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Everything posted by petey23

  1. petey23

    Fargo Forum

    UND gear probably still outsells NDSU gear in Fargo at Scheels. But probably not by as wide a margin as it used to a few years ago.(3 or 4 to 1). NDSU changed their "look" a little and the move to D1 has probably helped a little. I have it said many times, but not totally sure if it is true, but supposedly their are as many if not more UND alums living in Fargo than NDSU alum.
  2. My seats(section 106, row j seats 5 and 6 were gone. .....but section 105, row j, seats 18 and 19 were avaiable! About 10 feet away. They said that ticket holders on the club level had until )ct. 31 to purchase their seats.
  3. I dropped the ball. I am going to see what I can salvage when I get to Grand Forks for the game tonight. Are their club seat available?
  4. You are kind of going out on a limb there. Do you really think SCSU is going to finish 6th this year?
  5. I like some of the rules the NHL has put in this year. the removal of the redline being number 1. Just think, Vanek will never have to cross the center lione more than once or twice a game.
  6. I just got home from work, listened to Lennon and Hakstol then checked out this site. Saw this thread and then checked out nhl.com and on front page was an article that started out talking about a rookie living up to expectations, etc. then it said now not sydney Crosby, Zach parise. I checked back 5 minutes later and the tone of the article totally changed??? Although it does now mention that at the end of the game the crowd was chanting Parises better, clapclapclapclapclap
  7. I like the arguement of Chowan college that they would have to change their name? I guess that will be next for The University of North *censored*
  8. can usually buy. from scalpers for reasonable price(especially on friday). Also got a guy in the Minnesota Athletic department who usually comes through!
  9. You don't understand politics? Conrad is running for re election, so he probably had to have his office do some polling first to see where he should come down on this issue. Dorgan doesn't really care about what is going on in ND right now cuz he is not up fro re election for a few more years and Pomeroy has to wait until Conrad and/or Dorgan's office call him to tell him what he thinks. It is a very involved process for Team ND.
  10. petey23

    UND vs. SCSU

    finally on channel 44 in fargo
  11. petey23

    UND vs. SCSU

    just called scott geston' house....not home? i can't believe the city of fargo lets these guys monopolize the cable market in fargo, they are a horseshit company.
  12. petey23

    UND vs. SCSU

    is this supposed to be on channel 23 in fargo? the next time cable one drops the ball on this i am done. it is the only reason i have cable instead of directv and they f^%$ it up at least half the time.
  13. Good luck against Pitt. You should have a 14 point advantage before the game starts(Wannsteadt Factor)
  14. Nice!! On another note, UC Davis beat Stanford(yes, Stanford, not Samford) 20-17
  15. 2nd hand.... UND alum at Scheels the other day, wearing a UND Hat, Scheels employee asks him if he is looking for UND gear, he says yes I am. Scheels employee says something to the effect of if you want to buy some gear with the Indian head logo on it, you better get it now. Lady comes around the corner and says that wasn't very smart and "reports" "something" to the manager, employee gets sent home for day and will find out his employment status later. Unbelievable.
  16. petey23

    Score Predictions

    Sioux due for a slight letdown. I see it 29-10
  17. If that happens maybe just maybe the Fargodome will get their long awaited playoff football game!!!!
  18. One part of the appeal was about providing access to the athletes that the NCAA is supposedly representing. How does this sound....UND football team goes undefeated this year and is ranked number 1 in the country, has a viable facility to host a playoff football game and the NCAA sends them on the road. UND practices all week and then a few days before the game files and gets an injunction against the NCAA and in effect stops the playoffs. Far fetched? Maybe, but does the NCAA really want to go dowwn that road with their weak and poorly thought out mandate?
  19. The University of North Dakota announces that it will change their name and will no longer be known as the Fighting Sioux. Incredibly in an apparently related event, ... Suicide, homelessness, alcohol abuse, poverty, poor education, poor healthcare, and unemployment on Indian reservations throughout America miraculously disappear! The leaders of the protest groups are vindicated for ignoring these issues and instead tackling the Logo issue. The non native-american members of the protest groups will now decide where to focus their energies next, they are considering a few options such as helping PETA stop people from eating meat and also changing the nicknames of all colleges with names referring to animals(since the animals do not have their own voice) or helping nambla become more mainstream.
  20. Yep. SDSU is way better than all these teams except Minny.
  21. anyone else think it was funny and disingenuos of Amy ruley to tick off all the top notch D1! teams that NDSU has coming in next year? Minnesota--they are good and a legit program Arkansas State, San Jose State, Idaho State, and Wisconsin-Milwaukee are all teams who would be mediocre teams in D2, none of them would finish in the top 3 in the current NCC
  22. Hey everybodY!!!, we put a man on the moon!!!!!
  23. Actually an open praire is better to hunt gophers. Deer can sometimes be found in the woods.
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