really don't know. Calling Mr. Dahl....
  3. Gotta agree. One of the biggest improvements he has made is his ability to play the puck. It seemed like in the past he was just shooting it around the boards hoping it would end up on a UND player's stick. Now he is looking before he makes a play and the puck usually goes to one of the defensemen.
  4. Would it be better for Pairwise purposes to have them tie each night with no winner in OT?
  5. In the FWIW category, I attended a club game last weekend between Boise State and USC. It was entertaining but a loooong way from D1 hockey. There were a few pretty good skaters and a few that would have struggled to play on a decent high school team. USC played with only 8 skaters Friday night - the coach caught a bunch of them smoking pot Thursday night and suspended them
  6. I expect to see both of them getting a start this weekend. Probably Thome on Friday.
  7. Anything less than a sweep is unacceptable.
  8. The only poll I want to see the team ranked number one in is the one after the Frozen Four. Let another team have that target on their backs.
  9. In some ways the start to this year is similar to the first half of the season. They found ways to win, unlike last season when they found ways to lose. But they have not played as well as in the first half. The Friday game against UAH was in doubt until about 3 minutes left in the game. The Saturday game was in doubt until the third period. Last Saturday's win could have easily gone south if not for 3 (or 4) pipes that Omaha hit. So chalk it up to the mystical puck luck?
  10. Practically giving away those beers. How was the game? Pretty decent players?
  11. He is very skilled but makes some dumb plays, like the cross check he made last night. Reminds me of Luke Johnson - gets frustrated and ends up in the box.
  12. Thanks for posting the link. I just watched a few minutes. USA was up 2-1 when I started watching and it is now 5-1. Pinto with an assist on the last goal.
  13. Since the game will be sold out I could see that happening.
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