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Everything posted by ringneck28

  1. I would call Army's West and see if they are going to have the game. I'm in Mandan and there are lots of places here.
  2. I have a feeling it will be Gothberg also.
  3. I will never forget the shorty Henderson had in Milwaukee. That was an awesome game.
  4. On a side note, Faison is starting a 4 year term on the committee next year, so get your complaints out of the way this year. Shows East coast Bias.
  5. Do they usually stay away from refs from the league of teams competing?
  6. Quinnipiac is just 110 miles away, you don't think they will travel well too? I believe that there will be plenty of fans there for both.
  7. I was telling everyone that was counting on a UND MN game on friday that UND needed to win against CC first. I could see that CC had the guy named MO on its side. In this game against Niagra, UND has to pick up the guy named MO and let him go on a ride for four games with them.
  8. Just read the article on CHN about this years tourney. Niagra coach goes on to give his team a great endorsement, "We're really proud, and proud of the league. We're going because Robert Morris was 5-1-1 against (big teams). ... Our body of work is what it is. ... I'm so proud of our guys, it's great for the university. This is why we started this program 17 years ago."
  9. UND needs to focus on Niagra and let Yale do what they may. If UND is looking ahead, it will be to Oct of 2013 they will be looking. This is the time of the year that upsets happen all the time. So lets beat Niagra and let the other side figure out what happens to them.
  10. don't mix facts into this story, we want to make it up as we go
  11. My understanding (as filled in by Sioux fans we sat next to) was he made a real jack hole of himself when Mn went up 3-0 and basically wouldn't live it down after giving up 6 straight. So I think that gopher fan was in the self preservation mode and cut his loses.
  12. hey, because of those sore losers, wife and I got lower level championship game tickets for 5 dollars a piece last year.
  13. Don't let fact get involved in a good story ,
  14. I actually think this is a good move for college hockey. Think about it, before the selection show was on at 11 in the morning. Now it will bring that to an evening time slot. This is going to help expose the game to more people. Good move in my opinion.
  15. I am so excited to make it to the last Final 5 as we know it. We need to make a showing this weekend to get a 1 seed and I think we will do it.
  16. Just like hammers comment about how the university of South Dakota turned over the puck. They are sure seasoned. I have no problem with his Wrigley comments in the corners too. See how many of you get this one.
  17. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of sioux fans wearing green all weekend
  18. O'Donell really needed that goal tonight, he will help this team with confidence like that
  19. Great game by the boys tonight, secondary scoring is huge. If we get secondary scoring going forward, we will be a solid contender.
  20. UND is now in a one game at a time mode. Lets go get a win Thursday against a tough team whomever it may be.
  21. With Hak we live and die, so what will it be tonight. I say LIVE FOR ANOTHER GAME! GO SIOUX!!!
  22. k, i'll just have to cheer for a white clad team then. Who else has a feeling that the men in the white sweaters will kick some butt tonight?? I am thinking Saunders is a brick wall tonight and Rocco gets the monkey off his back.
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