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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. That's OK, I wouldn't expect a Packer fan to have great taste in women
  2. When he does something notable...I'm sure she will.
  3. While I have never met Dru personally, she's friends with a lot of aviation people, so I do know a lot of people that this is affecting right now. I had to give a persentation this morning and the class was only half full. A friend of mine was able to get out and help search for a few hours this morning, he said there were a TON of people out searching. I will be sure to look as I am driving home tomorrow and on my way back up on Thanksgiving. With any luck, I won't have to. Thoughts and prayers with the Sjodin family and all her friends.
  4. You're wrong Biff. Jonesy rules! On a side note, anyone else notice that there's an error on Parise's. It says he shoots right-handed when he actually shoots the right way (left-handed).
  5. I recommend Jones...he's much better than Schneider. The Money Line one is sweeeeeet.
  6. It's the 3 of Maaaatt Joooones!!! J/K..I really don't know...17 maybe a good one too.
  7. I would have loved to be there saturday...I had a TON of work to do, so I watched it on TV. Why should I miss the game because teachers decided to make everything due on Monday and Tuesday? This Saturday, I have to work until 330...How am I supposed to see the game at work if it's not telelvised?
  8. I'm not even sure what it means...though I think I have an idea
  9. Good weekend for Bina. I don't think Fedorov will be sold on Bina until he gets a hatty...maybe next series. Anytime you can go on the road in the WCHA and sweep is impressive. Great job Sioux!!!...keep it up. I think TH summed up the PP situation well...if you're beating Denver at Denver 8-2 and don't score on the PP, who cares?
  10. It's great that players get to play in the WJC...but the WCHA needs to schedule it's league games around it. No conference games should be played during that part of the season, it should be non-conference only.
  11. SCSU fans are up in arms about this. Apparently, they turned Arnason's puck around too, because of the logo. They feel, as do I, that Tyler deserves the same respect as any other Husky in the NHL. There's also a mural of someone else who played for Chicago, and they put a St. Cloud logo over it.
  12. The only reason I wasn't at the game was becuase I have a TON of homework due on Monday and Tuesday (2 presentations, 2 papers, and an essay test). Otherwise I would have been there.
  13. I wish I could defend them...but I wouldn't have given Culpepper that much either. Don't hate on Tice...he's actually not that bad of a coach. Who do you cheer for...The Fudge Packers?
  14. Bina's goal looks great. Wish I could have seen it. Congrats to him!!...great job by Stafford, getting him the puck.
  15. Some guy (I assume from Pittsburgh State) just said that this is the loudest student section they've had to deal with.
  16. Believe it or not...I went to a party last night, AFTER I made the post
  17. Hey, that was a tough one!! Also, Hockey, baseball, basketball, soccer(yeah, I still can't believe I played)... And not just JBSU participation either...actual championship winning...like the Sioux!!
  18. I've won them physically...and I have the hardware to prove it.
  19. Trust me you don't want me handling money.... ...or maybe you do, yea....
  20. And he'll be too afraid to step into a courtroom again...a prosecutor's dream. And I'm not like Dennis Green. I've been on teams that have won championships.
  21. Slapshot is at least timely...they delivered an order of cheesestix to me in 15 minutes once
  22. SFiP...what's wrong with pizza...it's the staple food of the college student!!! BTW...Down with Papa Johns!! I know I'm in the minority, but I just can't stand it.
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