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Everything posted by ringneck28

  1. ringneck28


    This is awesome that the Reiten family has stepped it up and taken the NBC ND sports monopoly on. The only bad thing is that we now have to put up with the worst sports director in western ND Tia Streeter. She is atrocious.
  2. This is good, wish more people were prepared like you
  3. Well, if you don't get that, then maybe go back in time about 110-115 years and see the states history. Teddy Roosevelt has a big influence on this state.
  4. Not that this is any comfort, but I have some advice. This comes from my own experience when the gas line in mandan ruptured. We didn't have any gas to use so it was also bad. I went to the local large box and bought electric heaters. I used 3 electric heaters, one radiator and 2 oscillating radiant heaters. That was enough to keep the house temp up in the 60's. Do not use propane or any type of gas burning heater in home unless it is rated safe for indoor use. I am praying for all of you to have this taken care of as expedient as possible.
  5. I would have to say tonight is as good as any to change this stat. GO SIOUX!!!
  6. Is there a BWW in GF? They usually have multiple television choices
  7. Does anyone know how to get webcast on i pad, I have been paying for insider but will be in Hawaii for 2 series in Feb. Shows I can't get them. Also MidcoSN doesn't show the games on Mobile app.
  8. I thought that this was addressed in the off season by the NCAA. Obviously, there is a need to look at this play. NBA gave the refs and the league the ability to call fouls and give fines for diving. It's time NCAA looks at penalties for embellishment up to 1 game suspensions. Yes, there are serious injuries but this is ridiculous, UND has been affected 2 times because of embellishment now and it will continue if the NCAA does not look at this seriously.
  9. If you watch the replay the puck hit a seam in the boards and took a bad bounce. CBS was really good at pointing this out partly because they were curious too. IMO it was more of the flop Loney took than the bouce of the puck that he and the coaches were upset about. on another note,why is it that Todd Anderson is always a ref in the games with DU?
  10. I knew this was going to happen once I saw him get back on the bench. He had a rye smile going off the ice. Brought back memories of the BU game last year. This is a rule that has to change. 5 minute wellness check for player drawing 5 minute with injury.
  11. BNSF owns the rail that runs parallel to I 94. There is a loading area by Beulah that brings oil to Mandan. There is another in Dickinson that goes both directions. All I know is everyday, I see hundreds upon hundreds of oil cars pass my house.
  12. We have a cabin up near New Town and CP is the train that ships oil from New Town. It goes East from there to who knows where.
  13. All I have to say is they better make some changes. I live in Mandan and 3 houses from the train yard. Every day that a train with oil goes either direction on BNSF it passes less than a block from my house. Have I thought of the worse possibly happening? Of course, but this has me really thinking now. Then to make matters worse, Mandan allows fireworks. Really? Talk about a bunch of smart city leaders. Last night after every boom, I was jumpy.
  14. This should be a fun topic, too bad I didn't come up with it earlier. The US Team will be announced later today. I am thinking it is a lock for Toews and Parise. I am also putting money on Oshie being there. Who else could possibly make it.
  15. What there was a hockey fight at the Ralph and Steph Pattyn wasn't involved?
  16. When I say video quality, I am talking about the production. Case in point, they went to break right before the "Circle of Sticks" IALTO Yes they did show it at the end, but that missed all the atmosphere in the building. Then when they did come back, they show 2 guys leaving the ice. You mean you can't roll tape and show more reaction? Also, one of my pet peeves is that stupid music when they are doing the keys to the game and recaps. Either pot it down or get rid of it. Some may call me critical, but that is my broadcasting background coming out. As a SIOUX hockey fan, I call for excellence in a program and that includes the broadcast.
  17. Grade A opportunity (when its not)
  18. This Midco broadcast quality is so bunk, can we get back the student run broadcasts? I even pay to have this on? Love the circle of sticks reference. Poor Cober had no idea what he signed up for. To bad a bad broadcast gets in the way of a good game.
  19. I am of the opinion that there isn't a leader on this team. Simpson is a good guy, but he doesn't have the moxy to straighten the ship that is going astray. Every game we can count on Pattyn taking a "i'm the enforcer penalty" when there are no enforcers in college hockey. Yes we can have some hard checks, but there are fights. Did someone forget to tell him this when he signed the dotted line? Seems like the freshmen are not picking up on the discipline that it take to not be goaded into a penalty. All this because the PK is killing us. IF the PK is killing us, stay out of the box. This team is not going in the right direction and Christmas break can't come soon enough.
  20. I'll chalk this one up to it being 6am in the morning when you posted, but Bucks play in Milwaukee and Wisconsin hockey is in Madison. Two different arenas.
  21. I was just thinking the same. This kid has been classy since day one.
  22. KFYR is the home of University of Mary sports. When Marauders were not playing, Bison football was on. UND was sometimes on a sister station. I suspect that will be the same this year.
  23. ringneck28


    Wow, great off season discussion here. Anyway I can troll for a walleye with this bait? The eyes are biting on sakakawea. Speaking of spell check, it is trying to get me to spell it Sacajawea. What a troll.
  24. I would like to remind you that Faragher is a nahl product and because of him, we have not had the dominance over SCSU in recent years.
  25. Ron, I work with your niece in Bismarck. Every time she would talk about Kim, she has a twinkle in her eye. Kim is going to be greatly missed in Sioux Nation. I will keep your entire family in prayers. God Bless you and yours.
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