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Everything posted by airmail

  1. I believe that there are some instances that would be harmless, and are negatively affected by this proposal. For example, I recall a roomate of mine bringing his shotgun to school so that we could hunt together on the weekends. (seems to me he had a "knife not for cooking purposes" as well) I do not see one thing wrong with that. Let's be honest with each other and acknowledge what I believe to be fact: If some idiot wants to go on a shooting rampage, he or she will; plain and simple. They will access a weapon from somewhere, whether near or far. Access to a firearm doesn't convince a mentally unstable person to start shooting classmates. Mental instability convinces a person to start shooting classmates.
  2. airmail


    Yeah... I guess I did know that.
  3. airmail


    This statement got me thinking... who were recent past winners of the ironman competition? (I'm not trying to set you up; just wondering if there's a correlation between being ultra prepared for the season, and game performance throughout said season)
  4. That's fine... but for this little meaningless poll, would it really hurt too much to just play along?
  5. Since the conversation was introduced in the "Why Minnesota Sucks" (paraphrasing a bit) thread; here's something a bit more positive that we can try to turn negative.
  6. New Director of Athletics at NDSU?
  7. Just announced on KFGO, TB is taking a "leave of absence"... no further comment from UND.
  8. I'm with trunkmonkey in that I have no idea of any internal issues, what they are or allegedly may be. (other than what I've read on this site anyway) So this whole thing kind of leaves me torn... On one hand, I say do what's best for the university and its athletes, coaches, and staff. During a transition time, internal friction is the last thing anyone wants or needs. If he needs to go... so be it. That's the way things go. On the other hand, having it a talking point at tailgating and a "rumor" printed on the front page of the Sunday sports section is classless. This shouldn't have been leaked... even though I'm admittedly one of those who loves hearing stuff before it's officially news. UND can't help but have a little egg on the face with this one. There is a certain amount of professional courtesy that was completely disregarded in the termination/ resignation (if any, I guess) of Tom B. Personally, I expect a little more class from our administration than what's been shown thus far. (again, if it indeed is fact; which we aren't sure of at this point) *edit The monopole thing was clever... I liked it up until the point where I realized I was among the "hard science types."
  9. So Jutting found another Maverick team to coach in the off-season?
  10. As I was listening to the Sioux game Saturday, I heard the score update of 21-0. Next thing I heard was the final score, 25-21. (I think?) What happened in that game anyway? Nice comeback!
  11. Agreed... pick your battles.
  12. True enough, but in the name of good fun and rivalry, I wouldn't expect SOS indexes are hot on everyone's mind. Kind of like when the gophers lose, I get a warm fuzzy... even if it hurts my favorite team's stats. It's sick, juvenile, and opportunistic... and I love it.
  13. While not wanting to participate in "who knew what when" argument that seems to be brewing, I have a question regarding Harmeson. Is he the final say in all things UND athletics? The article states in so many words that he is in charge of the move to D-I athletics... what's going on here? I thought this was the AD's realm? Someone please educate me........
  14. Of course it is considered a good read... look at the number of posts he has. (only pot-stirring... nice article from the "sudo-reporter")
  15. My take on things: If some guy grabs my wife's butt, I'm going to pound him. If some idiot breaks into my house, I'll shoot his/ her kneecaps out. (thanks ND Legislature ) People know when they're doing something wrong, and they should also know that sooner or later they'll get what's coming to them. Robbie knew it, Matt knew it, Geoff sure as hell knew it, and none of this should shock, surprise, or offend anyone.
  16. Best new thread justification ever. Classic.
  17. I saw a lot of people walking... probably helped the parking situation tremendously. The tailgating area had numbers painted on the spots, evrything seemed to be fine.
  18. Tornado What a night for this community, which is about 30 miles southwest of Grand Forks. Although the town is now "closed off", please consider giving this town your time and help when they need it.
  19. If you have a camera phone, you can take whatever image you have on your screen and take a photo of it. (turn flash off) An easy and free way to get cool Sioux images on your phone....
  20. Nice... Lennon keeps it all a secret, telling Tim & Swyg to wait for the press release; then Mussman blurts a few hours later.
  21. Since we started playing in the Alerus, I've noticed a lot more kids attending games than there were at Memorial. I would guess the climate control makes it easier on parents' ears and they're more likely to bring the whole family along. I'll admit it, the loud and comfortable Alerus atmosphere has been very easy to adapt to.... I'm more than used to it at this point.
  22. Dale had a lot of nice info this morning on KFAN. Sounds like their receiving corps is awesome too, with an O-line that actually has a bit of chemistry as most are returning from last year. (9-1 season/ kept out of the playoffs by a weak schedule) Sounds like a VERY talented team to test us right out of the gate... should be a good game! Go Sioux!
  23. What? And lose future ammunition against you? never in a million...
  24. You really are a doorknob! Everyone knows that the rooster pheasant is the king of all ND game birds. (uhhh... you still got any land out west that I can hunt on? )
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