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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. Assumption College, Franklin Pierce, University of Minnesota, Crookston, Saint Anselm, Southern New Hampshire University, Saint Michael's College, Stonehill College The 7 D2 teams.....Crookston is in the MCHA, the others are in 1 or 3 EZAC conferences...Funny, these happen to be D3 conferences. MCHA Conferece Standings...look who's number one. That "D2" hockey school...Minnesota-Crookston. NDSU intelligence strikes again. Bisonfan, tell me something. Shouldn't Crookston compete at D2 because all their other sports are D2? Or is your rant just jealousy of our 7 DIVISION ONE National Championships?
  2. I voted for other...The Money Line seems to be winning. Jim, please don't tell me that Washington is turning into SCCC...and stealing other's ideas. The Money Line is ours!!!
  3. I stole the saying from Wisconsin...had no idea that the PB made a cheer out of it I like your version better though.......may I?
  4. No, the Bison FB players have to only put up a decent fight. PCM...I believe the quote is, "You're out of your element, Donny."
  5. Minnesota....No. I don't think North Dakota does either...but, I'm not sure.
  6. Redwing...Craig DAHL is the head coach of SCSU hockey...as in the Dahl Stahl
  7. Folks, he has yet to be wrong this year..... Fans of all 4 semi-final teams ripping on the Bison ignorance....beautiful, just beautiful
  8. This is perhaps the funniest statement redwing has made to date.... Well, besides Mapletoft
  9. Au contraire...if he was stalking her...it IS the issue. If he was stalking her, chances are he also abducted her. Obviously, I believe he should get a fair trial. The police seem pretty convinced that this is the guy. And it is possible that they can arrest the kidnapper without finding Dru. This situation won't be over until she is found. As to your question, "Where's Dru?" If I knew that we wouldn't be having this conversation.
  10. Did I miss something here?...when are they bringing back D2 hockey Bison fans...please stick to commenting on football. As you can see when you try to talk hockey with Sioux fans...you are made to look very very stupid (i.e. normal). See we beat the "real" D1 hockey teams, you will get destroyed by"real" D1 football teams (Oklahoma, Minnesota, Notre Dame, USC, Troy St. )
  11. Hey, I wasn't old enough to buy tickets...he's still a jacka$$.
  12. Sandram...Thank you for this comment. This situation has hit the Grand Forks community pretty hard. Definately a different atmosphere around here since the news broke. Now I find it hard to believe that Bison Kent is bitter...they made a great playoff run this year...oops, my bad.
  13. I'm actually surprised too. Yeah, ok, Michigan Tech isn't exactly a "powerhouse" in the WCHA, but they've played people tough this year. Plus, they DID beat Michigan at Yost (coming from behind). I'm surprised they aren't 13 or 14.
  14. Widsor is a must...it's served in only the finest penaly boxes. With any luck....... Welcome Home Dru!!
  15. Krissy is definately hot. Goulet is pretty cute too. But nobody compares to my girl Chelsey...nobody
  16. If this is indeed the guy that took Dru...foil up and break out the bats. I agree though, the most important person in this case is still nowhere to be found. Let's pray they find her soon, and she is safe. As long as we still don't know for sure...there is hope. I know I'm hanging on to it.
  17. Speaking of liking the way people think My sentiments exactly
  18. and Mesa St. Yeah, what a bad team they turned out to be. Remember we still beat you.
  19. Sioux: 78 UNA: 3 Seriously, UND: 31 UNA: 27 GVSU: 34 TAMUK: 26 Looking forward to a rematch of the 01 NC game. Good Luck Sioux and Lakers!!!
  20. Now, now...we can't go dissapointing our UNA guests and change the topic. No doubt UNA is a good football team, and will be a difficult team to beat. That said, all this smack talk is all in fun. Now, Lion fans have given us crap about not moving to D1-AA. Remind me what Division they play in. Oh, yes D2. Pot, meet kettle . Just so you're all aware, it isn't fiscally responsible for us to field 3, yes THREE (as opposed to UNA's 0...I think) Division 1 programs. The other two are hockey. BTW...UNA fans, ask tOSU what happens when you BARELY beat people... . Just in case you don't have ESPN down there yet...they won an NC.
  21. Hagemo also leads them with 31 PIM in 14 games.
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