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Everything posted by ringneck28

  1. There will be quite a few restaurants and bars in bis/man that will have the game on.
  2. I am excited to renew this rivalry with the cheese heads tonight. I know that they have 9 seniors, but I think that Rumpel is going to be the biggest key to the game. If we can get an early one against him and keep the petal to the metal, look for a win. I am going to call a Simpson goal and I think we will get some offense rolling again. GO SIOUX!!!
  3. Is that trip to Cincy??
  4. Why is this all of the sudden a bad fan base if we don't go to cincy in droves? This isn't an Omaha which we knew about 6-8 months in advance. This isn't a huge hub of fan base location like Minneapolis and Denver. The only regionals that I can remember there being thousands of UND fans at were Denver and Minneapolis. Like last weeks conversation of every game being a home game, I believe that where there is a local fan base, there will be a huge draw. If there are 1000 Sioux fans at the game(hopefully games) I would be tickled green. I seem to remember last year expecting quite a bit of fans to be in Grand Rapids. There was what, maybe 200?? Flights to Denver from Bismarck are running around 200 rt right now and were in Feb too. I know quite a few who flew. I myself have my own reasons for not going, money being one of them. This does not make me a bad fan and UND's fans a bad fan base. I'm sorry that the fan bus didn't work out, but hey, maybe next time(as in 2 weeks for the natty).
  5. Since there isn't a regular schedule of hockey games at Target Center, I really have my doubts about how much they will improve the hockey end of operations. I think that it is a joke that the ice was in the condition that it was for this tournament. The boards are the same as I remembered in 1997. If I remember correct, wasn't there a goal off of a goalie from the board in one of the games in 1997 also? It may have been ND too. I would say that the NCHC should do some negotiating with Target Center. If they don't want to make improvements, I hear that there are arena's in Omaha, Grand Forks, Fargo, Milwaukee, and maybe even Sioux Falls that would be able to host this event.
  6. I tend to agree. I think these boys just need to get back to basics and that would be green. Enough with the superstitious games they play inside the game. Lets just go out and play hockey.
  7. What is our record in the business suits this year? If I remember right, it isn't that great. Someone know for sure?
  8. I'm going to play devils advocate here and switch things up with the 4 seeds. I know that bracket integrity says that it should be 1 vs 16, but when 1 clearly doesn't perform for its semi final game, lets send a message. NCAA talks about attendance. How is sending UND to CInncy going to help attendance and RM to St Paul. So here is my solution. Send UND to St. Paul, RM to Bridgeport, Vermont to Worcester and Denver to Cincy. This would make it more feasable for larger attendance and send a message that you have to earn the #1 seed on playoff finals weekend. I know this is far fetched, but why not? There were so many complaints last year after the attendance fiasco. Lets fix it. MSU to St. Paul instead of Notre Dame, send them to cincy.
  9. That is the 1st and hopefully the last time I have cheered for the Sconnies. I really hope that UND gets into Minneapolis, but not holding my breathe.
  10. What I don't understand is this? We were told, UND needs one win to get in, no matter if it is Friday or Saturday. Then all of the sudden, we are in this crisis mode? If people that are supposedly in the know don't know, what is the use listening to them? Many of us come to this site for useful information and then we got the rug pulled out from us.
  11. Why not? They would get 1 more team in the tourney. Gophers packed it in last night
  12. It's walking distance if you don't mind walking about 8-9 city blocks. I'd recommend the free shuttle. This isn't downtown St. Paul after the games. Not a lot of bad, but it is a haul after the games and a few drinks.
  13. I have a feeling there have been a few beer along the way already
  14. WOW, CAN'T gopher fans GET over und. It has been OVER a year since UND and mn have played. They are just don't get over the ENVY.
  15. This is very accurate. Can't remember what year it was, but we were at the tournament for first night play in. UND playing St. Cloud. St Cloud fans all geared up doing all the cheers. UND beats St. Cloud and next night, same people all geared up in Minnesota garb and doing all the cheers. Guess part of being a hockey fan from the state of hockey is having your requisite back up Golden Chokers garb.
  16. Miami got extremely healthy at the end of the season. There were some key players that made it back and I believe goaltender was one of them. Don't overlook this team at all.
  17. As a North Dakota fan, I think we want BC to win, right?
  18. Like this train of thought. My wife and I were screaming at the TV all night about how this team has no break out potential with the way they push up the ice.
  19. Not that i'm superstitious or anything, but NO ONE BUT AZ to start the game 3 thread. OK
  20. No, Sweeney is doing that on WDAY. I really missed Hammer last night, the replacement wasn't that great.
  21. anyone hear what was up with Hammer not doing the game last night? Sounds like he will not be doing game again tonight.
  22. This is so right on 2 fronts. If you were so concerned about watching the NHL game, go to NBC online and watch. But my question is, why were you not watching UND online. Any real UND fan would have been watching THE hockey game either on television or online. Now lets move on and figure out how to get #8.
  23. Oh come on, the Dallas Northstars of Wisconsin ice capades tournament at the excel is a great tournament in the minds of those being paid to do the play by play. They told us so.
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