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Everything posted by ringneck28

  1. I understand that aspect, but in this case, I don't think it mattered what I put. That 82 championship jersey sold for 295 yesterday on e-bay. Still haven't seen the one I really want yet.
  2. That is what I was afraid of. I never got a notice at all. Maybe there will be one that I bid on next time?
  3. I bid on one, crossing my fingers I was not beaten out.
  4. We all appreciate this from you Goon. Now what we need is for the Country Club Media to start asking the hard questions. When the NCHC hears its Eric Burton on line 1 they say, take a message. (Not to say that what you do isn't informational) When they hear it is Virg Foss on line 1, they say, why hello Virg, what can I help you with. When you have the SID and the other media all buddy buddy, I fear that you don't get unbias reporting.
  5. At this point in the season is this a MUST SWEEP series considering who Omaha and Miami have on the schedule for the remainder of the year?
  6. I agree, they missed that one majorly and once again it worked against UND.
  7. Just to play devils advocate here. Is there the same viscous comments if Zane doesn't allow the questionable goal and we win? I know that we lost and there were 3 goals not allowed for UND this weekend, but don't let the game come down to the refs.
  8. MMMM Taco in a bag, had my first the last time I was at a game. Now that was good eats.
  9. You know you have reached a low point when drunk hockey guy is giving you advise. I know we all make mistakes, but now he needs to own them and pay the consequences.
  10. I wasn't at the game, but when you have a student represent that section in this way, UND needs to make a move. This student need to be banned from all games for rest of year. I would like to and have started a twitter movement in support of coach Jim. This movement would be to ban this student and lift up the Montgomery family. #SIOUX4JIM
  11. I really appreciate the ones you have put up so far, I have a few select I am looking for and will bid if they hit. Thanks again
  12. I agree with everything that was stated above, This could change the way DU plays. Get up on them early is all I can say.
  13. That is sort of the feeling I had too, Hate to bid on one then tommorow find out that the one I really had my heart on was being offered.
  14. I'm referring to a couple I saw on e bay.
  15. Not only to the penrose but to a number 1 seed. Keep the eyes on the main prize
  16. Looks like there are some solid knockoffs on the market. I guess if the jersey is a good replica, i'de be willing to pay for it, but come on. I can get lettering and a blank jersey too. Some peoples gull. Not referring to any I have seen on here.
  17. I agree, NCHC doesn't need Notre Dame, Notre Dame needs NCHC. They have several issue that will come about with bringing them in. First of all is the NBC contract. There is no need to even cross this bridge. If it is expansion that NCHC is looking at doing, lets get some regional teams in first. I would like to see some of the old WCHA teams get in. Lets get Bemidji and Mankato in or add ASU and one of the aforementioned.
  18. HG, I sent you a message.
  19. would you be willing to part with it and how is the sizing for a medium?
  20. On this note, how close is the blackhawk green to what the Sioux used to wear?
  21. Yes this is the one I would really like to get my hands on, but any of the early 80's and older would be awesome. I have a geometric and 2 other newer.
  22. if you're asking me, that would be a desirable one for me too. I'm just looking for older vintage sweaters. Any help would be appreciated.
  23. I am going to try this again. I am looking for a vintage sweater. Probably in an xl size. The one I really would like is the diagonal sioux, but any vintage would be cool.
  24. I like that the sentiment is this team will come out pissed off. This only works if they can keep the emotions under control. The seniors have to make sure that they lead by example, which is one reason I hated the Mac penalty in OT.
  25. Read what I was replying too and then if you listened to Hak, he played the refs really worked us over on this one without saying it. "We deserved better" was his exact wording. My rebutal, goalie let in a soft goal and it ended up costing you the game. There was time after time that the boys had great chances and hit the pipe. Hak was out Blaised by Blaise throwing his temper tantrum on the bench which bought him a 5x3 game winner.
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