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the green team

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Everything posted by the green team

  1. He would have to 1st be on schedule to earn a degree by May. I certianly don’t know if he is or not. But if he isn’t as many student athletes in today’s college world do it in 5, then there isn’t anything to really worry about, cause he can’t get a graduate trasfer, without a under grad degree. I’m not sure if any of us know the answer to that question definitively. And he did redshirt, so he can’t transfer and burn a redshirt year...its already been used.
  2. I would agree. IMHO, our uniforms are dreadful.
  3. Here’s a hypothetical question. What will Bubba have to do next year not to be on a hot seat and/or for it to be considered a step forward? Win 10 games? Win 7? Win 1 more than this year? Reach the playoffs? Win multiple playoff games? Less player issues outside football? Curious to hear what people would put in their checklist of what a satisfying progression would entail. This year has been tough to swallow. I’m hoping that this was a one off, but there are a couple of things that have to happen and have been mentioned frequently here. 1. O-Line play has to be better. UND has talented runners yes, but the holes haven’t been there enough and that truth actually goes back to last year. I’m not going to get into if it’s coaching or personnel. Bottom line, if they envision being a certain type of team...that area, must improve. 2. I feel that the way the current shotgun quick release spread offenses are with most of today’s college football world is a direct response of the years of the way we and other teams with similar philosophies approached the game, with pressure, pressure, pressure. Right now we aren’t getting there (to the QB) enough. Maybe, some of the time it’s talent, but I think some of the time it’s todays current scheme of offenses to defeat our philosophy- which is start the QB further back from the line of scrimmage and get it out quick. The Biggest help I see in order to continue to be who North Dakota wants to be is have the type of corners that can press the line of scrimmage and stay with their player longer. That way those DLine types and Backers can get there more frequently. These are just a couple of things that stand out to me,
  4. Stream Iheart Radio App. Choose 96.1 The Fox.
  5. Kind of like we did at USD on the 1st play. That really fooled them
  6. Of course Adidas has to throw more money for a foothold, kids love the swoosh. Mine do too. For some reason, that's just what I've always observed.
  7. They(Coaching Staff) have been trying to get them here to The Betty the last couple of years. Especially last year. It would have been nice to have them come to GF last year and then played down in Brookings this year (home&home). They could have saved the 70K, and our fans would have had at least another quality opponent to see on our court. However thats not how it worked out. You're right it doesn't matter after this year as next year both will be in The Summit. But they are probably arrogant enough to try and attempt to buy a conference game out-(joking) they must really not want to paly here
  8. SDSU is paying UND to come in. Not sure about NDSU. Maybe they pay Stetson & Florida A&M. I'm just a little envious that SDSU is in a position where they don't even have to consider a home & home non conference arrangement with UND. They are so flush down there that they just say here's 70K or whatever it is, and say take it or leave it. It would be nice if the shoe was on UND's foot. Or at least equal footing. However made up this feeling is by me...but I can't help but be irritated when a school who is in our corridor is essentially saying to us, "we are so much better than you, or at least so much better off than you, that we don't even have to consider coming to your place to play- we'll just get our our pocket book and you'll come runnin." I'm probably alone in that it irritates me, and I sit there and think, how did it ever come to this. I understand going to get money games from the Nebraska's, Creighton's and Gonzagaz'a...but at least to me when it's SDSU...it seems sort of demeaning. But I come from an era of fan where the D2 rivalry with the rabbits was super, so naturally it's going to bother me more.
  9. 4 with South Dakota State. My understanding from asking, is that all money games are anywhere from 70K to 105K. The person I know didn't know exact amounts., but did know that they fell into that range. I realize that UND Athletics is hurting for revenue, but 4 money games seems a bit much of an ask for a program who just went to the dance. Maybe they should shell out some $'s like SDSU, and bring some quality opponents in because that is what it will take to get some fairly decent home games. This much can be said....Football and Men's Basketball are more than doing their part to prop up the department budget. Granted they are they only 2 that can essentially go get games like that...but just saying.
  10. Most early season tournaments for Volleyball and Basketball(s) are money losers for the schools that host. Because the host school is usually on the hook for lodging for visiting teams, sometimes meals and sometimes flights, depending on the arrangements and agreements. Plus as the host, you not only have to staff the matches or games you play, but also the ones you don't. From stats, officials, concessions, etc it can add up. Usually a local business or several is sought to partner/sponsor to help offset but usually from what I've been told when you put together these early season tournaments, it's more about how much $ is an acceptable loss on the budget line, not how much money the school will make.
  11. I believe Color Analyst Mike Berg has said on the radio broadcast that Keaton usually goes to the LOS with 2 plays. He also has auto checks of about 5 plays depending if he see's something specific. Coach Berg, has been talking about this on radio broadcasts going back to Keaton's sophomore year at least. I don't think he goes up there with 1 play and 1 play only. That's why I bring my radio. That guy has some serious insight.
  12. I would have to agree with this
  13. That's weird. I'll be honest, I haven't seen any of the other teams (VB, WBB, MBB) with them or posting pics or doing a lot of talking about it on social media etc... I would just think we would have seen more if they did get rings. And if they did, maybe they had it in their team budgets or took an extra "money/revenue" game to do it? Really no idea on any of this. Just spit ballin.
