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Everything posted by ringneck28

  1. Thank you for the credit, I did bring this up yesterday and asked Goon to post the link. What I find funny is Lou's grandson signed to play for Ohio. Should tell you something about Lou's pull with Minnesota
  2. Thanks for doing what I asked you to in yesterdays post. I think Lou is delusional as usual
  3. I really like watching NBCSN NHL games when there is a former Sioux. They go out of their way to mention UND or ask the former UND player about UND. Case in point, Pierre MacGuire and Travis Zajac interview. Unlike ESPN's East Coast bias, I believe NBCSN has a College hockey bias, which is a good thing.
  4. Anyone else hear what Lou Nanne had to say on KFAN about Minnesota drawing UND, This guy knows hockey, but talk about a Minnesota Gopher apologist. To paraphrase him, "We got the easier draw" was basically what he said. I hope that Minnesota feels this way too. Goon, I know you are great at adding media, anyway you can attach his conversation with Berrero at about 5:20 today on kfan?
  5. Like I said earlier, the team has beaten 2 Hobey Baker finalists already. Either way, they are going to face a 3rd straight tough goalie. Faragher is no slouch either and he seems to have great games against UND, except his friday night game in st. cloud. This is going to be a fun 2 weeks.
  6. In my opinion, one of the major factors to winning this game is the strength and conditioning coach. People may scratch thier heads and say WHAT?? This game was clogged up for the most part until OT. You could see Ferris St start to slow down in OT. There were no TV timeouts to get a breath for either team. I saw that UND was really starting to take it to them and they didn't have the answer for our conditioning program. This is where Ralph may have won this game for UND.
  7. Anyone have video of on ice post game celebration? I hear it was epic
  8. I have been doing some out of the box thinking for people who want to go but really don't want to drive. I just checked Southwest Airlines from Minneapolis and you can do rt for about $450. That isn't bad at all.
  9. What else would you expect from Jerry Burns grand son. Go out get it done attitude.
  10. I wouldn't count on that, Union and either BC/Lowell could easily get that late slot. Remember, there is an East Coast Bias here.
  11. Congrats to Union for being the first team to punch ticket to Philly
  12. Just where Providence wanted Union.
  13. wow, how sam britain has fallen. Game IS OVER
  14. 25 second in and BC scores, now devnver takes a penalty. Sloppy start for DU.
  15. Just doing some research on Ferris State. Looks like Freshman Meyhew is a key player of late for them. He has scored a goal in the last 4 games and the last goal scored in the last 3. CJ Motte is the real deal being a Hobey Baker top 10 finalist. Looks like we will need to get grease to score on him. Lets get him moving and shoot high. 2 of the 4 goals Mankato st scored were top shelf. The other was a juicy rebound and the 4th goal was an ENG. So this guy is beatable, if UND plays its tenacious style of hockey.
  16. If I am correct, Ferris State came in #5 in the Pairwise. You don't get that by being a slouch. UND needs to do the same thing they did against Wisconsin last night. They came out and put an early goal against Rumple. I really think this goalie today is just as good as Rumple. The team also needs to get their feet moving more. This team did not play their best game last night and found a way to win. Lets see them put a good game together and maybe just maybe we end up somewhere out east.
  17. is there anyplace to watch the post game presser live?
  18. UND game is the one that counts right now
  19. I think she got lost, took a wrong turn
  20. I see some green in the stands, looks like there are a few Sioux fans there. Anyone else see the woman with the Sioux sweater at the prov/quin game. She is right behind the quin net.
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