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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. smoggy, siouxrock's credibility should be taken as an oxymoron, because that's what it is...20:1 he's in Grand Forks.
  2. yeah, your's was a lot better Congrat's to the Lakers. Both teams played hard. GVSU earned it. What I thought was going to be an offensive shootout turned into a great defensive battle. Unfortunately we didn't come out on top, but props to the Laker defense for getting two clutch turnovers in the second half. About a 3-peat...ask the Gopher hockey team how easy a 3-peat is Great season Sioux!!
  3. I'm going to have to agree with the Penalty Box here. You can harass opposing fans without being a complete jacka$$ (you can still be a jacka$$...just not a complete one ). When I went to the DECC a few years ago for the Duluth series, we lost on Friday night. On the way out there was some jawing between us and some Duluth fans, but that was it...it was "friendly" banter, no one ever wanted to go out and start a fight. It stopped the next night when Rory McMahon pummeled someone and we won, getting the split. Penalty Box...It's too bad you guys had that experience here, most of us aren't like that. Like I've seen you guys remark on many occasions...it's just a game, afterwards were all just drunk hockey fans.
  4. Me either...but I bet Bina can I like the Stars a lot better as the North Stars too. Overall, I love hockey. I can watch any level from high school to college to the NHL. Though there's something about college sports that I just love. There's a ton of pride involved that you just don't see at any other level. There is also a lot more atmosphere at these games than at an NHL or high school game.
  5. I don't recall hearing a comment like that...then again, The Sauce probably drowned out most comments except his own , however hilarious they were. redwing...what's this obsession you have with who forecheck is "in love" with from week to week....jealous?
  6. Actually siouxrock has a typing deficiency. SFiP...to imply that there is a little siouxrock running around out there... scary
  7. I think what Blaiser has a problem with is the timing of fans yelling shoot. Everytime a player has the puck, you hear people yelling for him to shoot. It looks a lot different on the ice than it does in the stands, which is why I am always one to let the team do their thing.
  8. Not sure what happened there. I didn't hear anything about it. Though, I have to say, DHG, the Spongebob costume tonight...TFF
  9. could you maybe explain this a little...for those of us who didn't hear the postgame...and/or have been drinking.
  10. Was that seriously you?...for those who weren't there, tonight's chuck-a-puck winner was dead-on...center of the red.
  11. REA made some video of "UMD" players in the box. The first one was a player putting on make-up and the second was one with a cat...LMFAO I kept telling them to look up at the scoreboard, but for some reason they didn't Not a lot of chances to use the signs behind the box...hopefully there's more tomorrow night.
  12. I was a little surprised that Blais pulled Brandt. The first goal was a 2-0 and the second was, I believe, a 2-1. Lack of defenseice support was the reason for all 4 goals tonight. I think Reichmuth was definately off his game. That third goal looked to go 5-hole. Not a great game tonight by the Sioux, and only a decent one by UMD. Campion didn't help matters. Surprisingly very inconsistant tonight. PK was pretty good, especially the last one and the 5-3. Saw Hanson (one of the AR's, he called the first penalty for the 5-3) and the Penalty Box (surporisingly ) out tonight at Sensations. I think we'll see a better game tomorrow by the Sioux...obviously this was a "hangover" game from having last week basically off.
  13. I believe it was stuff that they BOTH agreed on. Needless to say, WPoS like the Gophers. Sit in the opposing student section...expect to get harrassed. Goon, let's not forget about the Wolverines, they suck too.
  14. That was my point. I would much rather have Fylling than Fournier, but had Fournier had a better attitude off the ice (ie, not lazier than me) he could have been a solid player for us this year as well.
  15. Fournier was a good player. I think he'd be a good 2nd or 3rd liner on our team now. He did show flashes of good hustle (on the ice) that season, and I think Blais could have developed him into a pretty good player...had he not liked them Big Macs so much.
  16. Second Semester starts January 13th.
  17. Target may have some...try around aisle C20 or so.
  18. You could always bring a "real" mistletoe to tape or glue on.
  19. Didn't they try that this year...I believe it was 4th and 1, and Digger stopped them cold.
  20. Interesting. I was under the impression that he had no work ethic and was asked to leave. This article makes it sound as though it were his decision.
  21. Or we could put Season's Beatings on that...either one works.
  22. They need it to balance out the books with all the money they'll lose when they go D1
  23. Keep in mind it is blood TYPE. It's not necessarily hers. Keep the faith.
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