  14. The other UND teams got rings? Is this confirmed? I hadn't heard that.
  16. I don't think you're familiar with how difficult it has been for UND to schedule non-conference home games in MBB. Even 1 or 2 decent ones. I'm not saying we have to be Kansas where the only time they leave the Phog is to play in Maui and MSG. But 1 or 2 decent non-conference home games would be appreciated by our fans and right now it's looking like The Summit is going to be significantly smaller by the time we arrive, which only stresses our ability to schedule non-conference in the future. Perhaps The Summit won't hemorrhage as many teams as I think and I will be pleasantly surprised. But I don't get that feeling right now.
  17. If the league schedule is only 12 or 14 because of a 7 or 8 team league--- it might as well start in mid January for that matter. Yes, I'm concerned with trying to schedule non-conference games with BSC schools and any schools for that matter. Heck the Jackrabbits have turned down coming here for not only last year but for several years now. Even though from my understanding both staffs get along fairly well- Nagy/Jones & Otzelberger/Jones. So if we can't even get the Jackrabbits to venture up I-29 for a home & home what makes you think we'll get a Weber State when they can schedule a bus ride to or from Logan, or Orem or Provo etc.?
  18. That was my great concern with this move when President Kennedy felt it was necessary to move to The Summit. While the Big Sky may have had it's travel issues, especially for UND, it did have a bunch of schools that really have no plans to go anywhere and that creates a substantial known conference schedule year in and year out. Apologize to Sioux Volley, but I remain unconvinced that the Montana schools have any interest in going elsewhere. They and their fans enjoy being the big bad bullies on the block and many years, and in many sports, they have been just that. Having visited with some of their fans this year- they conveyed, they have little to no interest in central time zone games. Now the Presidents who are the decision makers, how do they feel? I couldn't begin to guess, but I have to believe it can't be all that dissimilar to their fans thoughts. And that brings us back to this move into the Summit. While I look forward to renewing regular games with the teams we have so much history with, how can it be anything but concerning when it seems apparent that so many are trying to get off the ship? As a basketball fan, if the Summit ends up as a 8 or 7 team conference, how does a 14 or even more horrifying 12 game conference schedule sound. Let's be honest, very few schools are knocking down our door to play a game at the Betty in non-conference to play us to begin with. You can say that we can get the Montana's but I don't believe that will happen. They can look west for non-conference games from where they recruit from. My belief is once we make the move to the Summit, we won't be seeing any of the former Big Sky schools at The Betty anytime soon with maybe the exception of Northern Colorado. And depending how many teams are left in the Summit when we arrive.... expect to see our Fighting Hawks at home very little before January, because most of the non-conference opportunities will be for road games only, unless somebody plants a money tree outside The Betty where we can start paying teams to visit. That bothers me as a season ticket holder, I would like to see our team a little bit before the conference season and have at least a couple of games in my season ticket packet be decent match ups before The Summit League conference season begins.
  19. Actually, I believe it was. From what I was told it was a substantial pay day, as are most 1 and done's with Valley Schools (they've got money to bring in opponents). Plus we got the win. I'm just pointing out that 2 money games a year has been pretty standard since the move Division 1, something you previously stated wasn't the case. I was attempted to use facts to show that you may have been mistaken.
  20. 15-16 Season: Wisconsin & Bradley 14-15 Season: Minnesota & Marquette 13-14 Season: Wisconsin & Butler It appears to be similar or the same as many previous seasons with regard to money games.
  21. I believe you've been a stickler on this subject with me before. And I guess you are probably right that I should remember that particular shade considering my screen name
  22. http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/page/QTP_170803_TargetCenterBathroom/minnesota-timberwolves-preview-new-target-center-bathrooms-hilarious-video
  23. If UND Football wants their games on TV, there are only certain windows available set by the conference. And since we have a TV partner who pays UND, I'm quite sure (MidcoSN) would like to get the games they paid for, on. Of course I'm of the belief that having games on TV can have an affect on attendance, since it's so easy to say, "I think I'll stay home and watch". So maybe the answer is to have less games on television
  24. A 31 person committee? Really? I honestly am very skeptical of any committee larger than 6 to 10 people. Anything larger just shouts to me that it will get bogged down in never ending discussion. Also, what I see here is most likely a lot of people who will have some big ideas. That's excellent! Big ideas are great and some of these people are successful because of their ideas, however, ideas are one thing and implementation is another and often tied to having the dollars to do it. Last time I checked we have very few dollars to implement things with the new budget UND and Athletics have. Hopefully, they can be super creative or those on the committee who have the where-with-all can aid with the dollars necessary when it comes to implementing. Because often is the case you have to spend money to make money, but the sad reality right now from my understanding is that there is little or no money to spend. Not sure how they get around that one at this point in time. Super pumped to see the pre-season polls. It's great to see that this program has arrived to the point that it has the target on it's back. Now let's take the next step and handle being the team that is being the hunted.
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